
51.你的车费多少钱?52.乘公共汽车去上学是最好的方法之一。53.从伦敦到巴黎最舒适方式是什么?54.英国航空公司是国际上最繁忙的航线之一。55..他家离学校最近。56... 51.你的车费多少钱?
54.英国航空公司是国际上最繁忙的航线之 一。
55.. 他家离学校最近。
56. 当心!别靠近火站着。
64. 我祝愿你在学习上取得成功。
 我来答
2008-06-30 · TA获得超过1599个赞
51.how much is your transportation fare?
52.Taking bus to school is one of the best ways for going to school.
53.Which way is the most comfortable way for going to Paris from London?
54.The british airlines are the busiest in the world.
55.. His home is very near from school.他家离学校最近。
56. Be careful! Don't stand too close to the fire. 当心!别靠近火站着。
57. Jackie Chan is one of the most popular actors in Hong Kong.
58. He is very friendly to me. 他对我非常友好。
59. He is very angry due to a very unfriendly mail. 由于一封不友好的信件他很生气。
60. Their money is not enough for taking them there by plane. 他们钱不够不能乘飞机去那。
61. I was born in 昆西--- a small town in the east of America coast.美国东海岸的一个小镇。
62. I live in Beijing which is the capital city of China. 我住在中国的首都北京。
62. It is a very successful film. 非常成功的一部影片。
63.He has done his job successfully. 他成功地完成工作。
64. I wish you success in your study.我祝愿你在学习上取得成功。
65. We all attended the basketball game last Sunday. 上个星期天我们都参加了那场篮球赛。
66.Children are all glad to attend school activities. 孩子们愿意参加学校活动。
67. When did you join the army? 你什么时候参军的?
68. Who attend the meeting? 谁出席了会议?
69. This railway starts with Beijing and end with Zhangjiekou. 这条铁路线起点是北京,终点是张家口
70. Since Soviet and America, China is the third country that sent human to the space.继苏联和美国之后,中国成为第三个把人送入太空的国家。
71.We should thank throusands of architectonic workers.我们应该感谢成千上万的建筑工人。
72.There is a lamp hanging on our head.我们的头顶的上方悬挂着一盏灯。
73. the airplane is flying above the clouds.飞机在云层上飞行。
74.he put one hand on my shoulder.他把一只手搭在了我的肩上。
75.don't forget to say hello to your parents for me. 别忘了向你父母问好。
76.I am here to say goodbye.我是来向你道别的。
77. I met an old friend on my way home. 在我回家的路上遇见了一位老朋友。
78. We visited the homes of several movie stars. 我们参观了一些电影明星的家。
79. we will fly home tomorrow. 明天我们要乘飞机回家了。
80. I took a lot of pictures, I will send them to you with this e-mail now. 我拍了许多照片,现随这封邮件发给你!
81. What are your expectations for the future?你对未来有什么样的希望?
82. I wish I can do well in the exam. 我希望期末能考出更好的成绩。
83. Being late for a meeting is not polite.开会迟到是不礼貌的。
84. would you please hang the map of China for me? 请把这幅中国地图挂起来好吗?
85. Audience should leave after the show ends.观众应该等到演出结束才能离开。
86. he always takes pen with him, so that he can write down important things.他总是随身带着笔,以便有重要的事情就下来。
87. We'd better read books as many as possible, because a good book can bring us knowledge, and help us to understand the world better.我们要尽可能多读好书,因为好书能给我们知识,还有助于我们更好地了解世界。
88.it's Sunday tomorrow, do you want to visit "the net" with us?明天是星期天,你愿意和我们一起去参观“鸟巢”吗?
89.this morning the bus broke down on its way, so we can only walk to school. 今天早上公交车半路上出故障了,我只能走着上学。
90. nowadays it is very convenient for people to take subway.现在人们乘地铁出行很容易。
91. the government is taking methods to prevent to teenagers go to internet bars.政府已采取措施阻止青少年去网吧。
92.Liyi loves English, so that he spend a lot of time to communicate with foreigners every Sunday.李毅酷爱英语,以至于每逢星期天他都会花很多时间用英语和外国人交谈。
93. What we are happy about is that there are more and more museums are open to public for free. 我们高兴的是越来越多的博物馆向公众免费开放了。
94. I think they will not give up the opportunity for being a volunteer. 我觉得他们不会放弃当志愿者的机会。
95. please prepare your textbook before class. 请在课前把书准备好。
96.I often tell my parents not to worry about me, I have already grown up. 我经常告诉父母别再为我担心,我已经长大了。
97.My father is always busying with his job, but when he has time, he either helps my mom with her housework or he exercise with me. 爸爸总是忙于他的工作,但是当他有空的时候,他要么帮妈妈做家务,要么陪我一起锻炼身体。
98. It's very hot here, you'd better open the window. 这儿很热,你最好打开窗户。
99. we are ready for 2008 olympics. 我们已为2008年奥运会做好了准备
100. I spent an hour cooking yesterday.昨天我花了一小时的时间做晚饭。
51.你的车费多少钱? How much is your fee?
