家,对我们而言,是叶落所能回归的根;是孤雁所能向往的巢;是江河所能拥抱的海;是航船所能依靠的岸。家是我们温馨的港湾。 ——题记 从小到大,家伴随着我的成长,家记录了我的喜怒哀乐,而正是这样的喜怒哀乐让我学到了很多。 记得上小学二年级时,我学骑自行车。由于起初平衡能力掌握不好,而且脚又踩不到地,所以总是摔倒。虽然摔得并不疼,但是由于是夏天,几次摔倒后,便心烦意乱,干脆坐在地上不起来了。可是这怎能行?行人虽然不是很多,但谁看了不是一个笑柄,于是妈妈赶紧让我起来,可是我那里肯听。 “大热天的学什么骑车子,现在交通这么方便,去个地方坐什么不行?没车的地方还可以走嘛……反正怎样都比骑车子好。” “这不是你要学的吗?” “我现在不学了可以了吧!” “难道你要当一个失败者吗?” “我……” 我被妈妈的话惊住了,我从来没有想过“失败者”这一词,更不会想到这样一件小事就可以让我变成一个失败者……我盯着妈妈,猜想着她接下来的举动——她一定会把我从地上拉起来的,一定会!——可是我错了,妈妈站起来,走到一边,只扔下一句:“摔倒了,不可怕,只要你肯再站起来,你还可以成功,但是如果你放弃,你就会一事无成。你自愿吧……” 就在那一天,我学会了骑自行车,学会了站起来。从此,“站起来”便成为了我的生活支柱,不管做什么,学什么,遇到什么样的难题,回到家,想起那句“站起来”我都会继续走下去。 因为这样,在班中我有着让人羡慕的成绩;因为这样,我能够在联欢会上和同学一起吹奏自学的乐曲;因为这样,我在级部拥有着不错的人际关系;因为这样,我才能坐在第一考场中,信心十足地与整个级部的精英同场竞技……是的,我曾一直以为,我所取得的,都来自于“站起来”,但是现在我发现我错了,真正支撑我的是家,是那个幸福而温暖的家。 是家,在我最疲惫的时候,给了我一个温馨的“岸”;是家,在我进入低谷的时候给了我鼓励;是家,让我拥有了一个幸福快乐的童年和一个可以脚踏实地的少年。或许将来有一天,我将会远离这个生我养我的地方,但是我永远都不会忘记,在遥远的天边,有一个寄托我回忆的地方,那是我永远的依靠,永远的避风港……
家,对我们而言,是叶落所能回归的根;是孤雁所能向往的巢;是江河所能拥抱的海;是航船所能依靠的岸。家是我们温馨的港湾。 ——题记 从小到大,家伴随着我的成长,家记录了我的喜怒哀乐,而正是这样的喜怒哀乐让我学到了很多。 记得上小学二年级时,我学骑自行车。由于起初平衡能力掌握不好,而且脚又踩不到地,所以总是摔倒。虽然摔得并不疼,但是由于是夏天,几次摔倒后,便心烦意乱,干脆坐在地上不起来了。可是这怎能行?行人虽然不是很多,但谁看了不是一个笑柄,于是妈妈赶紧让我起来,可是我那里肯听。 “大热天的学什么骑车子,现在交通这么方便,去个地方坐什么不行?没车的地方还可以走嘛……反正怎样都比骑车子好。” “这不是你要学的吗?” “我现在不学了可以了吧!” “难道你要当一个失败者吗?” “我……” 我被妈妈的话惊住了,我从来没有想过“失败者”这一词,更不会想到这样一件小事就可以让我变成一个失败者……我盯着妈妈,猜想着她接下来的举动——她一定会把我从地上拉起来的,一定会!——可是我错了,妈妈站起来,走到一边,只扔下一句:“摔倒了,不可怕,只要你肯再站起来,你还可以成功,但是如果你放弃,你就会一事无成。你自愿吧……” 就在那一天,我学会了骑自行车,学会了站起来。从此,“站起来”便成为了我的生活支柱,不管做什么,学什么,遇到什么样的难题,回到家,想起那句“站起来”我都会继续走下去。 因为这样,在班中我有着让人羡慕的成绩;因为这样,我能够在联欢会上和同学一起吹奏自学的乐曲;因为这样,我在级部拥有着不错的人际关系;因为这样,我才能坐在第一考场中,信心十足地与整个级部的精英同场竞技……是的,我曾一直以为,我所取得的,都来自于“站起来”,但是现在我发现我错了,真正支撑我的是家,是那个幸福而温暖的家。 是家,在我最疲惫的时候,给了我一个温馨的“岸”;是家,在我进入低谷的时候给了我鼓励;是家,让我拥有了一个幸福快乐的童年和一个可以脚踏实地的少年。或许将来有一天,我将会远离这个生我养我的地方,但是我永远都不会忘记,在遥远的天边,有一个寄托我回忆的地方,那是我永远的依靠,永远的避风港……
My family lives
The family, is everyone covered bee rain place, and have a happy family is people dream of. The family is composed of several people, we must care for each other harmony,then life will be happy not? You want to know my family life is what kind of? The following listen to me carefully tell you to listen!
My family is a happy by my mom and Dad, my brother'sfamily. My family is very ordinary, only the Saturday evening, our whole family to have a family reunion dinner.At this time, unable to hold oneself back to the father to go to the supermarket to buy back, left a bag, a bag to putright back. My mother is like a chef in the kitchen skill, the election, I was when my mother's little helper to do chores.And the elder brother in tidying up the sitting room. A do athing, awfully.
After all the labor, full of vegetables has been put on the table, the food smells like ten sweet scented osmanthus fragrance, I and brother of slobber to flow from the earlyruler, waiting for Dad's a dinner. Dad finally said dinner. My brother and I Dakoutaikou bite, the father and mother can't stop grinning, I cook to eat the mouth next to, like a cat, but my brother has put the food into the nose, like a clown, no wonder the parents can't stop grinning. Our family laughing and talking ate a sumptuous dinner.
Can think and, my family life is what.
The family, is everyone covered bee rain place, and have a happy family is people dream of. The family is composed of several people, we must care for each other harmony,then life will be happy not? You want to know my family life is what kind of? The following listen to me carefully tell you to listen!
My family is a happy by my mom and Dad, my brother'sfamily. My family is very ordinary, only the Saturday evening, our whole family to have a family reunion dinner.At this time, unable to hold oneself back to the father to go to the supermarket to buy back, left a bag, a bag to putright back. My mother is like a chef in the kitchen skill, the election, I was when my mother's little helper to do chores.And the elder brother in tidying up the sitting room. A do athing, awfully.
After all the labor, full of vegetables has been put on the table, the food smells like ten sweet scented osmanthus fragrance, I and brother of slobber to flow from the earlyruler, waiting for Dad's a dinner. Dad finally said dinner. My brother and I Dakoutaikou bite, the father and mother can't stop grinning, I cook to eat the mouth next to, like a cat, but my brother has put the food into the nose, like a clown, no wonder the parents can't stop grinning. Our family laughing and talking ate a sumptuous dinner.
Can think and, my family life is what.