电影《绿色奇迹》里面的一段对话,是我最喜欢的....这一段讲的是一个善良、纯真、有着超自然力量并且处处帮助别人不计回报的死刑犯“约翰”(他是被冤枉的)将要处决之时与监狱主管“保罗”的一段对话(监狱主管知道他是无罪的) Paul Edgecomb: What do you want me to do John? I'll do it. You want me to let you walk out of here and see how far you get?
John Coffey: Now why would you want to do a foolish thing like that?
约翰:为什么你会想做那么愚蠢的事? Paul Edgecomb: When I die and I stand before God awaiting judgment and he asks me why I let one of HIS miracles die, what am I gonna say, that it was my job?
保罗:当我死了,我站在上帝面前等候审判,他问我为什么让他的奇迹死去,我该说什么,那是我的工作? John Coffey: You tell God the Father it was a kindness you done. I know you hurtin' and worryin', I can feel it on you, but you oughta quit on it now. Because I want it over and done. I do. I'm tired, boss. Tired of bein' on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. Tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with, or tell me where we's coming from or going to, or why. Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head all the time. Can you understand?
约翰:你告诉上帝是出于善意。我知道你伤心焦虑,我可以感觉到,但你现在必须停止。因为我希望结束。真的,我累了。厌倦在路上,像雨中孤独的麻雀。厌倦没有伙伴陪伴,或者告诉我何去何从,或者为什么。我厌倦了人们丑陋的彼此相待,厌倦了每天感到和听到的伤痛。太多了。它一直就像我脑袋里的玻璃碴。你能理解吗? Paul Edgecomb: Yes, John. I think I can.
John Coffey: Now why would you want to do a foolish thing like that?
约翰:为什么你会想做那么愚蠢的事? Paul Edgecomb: When I die and I stand before God awaiting judgment and he asks me why I let one of HIS miracles die, what am I gonna say, that it was my job?
保罗:当我死了,我站在上帝面前等候审判,他问我为什么让他的奇迹死去,我该说什么,那是我的工作? John Coffey: You tell God the Father it was a kindness you done. I know you hurtin' and worryin', I can feel it on you, but you oughta quit on it now. Because I want it over and done. I do. I'm tired, boss. Tired of bein' on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. Tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with, or tell me where we's coming from or going to, or why. Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head all the time. Can you understand?
约翰:你告诉上帝是出于善意。我知道你伤心焦虑,我可以感觉到,但你现在必须停止。因为我希望结束。真的,我累了。厌倦在路上,像雨中孤独的麻雀。厌倦没有伙伴陪伴,或者告诉我何去何从,或者为什么。我厌倦了人们丑陋的彼此相待,厌倦了每天感到和听到的伤痛。太多了。它一直就像我脑袋里的玻璃碴。你能理解吗? Paul Edgecomb: Yes, John. I think I can.
我不知道你要中文的台词还是英文原版?写两句记得的……【这个世界我只相信2个人,一个是我,另一个不是你】——空中监狱【万物有始有终 Every thing that has a beginning has an end】——黑客帝国
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