52.乘公共汽车去上学是最好的方法之一。 By bus is one of the best ways to go to school .
53.从伦敦到巴黎最舒适方式是什么?What is most comfortable way from London to Paris.
54.英国航空公司是国际上最繁忙的航线之 一。British Airways is one of the busiest flight among nations.
55.. 他家离学校最近。 His home is nearest one from school.

56. 当心!别靠近火站着。 Watch out! Keep away from fire.
57.成龙是香港最有名的演员之一。Jackie Chen is one of the most famous actors in Hongkong.
58.他对我非常友好。 He is very kind to me.
59.由于一封不友好的信件他很生气。 A unfriendly letter drove him mad.
60.他们钱不够不能乘飞机去那。 They can not go there by air because they cannot afford the money.
61.我出生于昆西---美国东海岸的一个小镇。 I was born in Kunxi---a small town in America east coast.
62.我住在中国的首都北京。 I am living in china 's capital--beijing.
62.非常成功的一部影片。 It is a very successful movie.
63.他成功地完成工作。 He finished his work successfully.
64. 我祝愿你在学习上取得成功。I wish you success on study.
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2008-06-30 · TA获得超过101个赞
51. your fare how much money? 52. goes to school while the bus is one of best methods. what is 53. from London to the Paris most comfortable way? the 54. British Airways is internationally one of busiest routes. 55. His family leaves the school to be recent. 56. Be careful! Do not approach the fire to stand. 57. Cheng Long is one of Hong Kong most famous actors. 58. he is friendly to me. because 59. a unfriendly letter he is angry very much. 60. they the money insufficiently cannot go by plane that. 61. I am born west the elder brother---An American east coast small town. 62. I live in China's capital Beijing. a 62. very successful movie. 63. he completes the work successfully. 64. I wish you to obtain the success in the study. 65. we attended that basketball tournament last Sunday. the 66. children are willing to participate in the school activity. when 67. do you enlist in the military? the 68. who attended the conference? the 69. this bar iron route beginning is Beijing, the end point is Zhangjiakou 70. after Soviet Union and the US, China becomes third to send in the human the outer space the country. 71. we should thank tens of thousands of construction worker. 72. our top of the head's place above is being hanging a lamp. the 73. airplane flies in the cloud layer. 74. he built a hand on mine shoulder. 75. do not forget to give regards to your parents. 76. I come to you to say goodbye. 77. goes home in me on the road met an old friend. 78. we visited some movie star's family. 79. we must go by plane tomorrow go home. 80. I have made many pictures, presently issues you along with this mail! what hope 81. will you have to the future? 82. I hoped that the end of the period can test a better result. 83. holds a meeting to be late not politeness. 84. please hang this Chinese map? when the 85. audience should perform finishes can leave. 86. he always along with the belt sets pen to paper, with the aim of having the important matter to get down. 87. we must read the book as far as possible, because the good book can give us the knowledge, but is also helpful to us understands the world well. 88. tomorrow will be Sunday, you are willing to visit “the bird nest” together with us? 89. in the public transportation halfway has crashed this morning, I can only walk am going to school. 90. the people ride the subway journey to be very easy now. the 91. government has taken the measure to prevent the young people to go to the Internet bar. 92. Li Yi is very fond of English, he can spend many time on Sunday talks with English and the foreigner. what 93. we are happy was more and more museums free opens to the public. 94. I thought they will not give up working as volunteer's opportunity. 95. please prepare before the class the book. 96. I tell the parents not to worry again frequently for me that I already grew up. 97. daddy is always busy with his work, but when he has free time, he either helps mother to do the housework, either accompanies me to exercise the body together. 98. here is very hot, you should better turn on the window. 99. we already were in 2008 the Olympic Games prepare for 100. I to spend one hour time to make the dinner yesterday.
