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2008-06-29 · TA获得超过992个赞
(A)In England nobody under the age of eighteen is permitted to drink in a bar. Mr. Peter liked going to the bar near his house. But he never took his son, Mike, because he was too young. One day when Mike had his eighteenth birthday, Mr. Peter took him to the bar for the first time. They drank for about half an hour. And Mr. Peter said to his son, “now, Mike, I want to teach you something useful. You must always be careful not to drink too much. But how do you know that you have had enough? Well, I will tell you. Do you see those two lights at the end of the bar? When they become four, it means you have had too much, and you should go home.”
“But, Dad,” said Mike, “I can only see one light at the end of the bar, and do you think I am drinking too little?”
( ) 1. ______ will be able to drink in the public places in England .
A. Nobody B. No children C. Only old people D. No young people
( ) 2. Mr. Peter told his son _________.
A. that he was not old enough to drink too much
B. that nobody was allowed to drink too much
C. not to drink more than enough
D. that he should drink much if he wanted to go home
( ) 3. The number of the lights at the end of the bar is ________.
A. two B. four C. one D. sometimes two and sometimes four
( ) 4. This is _______ time for Mike to drink in a bar.
A. the first B. the second C. the third D. may be the fifth
( ) 5. Who drank too much?
A. Mike B. Mike’s father C. Neither of them D. Both of them

(B)A passenger was looking everywhere for his ticket because the conductor was coming up to punch tickets. He searched the pockets of his trousers, his coat and his wallet. To the other passengers’ surprise, they saw that he had the ticket in his mouth. The conductor quickly pulled the ticked out of his mouth, punched it, and gave it back to him. When the conductor moved on, the passenger’s friend said, “I’m sure you felt foolish just now, sitting there looking everywhere for your tickets when it was right in your mouth all the time.”
“Foolish?” answered the passenger. “I was chewing the date off.”
When his friend heard this, he criticized him and asked him to buy a ticket.
( ) 1. The passenger __________.
A. lost his tickets
B. didn’t buy a ticket for the trip
C. was looking for a lost ticked
D. forgot when he had put his ticket
( ) 2. The other passengers wanted to laugh because __________ .
A. the passenger lost his ticket
B. the passenger was chewing his ticket
C. the passenger had no ticket
D. they saw that the passenger had the ticket in his mouth
( ) 3. His friend _____________ .
A. knew why he was looking for the ticket
B. didn’t know why he was looking for his ticket
C. didn’t know he had lost his ticket
D. didn’t know that he didn’t have the money for a ticket
( ) 4. The conductor ___________ .
A. thought the man was not honest
B. knew why the man was chewing the ticket
C. thought the man had forgotten that the ticket was in his mouth
D. knew why the man had put the ticket into his mouth
( ) 5. The ticket in his mouth __________ .
A. was someone else’s
B. was the right one for the trip
C. was an old ticket that shouldn’t be used again
D. was the one he bought on the train

(C)Read the dialogue and fill in the Book Card for the librarian.

Name ________ Class: 802
Books’ names:1. _______________________
2. _______________________
Date: from Sept.10 to __________________
Librarian: ___________

A: Excuse me, Miss White. Are there any books about the earth?
B: Yes. The Story of the Earth. Do you like it?
A: Yes.
B: Here you are. Are you interested in science, Henry?
A: Yes.
B: Oh , I see.
A: By the way, can I have a look at the books on history? I love them very much.
B: Sure. They are on that shelf over there.
A: I’d like this one. The History of the USA.
B: Fill this card, please. You may keep them for two weeks. And you must return them on time
A: OK. I will.

(D)It was Sunday. Mr. Read got up early in the 1 . She had some housework to do. After breakfast she had a look at the watch and found it didn’t 2 . She had bought it ten years before, so she wanted to buy a new one. Her daughter, Sue, was only four. Her 3 was busy with his work that day and nobody 4 the girl. She couldn’t leave her at home. So she took Sue to 5 shop in the town.
It was fine that day and there were a lot of 6 in the shop. Mr. Read and her daughter went to the third floor and she began to 7 the watch she liked best there. But after she bought one, she couldn’t find Sue. She ran to the manager’s(经理) office and asked for help. The man began to go up and down to look for the little girl with her. Suddenly the woman 8 someone calling, “Kate!” She found it was her daughter! How happy she and the girl were!
“Whose name did you call, dear?” asked the woman.
“ 9 .”
“Why not call ‘mother’?”
“There are lots of mothers in the shop,” said the girl. “Which mother would 10 me?”
( ) 1. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night
( ) 2. A. run B. tell C. work D. walk
( ) 3. A. teacher B. husband C. son D. student
( ) 4. A. helped B. looked at C. looked for D. looked after
( ) 5. A. big B. the biggest C. small D. smallest
( ) 6. A. bikes B. chairs C. people D. animals
( ) 7. A. choose B. make C. reach D. show
( ) 8. A. saw B. thought C. hoped D. heard
( ) 9. A. Her B. Hers C. You D. Yours
( ) 10. A. ask B. answer C. call D. love

