struct Sequence
// real sequence, if it is not stored swap file:
char *data;
// length of the sequence:
int size;
int bufsize;
//uint32_t stats;
// if swap != NULL, the sequence is stored in file.
// swap is opened as temporary file, which will be deleted automatically
// after the program is finished:
FILE *swap;
// stream offset of the sequence:
int offset;
// stream offset of the description string in the database:
size_t des_begin;
// length of the description:
int des_length;
// length of the description in quality score part:
int des_length2;
// length of data in fasta file, including line wrapping:
int dat_length;
char *identifier;
// index of the sequence in the original database:
int index;
short state;
int cluster_id;
float identity;
float distance;
int coverage[4];
Sequence( const Sequence & other );
void Clear();
void operator=( const char *s );
void operator+=( const char *s );
void Resize( int n );
void Reserve( int n );
void Swap( Sequence & other );
int Format();
void ConvertBases();
void SwapIn();
void SwapOut();
void PrintInfo( int id, FILE *fin, FILE *fout, const Options & options, char *buf );
}; 展开
// real sequence, if it is not stored swap file:
char *data;
// length of the sequence:
int size;
int bufsize;
//uint32_t stats;
// if swap != NULL, the sequence is stored in file.
// swap is opened as temporary file, which will be deleted automatically
// after the program is finished:
FILE *swap;
// stream offset of the sequence:
int offset;
// stream offset of the description string in the database:
size_t des_begin;
// length of the description:
int des_length;
// length of the description in quality score part:
int des_length2;
// length of data in fasta file, including line wrapping:
int dat_length;
char *identifier;
// index of the sequence in the original database:
int index;
short state;
int cluster_id;
float identity;
float distance;
int coverage[4];
Sequence( const Sequence & other );
void Clear();
void operator=( const char *s );
void operator+=( const char *s );
void Resize( int n );
void Reserve( int n );
void Swap( Sequence & other );
int Format();
void ConvertBases();
void SwapIn();
void SwapOut();
void PrintInfo( int id, FILE *fin, FILE *fout, const Options & options, char *buf );
}; 展开
Sequence = class()
// real sequence, if it is not stored swap file:
data: PChar; //一般可以用string代替 不过如果是用来和C编写的程序交换的话最好使用PChar
// length of the sequence:
size: Integer;
bufsize: Integer;
//uint32_t stats;
// if swap != NULL, the sequence is stored in file.
// swap is opened as temporary file, which will be deleted automatically
// after the program is finished:
swap: file;
// stream offset of the sequence:
offset: Integer;
// stream offset of the description string in the database:
des_begin: Cardinal; //unsigned Integer
// length of the description:
des_length: Integer;
// length of the description in quality score part:
des_length2: Integer;
// length of data in fasta file, including line wrapping:
dat_length: Integer;
identifier: PChar;
// index of the sequence in the original database:
index: Integer;
state: Smallint; //short 一般是16位 用Smallint
cluster_id: Integer;
identity: Single; //Single 32位浮点 Double 64位浮点
distance: Single;
coverage: array[0..4] of Integer;
constructor Create()// delphi喜欢使用Create来命名构造函数, 无需使用Sequence();
constructor CreateBySequence(other: Sequence)//个人猜测这个构造函数的意思是用已经存在是实例来构造这个类
destructor Destroy(); //析构函数
procedure Clear();
//delphi 不支持运算符重构 可以用函数来代替
procedure Assign(s: PChar); //void operator=( const char *s );
procedure Append(s: PChar); //void operator+=( const char *s );
procedure Resize(n: Integer );
procedure Reserve(n: Integer);
procedure Swap(other: Sequence);
function Format(): Integer;
procedure ConvertBases();
procedure SwapIn();
procedure SwapOut();
procedure PrintInfo(id:Integer; fin: file; fout file; opt: Options; buf: PChar ); //Options应该是个类型由于delphi是大小写不敏感所以变量改为opt
end; //类定义结束