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2008-06-30 · TA获得超过141个赞
51. You how much the fares »
52. Bus to school is one of the best way.
53. From London to Paris What is the most comfortable way »
54. British Airways is the international one of the busiest routes.
55 .. his home from school recently.
56. Beware! Other stood near the fire.
57. Jackie Chan is one of the most famous actors.
58. He told me very friendly.
59. Unfriendly because of a letter he was angry.
60. Qian Bugou they can not fly to it.
61. I was born in Quincy - the United States east coast of a small town.
62. I live in China's capital Beijing.
62.'s A very successful film.
63. He successfully completed its work.
64. I wish you success in learning.
65. Last Sunday that we have participated in the basketball field.
66. The children willing to participate in school activities.
67. When you join the military's »
68. Who attended the meeting »
69. This railway line is the starting point for Beijing, is the end of Zhangjiakou
70. Following the Soviet Union and the United States, China has become the third man into space countries.
71. We should thank the thousands of construction workers.
72. At the top of our head of a hanging lamp.
73. Clouds on the aircraft in flight.
74. He had a hand ride in my shoulders.
75. Do not forget to greet your parents.
76. I have come to say goodbye to you of.
77. The way home I met an old friend.
78. We visited a number of movie stars home.
79. Tomorrow we have to go home by plane.
80. I took many photos, now with this message to you!
81. You in the future what kind of hope »
82. I hope that the end of the period to test out better results.
83. Lateness is impolite to the meeting.
84. Requests to the site map linked to China's okay »
85. Audience should wait until the end of performances to leave.
86. He always carry pens, so there are important things down.
87. As much as possible we want to read good books, because books will give us knowledge, but also help us better understand the world.
88. Tomorrow is Sunday, you are willing to join us to visit the "nest"? »
89. Bus this morning on the failure of the half, I can only walk to school.
90. It is now very easy subway travel.
91. Government has taken measures to stop young people to Internet cafes.
92. Li Yizhong love English, so every Sunday he will spend a lot of time talking in English and foreigners.
93. We are pleased that more and more museums open to the public free of charge.
94. I think they will not give up when volunteer opportunities.
95. In the course before the book ready.
96. I always tell parents not to worry about for me, I have grown up.
97. Father is always busy with his work, but when his free time, he helped his mother or do the housework, or to accompany me in physical activity.
98. Very hot here, you had better open the windows.
99. We have to do a good job in the 2008 Olympics preparations
100. Yesterday, I spent one hour of time to do dinner.
已赞过 已踩过<
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2008-06-30 · TA获得超过858个赞
51. You how much the fares » 52. Bus to school is the best one of the ways. 53. From London to Paris What is the most comfortable way » 54. British Airways is the international one of the busiest routes. 55 .. his home from school recently. 56. Beware! Do not stand near the fire. 57. Jackie Chan is one of the most famous actors. 58. He told me very friendly. 59. Unfriendly because of a letter he was angry. 60. Qian Bugou they can not fly to it.61. I was born in Quincy - the United States east coast of a small town. 62. I live in China's capital Beijing. 62.'s A very successful film. 63. He successfully completed its work. 64. I wish you success in learning. 65. Last Sunday that we have participated in the basketball field. 66. The children willing to participate in school activities. 67. When you join the military's » 68. Who attended the meeting «69. This railway line is the starting point of Beijing, Zhangjiakou end is 70. Following the Soviet Union and the United States, China has become the third man into space countries.71. We should thank the thousands of construction workers. 72. At the top of our head of a hanging lamp. 73. Clouds on the aircraft in flight. 74. He had a hand ride in my shoulders. 75. Do not forget to greet your parents. 76. I have come to say goodbye to you of. 77. The way home I met an old friend. 78. We visited a number of movie stars home. 79. Tomorrow we have to go home by plane. 80. I took many photos, now with this message to you!81. You in the future what kind of hope » 82. I hope that the end of the period to test out better results. 83. Lateness is impolite to the meeting. 84. Requests to the site map linked to China's okay » 85. Audience should wait until the end of performances to leave. 86. He always carry pens, so there are important things down. 87. As much as possible we want to read good books, because books will give us knowledge, but also help us better understand the world. 88. Tomorrow is Sunday, you are willing to join us to visit the "nest"? » 89. Bus this morning on the failure of the half, I can only walk to school. 90. It is now very easy subway travel.
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