PS cc安装总是失败
Exit Code: 6
Please see specific errors below for troubleshooting. For example, ERROR: DF012, DF023,D ...
-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
- 0 fatal error(s), 16 error(s)
----------- Payload: Recommended Common Fonts Installation {4574D206-D61E-4555-B146-A16B01985E0B} -----------
ERROR: DF012: Unable to find file(Seq 6)
ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "C:\Windows\Fonts\ACaslonPro-Regular.otf" Error 32 另一个程序正在使用此文件,进程无法访问。(Seq 6)
----------- Payload: Recommended Common Fonts Installation x64 {9CA50986-FAD4-48DC-8362-1C2E201900BE} -----------
ERROR: DF012: Unable to find file(Seq 7)
ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "C:\Windows\Fonts\ACaslonPro-Regular.otf" Error 32 另一个程序正在使用此文件,进程无法访问。(Seq 7)
----------- Payload: Required Common Fonts Installation {2A5D70AD-E4C3-4C3D-A18F-38B1CA51CE47} -----------
ERROR: DF012: Unable to find file(Seq 6)
ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "C:\Windows\Fonts\AdobeArabic-Regular.otf" Error 32 另一个程序正在使用此文件,进程无法访问。(Seq 6)
ERROR: DF023: Unable to delete file copy at "C:\Windows\Fonts\AdobeArabic-BoldItalic.otf" Error 5 拒绝访问。. Try setting correct permissions to the specified file/folder or parent folder, so that admin has rights to modify it.(Seq 4)
ERROR: DW063: Error rolling back command ARKMoveFileCommand(Seq 4)
ERROR: DF024: Unable to restore file at "C:\Windows\Fonts\AdobeArabic-BoldItalic.otf" from backup at "C:\adobeTemp\backup\adobetmp19099597" Error 5 拒绝访问。. Try setting correct permissions to the specified file/folder or parent folder, so that admin has rights to modify it.(Seq 4)
ERROR: DW063: Error rolling back command ARKDeleteFileCommand(Seq 4)
----------- Payload: Required Common Fonts Installation x64 {FDA0F184-FB72-47E7-A8DB-FF7D25E8BF8C} -----------
ERROR: DF012: Unable to find file(Seq 7)
ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "C:\Windows\Fonts\AdobeArabic-Regular.otf" Error 32 另一个程序正在使用此文件,进程无法访问。(Seq 7)
ERROR: DF023: Unable to delete file copy at "C:\Windows\Fonts\AdobeArabic-BoldItalic.otf" Error 5 拒绝访问。. Try setting correct permissions to the specified file/folder or parent folder, so that admin has rights to modify it.(Seq 5)
ERROR: DW063: Error rolling back command ARKMoveFileCommand(Seq 5)
ERROR: DF024: Unable to restore file at "C:\Windows\Fonts\AdobeArabic-BoldItalic.otf" from backup at "C:\adobeTemp\backup\adobetmp19129601" Error 5 拒绝访问。. Try setting correct permissions to the specified file/folder or parent folder, so that admin has rights to modify it.(Seq 5)
ERROR: DW063: Error rolling back command ARKDeleteFileCommand(Seq 5)
System Requirements 展开
Please see specific errors below for troubleshooting. For example, ERROR: DF012, DF023,D ...
-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
- 0 fatal error(s), 16 error(s)
----------- Payload: Recommended Common Fonts Installation {4574D206-D61E-4555-B146-A16B01985E0B} -----------
ERROR: DF012: Unable to find file(Seq 6)
ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "C:\Windows\Fonts\ACaslonPro-Regular.otf" Error 32 另一个程序正在使用此文件,进程无法访问。(Seq 6)
----------- Payload: Recommended Common Fonts Installation x64 {9CA50986-FAD4-48DC-8362-1C2E201900BE} -----------
ERROR: DF012: Unable to find file(Seq 7)
ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "C:\Windows\Fonts\ACaslonPro-Regular.otf" Error 32 另一个程序正在使用此文件,进程无法访问。(Seq 7)
----------- Payload: Required Common Fonts Installation {2A5D70AD-E4C3-4C3D-A18F-38B1CA51CE47} -----------
ERROR: DF012: Unable to find file(Seq 6)
ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "C:\Windows\Fonts\AdobeArabic-Regular.otf" Error 32 另一个程序正在使用此文件,进程无法访问。(Seq 6)
ERROR: DF023: Unable to delete file copy at "C:\Windows\Fonts\AdobeArabic-BoldItalic.otf" Error 5 拒绝访问。. Try setting correct permissions to the specified file/folder or parent folder, so that admin has rights to modify it.(Seq 4)
ERROR: DW063: Error rolling back command ARKMoveFileCommand(Seq 4)
ERROR: DF024: Unable to restore file at "C:\Windows\Fonts\AdobeArabic-BoldItalic.otf" from backup at "C:\adobeTemp\backup\adobetmp19099597" Error 5 拒绝访问。. Try setting correct permissions to the specified file/folder or parent folder, so that admin has rights to modify it.(Seq 4)
ERROR: DW063: Error rolling back command ARKDeleteFileCommand(Seq 4)
----------- Payload: Required Common Fonts Installation x64 {FDA0F184-FB72-47E7-A8DB-FF7D25E8BF8C} -----------
ERROR: DF012: Unable to find file(Seq 7)
ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "C:\Windows\Fonts\AdobeArabic-Regular.otf" Error 32 另一个程序正在使用此文件,进程无法访问。(Seq 7)
ERROR: DF023: Unable to delete file copy at "C:\Windows\Fonts\AdobeArabic-BoldItalic.otf" Error 5 拒绝访问。. Try setting correct permissions to the specified file/folder or parent folder, so that admin has rights to modify it.(Seq 5)
ERROR: DW063: Error rolling back command ARKMoveFileCommand(Seq 5)
ERROR: DF024: Unable to restore file at "C:\Windows\Fonts\AdobeArabic-BoldItalic.otf" from backup at "C:\adobeTemp\backup\adobetmp19129601" Error 5 拒绝访问。. Try setting correct permissions to the specified file/folder or parent folder, so that admin has rights to modify it.(Seq 5)
ERROR: DW063: Error rolling back command ARKDeleteFileCommand(Seq 5)
System Requirements 展开
PS cc安装总是失败
二、如果下载的是官方正版的photoshop cs6,在安装过程中,出现如下 ps cs6安装失败 安装遇到错误。可能是此计算机上存在冲突的或预发布的Adobe photoshop CS6版本,或者当前计算机中安装有其他Adobe的盗版软件!
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\C:\Program Files(x86)\Common Files\Adobe\
3、下载并安装Adobe Creative Suite Cleaner Tool
4、运行Adobe Creative Suite Cleaner Tool,清理之前安装的PS,清理后再次安装CS6。
PS cc安装总是失败
二、如果下载的是官方正版的photoshop cs6,在安装过程中,出现如下 ps cs6安装失败 安装遇到错误。可能是此计算机上存在冲突的或预发布的Adobe photoshop CS6版本,或者当前计算机中安装有其他Adobe的盗版软件!
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\C:\Program Files(x86)\Common Files\Adobe\
3、下载并安装Adobe Creative Suite Cleaner Tool
4、运行Adobe Creative Suite Cleaner Tool,清理之前安装的PS,清理后再次安装CS6。
PS cc安装总是失败