记得有首经典的歌 部分歌词是:I don't know how to act, how to say but I konw.That will be ok 什么的

 我来答
Ina - Fall

  I gave you all you desired  我满足你所有的欲|望  All that you needed  你所有的需求  Boy, I provided  男孩,我奉献(原词是提供,给予。但是俺觉得奉献更好)  I let you into my head  我允许你进入我的脑袋  Into my bed  上我的床  And that’s a privilege  这是你的特权  I had your back at the answers  我已经得到了你的答案  You took the dollars  你选择了钱  I took the chances  我选择了机会  Defended, battled and fought  辩解,争吵,打架  Cuz I thought you really loved me  因为我认为你真的爱过我  I don’t know where to start or where to stop  我不知道(这一切)从何开始又从何结束。  No, but I know I am done  NO,但是我知道我已经结束了  I’ve had enough  我已经受够了  So fall out of my hands  所以从我的手中坠落  Out of my heart  离开我的心(其实我特别想翻译成 从我的心里滚出去!哈哈)  And when you hit the ground  当你崩溃  You’ll be sorry that I’m not around  你感到很遗憾我不在身边  I will watch you  我只会看着你  And you fall out of your mind  你放弃你的意见  Out of your fantasy  放弃你的幻想  When you hit the wall  当你碰壁  Think of me  想想我  I’ll be on the top just watching you fall  我只会站在上面看着你坠落  You said that you were the strong one  你说你知道你在做什么(strong在美语里活用的太厉害了,我只能估计出,在这句里意思是 能做得到,有这个能力。)  I was the girl  我只是个小女孩  And I was the young one  我还年轻  I kept your feet on the ground  我曾让你脚踏实地  My head in the rounds I had you  我满脑子都是你  You told me you were so grateful  你告诉我你非常感激  I was with you  我和你在一起  And I was so faithful  我非常忠诚  Stood by in all that you said  信奉你所说得一切  And all that you did  你做了一切  I loved you  我爱过你  I don’t know how to act or what to say  我不知道该怎么做或是怎么说  But I know I am good  但是我知道我很好  I’ll be okay  我会(一直)好好的  And you fall out of my hands  你从我的手中坠落  Out of my heart  从我的心中离开  And when you hit the ground  当你躲在一边  You’ll be sorry that I’m not around  你感到很遗憾我不在身边  I will watch you  我只会看着你  And you fall out of your mind  你放弃你的意见  Out of your fantasy  从你的幻想中离开  When you hit the wall  当你碰壁  Think of me  想想我  I’ll be on the top just watching you fall  I’ll be on the top just watching you fall  我只会在上面看着你坠落X2  So fall out of my hands  所以从我的手中坠落  Out of my heart  从我的心中离开  And when you hit the ground  当你崩溃  You’ll be sorry that I’m not around  你感到很遗憾我不在身边  I will watch you  我只会看着你  And you fall out of your mind  你放弃你的意见  Out of your fantasy  从你的幻想中坠落  When you hit the wall  当你碰壁  Think of me  想想我  I’ll be on the top just watching you fall  I’ll be on the top just watching you fall  我只会在上面看着你坠落X2
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