(E)One day in 1893 the people of Detroit (底特律), Michigan (密歇根州) were very surprised to see a car coming down the street. The driver’s name was Henry Ford.
Henry was interested in mechanical (机械的) things when he was a boy. At school he was not a good student. His father wanted him to be a farmer, but Henry wanted to make cars.
In 1903 he started the Ford Motor Company (福特汽车公司). His idea was to make cars that were lighter, cheaper, and faster. His Model T car sold the best. Ford sold fifteen million cars between 1908 and 1925. By the year 1925 the factory was making 7,5000 cars each day. Ford’s cars were cheaper because he had his own factories for most of the things he needed. He even built his own ships and planes.
Ford paid his workers good money. All of them got at least five dollars a day. That was a lot in those days.
1. The workers in the Ford Motor Company ________.
A. did harder work than in other factories B. had better life than other people in Detroit
C. got high pay at that time D. made more cars than all the other motor companies
2. Henry Ford was famous because __________.
A. he made ships and planes in his own factories
B. he could drive a car down the street himself
C. his Model T cars sold best at his time
D. he was interested in mechanical things as a boy
3. a. Henry and his father had agreed that he was going to be a farmer.
b. People in Henry’s hometown loved his car as soon as he drove it down the street.
c. Ford’s factory not only made cars, but built ships and plane as well.
d. Henry started his company 200 years ago.
A. Both a and b are true. B. Only c is true. C. All are true. D. All are false.
4. Henry Ford was a _______.
A. driver B. car maker C. a car designer(设计师) D. All of the above
5. From the passage we can see _________.
A. You can do everything well if you are interested in it and try your best.
B. If you are not a good student, you will be successful in the world.
C. It was easy to become famous at Henry Ford’s time.
D. Sell as many cars as you can , and you can pay your workers well.

(F)The earth moves round the sun ,and the moon moves round the earth .When our
part (部分) of the earth turns to the sun ,it is day ,When our part of the earth turns away
from the sun ,it is night. The sun is much bigger than the moon .But sometimes the
moon looks bigger than the sun ,because it's much nearer to the earth. The sun is
very bright .It gives a very strong light .The moon looks quite bright ,too .But it
doesn't give any light at all. The moon looks much bigger and brighter than the
stars .But actually (事实上)the stars are much bigger and brighter than the moon .They look smaller than
the moon because they're much farther away from us.

( )1、____ moves round _____.
A、The earth ,the moon
B.The moon ,the earth
C.The moon ,the stars
D.The sun ,the earth

( )2、Sometimes the moon looks bigger than the sun ,because______.
A、it is much bigger than the sun
B、it comes out only at night
C、it is much nearer to the earth than the sun
D、it doesn't give a very strong light

( )3、The sun ______.
A、is very bright ,and it gives a very strong light
B、isn't bright ,but it gives a very strong light
C、is very big ,but it doesn't give any light at all
D、is very round ,but it can't move round

( )4、The stars ______.
A、look much bigger than the sun
B、look much brighter than the moon
C、are a lot brighter than the moon ,but they are not bigger than the moon
D、are much farther away from us than the moon

( )5、When it is day,____ .
A、our part of the earth turns to (转到)the moon
B、the sun looks much smaller than the stars
C、we can't see any stars in the sky.
D、the moon turns away from the sun

A few years ago, I went to London for the first time. One day I wanted to go to a
park, so I got on a bus by myself. When the bus got to the shop near the park,
I wanted to get off. I stood up and rang the bell twice, but the bus didn’t stop.
The conductor came and shouted at me. I got off at the next stop. I heard someone
say, I thought he was a foreigner.”

Later I learned from my friend that only the conductor could ring the bell twice.
That means no one is getting off at the stop.(判断对,错)

1.I went to London for the first time last year.

