承担和参与国家自然科学基金项目、国家973项目、中国科学院方向性项目等国家级项目5项。主持完成了猕猴桃属的系统学研究,水杉的遗传多样性和保护策略以及濒危物种中华水韭、巴东木莲和小勾儿茶的细胞遗传学研究等科研项目。此外,还承担了中国植物志英文版猕猴桃科、蝶形花科猪屎豆属,云南植物志蝶形花科和湖北植物志蕨类植物门的编撰工作。在国内外重要学术期刊上发表论文60余篇。有30多篇研究论文分别发表在国际(Systematic Botany,Molecular Ecology,Genetica, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, American Fern Journal)和国内(植物分类学报,云南植物研究,生物多样性)重要期刊上。 简要履 研究领域:系统与进化植物学 植物分类学与植物区系地理学 获奖及荣誉:湖北省自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖 武汉市自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖 湖北省2005年自然科学二等奖代表论著:Shi QF, Wang HC, Meng AP, Li XW Li JQg. 2008. New chromosome counts in Asarum s.l. (Aristolochiaceae) from China. Nordic Journal of Botany 25 (in press)Li XW, Li JQ. 2008. Lectotypification of Actinidia. Nordic Journal of Botany 25 (in press)
Li XD, Li JQ. 2008. Lectotypification of Rehmannia rupestris Hemsley (=Triaenophora rupestris (Hemsley) Solereder) (Scrophularaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany 25:161-166.
Li XD, Zan YY, Li JQ, Yang SZ, 2008. A numerical taxonomy of the genera Rehmannia and Triaenophora (Scrophulariaceae). Acta Phytotaxonmica Sinica 46(5):730-737.
Zhang YJ, Dang HS, Meng AP, Li JQ, Li XD. 2008. Karyomorphology of Epimedium (Berberidaceae) and its phylogenetic implications. Caryologia 61(3): 223-232.
Li XW, Li JQ, Soejarto DD. 2007. New Synonyms in Actinidiaceae from China. Acta Phytotaxonmica Sinica 45: 633-660.
Li JQ, Li XW, Soejarto DD. 2007. Actinidiaceae, Pp.334-360, in Wu, Z. Y., P. H. Raven & D. Y. Hong, eds. Flora of China. Vol. 12 (Hippocastanaceae through Theaceae). Science Press, Beijing, and Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.
Wang HC, Li JQ, He ZC. 2007. Irregular meiotic behavior in Isoetes sinensis (Isoetaceae), a rare and endangered fern in China. Caryologia 60(4):358-363.
Li XD, Li JQ. 2007. Lectotypification of Rehmannia rupestris Hemsley (=Triaenophora rupestris (Hemsley) Solereder) (Scrophularaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany 25:161-166.
Li XD, Li JQ. Zan YY. 2007. Allozymic variability in Rehmannia and Triaenophora (Scrophulariaceae). Acta Phytotaxonmica Sinica 45: 561-569.
Meng AP, Wang HC, Li JQ and Sima YK. 2006. A karyomorphological study of 40 species in 11 genera of the Magnoliaceae from China. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 44: 47-63.
Li XD, Yang J, Shi QF and Li JQ. 2005. Allozyme analysis of genetic diversity in eight cultivated populations of Metasequoia glyptostroboides. Biodiversity Science 13(2): 97-104.
He ZC, Li JQ, Cai Q and Wang Q. 2005. The cytology of Actinidia, Saurauia and Clematoclethra (Actinidiaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 147: 369-374.
Shi QF, Yang J, Li XD, Li XW and Li JQ. 2005. Genetic Diversity of Cultivated Populations of Metasequoia glyptostroboides. Acta Botanica Yunnanica 27(4): 403-412.
Wang HC, Meng AP, Li JQ and Sima YK. 2005 A Karyotypic Study on Manglietia (Magnoliaceae) from China. Caryologia, 58(2): 189-199.
Li XD, Li JQ and Zan YY. 2005. A New Species of Triaenophora (Scrophulariaceae) from China. Novon 15: 559-561.