2.One day I got on a bus because I wanted to go shopping.

3.I rang the bell twice when the bus got to the stop near the park.

4.The bus stopped after I rang the bell twice.

5.The conductor shouted at me when I rang the bell.

6.I got off the bus at the stop near the park.

7.Only the bus-driver could ring the bell.

8.Ringing the bell twice means no one is getting off the bus at the stop.

One Sunday morning in winter, I went for a walk. It was a very cold day,
and the (1) was blowing. By the side of a river I wanted to sit down to (2) when I
saw a small white (3). It lay down at my feet. I patted (拍) it (4) the head. When I
started to walk home, it (5) me and I could not get rid of (摆脱) it. It had a collar (项圈) on, (6) there was no name on it, so when I arrived home, I rang up the
nearest police (7). I told the policeman that I had found a small white dog, and (8)
I would keep it until its (9) claimed (认领) it. I gave him my name and address. Two days (10), a lady came to my home
to claim the dog. She said she had lost it because it hated (11) in cars, and on that
Sunday it had jumped out of the (12) window of her car without being noticed.
She gave me two pounds, but of (13) I refused (拒绝) to take any money. Soon the lady (14) it home. I was told that she was
quite (15) when she couldn’t find her friendly little animal.

1.A.snow B.rain C.cloud D.wind

2.A.see B.eat C.rest D.stay

3.A.cat B.dog C.fox D.hare

4.A.on B.in C.to D.by

5.A.followed B.stopped C.caught D.hit

6.A.as B.but C.if D.for

7.A.officer B.car C.station D.dog

8.A.soon B.then C.which D.that

9.A.owner B.mother C.lady D.friend

10.A.ago B.later C.before D.then

11.A.playing B.living C.riding D.sleeping

12.A.clean B.closed C.bright D.open

13.A.them B.all C.course D.it

14.A.refused B.took C.called D.received

15.A.sorry B.happy C.pleased D.angry

Peter was going out shopping. He waited for a short time 1 he got on a crowded(拥挤的)bus. He 2 for a while until the bus came to the next bus stop and some of the
people 3 .He took a seat beside 4 woman with several shopping bus. AS
there was 5 room for her, 6 she felt very uncomfortable(不舒服的).Peter wanted to 7 her, but she didn’t agree. 8 the bus came to town and
people began to get off. Peter was very polite. He stood up and 9 ,but she
refused(拒绝)again. It took her 10 to get all her heavy bags to the door. While the bus slowly
moving away .Peter found the fat woman was left alone on the bus shouting for
his help.

( )1.A.after B. so C. before D. as

( )2.A. sat B. stood C. ran D. waited

( )3.A. got off B. got out C. went in D. hurried away

( )4.A. a bad B. an old C. a very fat D. a young

( )5.A. no B. some C. enough D. not much

( )6.A. but B. and C. / D. because

( )7.A. know B. push C. talk to D. change his seat with

( )8.A. Just then B. At last C. In a minute D. When

( )9.A.went to her B. got off C. spoke to her D. tried to help her

( )10.A.a minute B. a very short time C. quite some time D. little work

(C):1.Henry 2. The story of the Earth 3. The History of the USA 4. Sep.24 5. Miss White
(D)1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. B
(E)1. C 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. A

参考资料: 初二阅读训练五 ;初二阅读综合训练(二) ;初二英语2006年期末复习卷

2008-06-29 · TA获得超过4748个赞
A tourist from England found himself in Norway with only enough money in his pocket to buy the ticket for his back home. As he knew that it would take him only two days to reach England, he decided that he could easily do without food. So he bought a ticket and got on the ship.
He closed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell. When dinnertime came he refused(拒绝) to go to the dining hall(餐厅), saying that he didn't feel well.
The next morning he didn't go to breakfast and he didn't have lunch , either. But at dinnertime he was so hungry that he couldn't stand it any longer. So he went for dinner.
At dinner he ate everything the waiter served him and fell ready for the coming row(吵架).
“Bring me the bill,”he said.
“The bill,sir?”said the waiter.
“Yes,”answered the traveler.
“There isn't any bill,”was the answer,“on the ship meals are included(包括) in the money for the ticket.”
1.A traveler from England wanted to go home, didn't he?
2.Did he have enough money for the ticket and food?
3.How long would it take him to get home?
4.When did he have a meal?
5.Did he give the waiter money for the meal? Why?
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