He ZC, Li XD and Li JQ. 2005. Meiotic observations on the pollen mother cells of Manglietia patungensis Hu. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 43(6): 526-532.
Li JQ, Jiang MX, Wang HC and Tian YQ. 2004. Rediscovery of Berchemiella wilsonii (Schneid.)Nakai (Rhamnaceae), an endangered species from Hubei, China. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 42(1): 86-88.
He ZC, Li JQ and Wang HC. 2004. Karyomorphology of Davidia involucrata and Camptotheca acuminata, with special references to their systematic position. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 144: 193-198.
Song WH, Li XD, Li XW, Huang HW and Li JQ. 2004. Genetic diversity and conservation strategy of Psilopeganum sinense, a rare species in the Three-Gorges Reservoir area. Biodiversity Science 12(2):227-236.
Meng AP, He ZC, Li JQ and Wang HC. 2004. Karyomorphology of three Manglietia(Magnoliaceae) species. Acta Botanica Yunnanica 26(3):317-320
Wang HC, Meng AP, Li JQ and He ZC. 2004. Chromosome Numbers for Eight Species in Five Genera of Menispermaceae. The Journal of Japanese Botany 79(4): 241-246
He ZC, Li JQ, Cai Q, Li XD and Huang HW. 2004. Cytogenetic studies on Metasequoia glyptostroboides, a living fossil species. Genetica 122( 3): 269-276.
He ZC, Wang HC, Li JQ and Ye QG. 2004. Chromosome Behavior During Meiosis and Development of Spore Mother Cells in the Chinese Quillwort Isoetes sinensis T. C. Palmer (Isoetaceae). American Fern Journal 94(4): 183-195.
Li W, Xia LQ, Li JQ and Wang GX. 2004. Genetic diversity of Potamogeton maackianus in the Yangtze River. Aquatic Botany 80:227-240.
Li JQ, Wang HC, Li XD and Li XW. 2003. Molecular Phylogenetic Inference in Fagus (Fagaceae) Based on ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacer) Sequence of Nuclear Ribosomal DNA. Journal of Wuhan Botanical Research 21(1):31-36.
Li JQ and He ZC. 2003. Meiosis observation and chromosome configuration analysis of Magnolia denudata.Acta Phytotax.Sin. 41(4):362-368.
Li XD, Huang HW and Li JQ. 2003. Genetic diversity of the relict plant Metasequoia glyptostroboides. Biodiversity Science 11(2):100-108.
Li JQ, Huang HW and Sang T. 2002. Molecular phylogeny and infrageneric classification of Actinidia (Actinidiaeae). Systematic Botany 27(2):408-415.
Huang HW, LI ZZ and Li JQ. 2002. Phylogenetic relationships in Actinidia as revealed by RAPD analysis. Journal of the Ameican Society for Horicultural Science 127(5): 759-766.
Xia LQ, Li JQ and Li W. 2002. Genetic diversity of the clonal plants. Chinese Bull. Bot. 19: 425-431.
Esselman EJ,Li Jianqinag et al 1999, Clonal diversity in the rare Calamagrostis porteri ssp. insperat(Poaceae).Molecular Ecology.8:443-451. 承担科研项目情况: 青藏高原湿地等植物种质资源调查。科技基础性工作专项重点项目(2008-2012) 山毛榉科锥属的分类学研究。国家自然科学基金(2008-2010) 猕猴桃属的分类学研究。 国家自然科学基金 (2006-2008) 猕猴桃属的系统学研究。 国家自然科学基金 (2004-2006) 国家973项目的子课题水杉等关键物种的遗传多样性和保育策略。(2002-2005) 中国科学院方向性项目“植物的濒危机制和保育原理研究”中的课题“濒危植物的细胞遗传学研究”。(2002-2004) 山毛榉科的分子系统学研究。国家自然科学基金(1998-2000) 山毛榉科系统发育和进化的研究。国家自然科学基金(1992-1994)