
天尽头是一块充满了神秘感的土地,也是一块充满了恐怖传说的土地。关于天尽头,人们最广泛的传说是,秦始皇东巡到了天尽头,不久就死在回京的途中;有些著名政治家到过天尽头,结果回... 天尽头是一块充满了神秘感的土地,也是一块充满了恐怖传说的土地。关于天尽头,人们最广泛的传说是,秦始皇东巡到了天尽头,不久就死在回京的途中;有些著名政治家到过天尽头,结果回去后就先后下野。于是,人们把这里视为一片不祥的土地,在人们潜意识里,天尽头带给人们的不但是神秘,而且是恐怖,它似乎充满一种神奇的力量,是一种魔咒,是一种神奇,是一种政治人物的末日之路。(原来这里有一块石碑,刻着“天尽头”三字。后来,为了打消游者游览的顾虑,人们在天尽头的石碑旁,重新立了一块石碑,将“天尽头”改成了“天无尽头”)。
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At the end of the day is a piece of land full of mystery, is also a piece of land full of horror tales. About the end of the day, people is the most widely legend, qin shihuang east tour at the end of the day, soon died on their way back to Beijing. Some famous politicians to pass to the end, the result is successively dark when he gets back. So, people saw this as a sense of land and in people's subconscious, bring people not only mysterious, at the end of the day and is a terrorist, it seems to be full of a kind of magical powers, is a kind of charm, is a kind of magic, is a kind of political figures of the end of the road. (here's a piece of stone, engraved with the "day" at the end of the three characters. Later on, in order to reassure travellers visiting, people beside the stone at the end of the day, to set up a, will be "at the end of the day" changed to "no" at the end of the day).At the edge of the sea, we overlook the sea, the in the mind has some regret. People often say that the wave momentum at the end of day is very surprising, is a kind of blend cloud, rough rocky shore of the weather. But when we arrived at the end of the day, only to find that the day of the sea is calm. The waves just plays a microwave, the old man seems to be the kind of smile; This day is no biting wind, let a person feel the infinite tenderness, rather than the murderous look terrifying. Looking at the sea, I thought of those legendary figures. I imagine their voice, imagine the feeling when they come here. I think that the big shots came to the end of the day, looking at the vast sea, watching the waves here, their mood is what kind of? Is feeling nature infinite strength, feel his small, or breast rumbles on, the heavens and the earth wants to compare? The mind of the big men. We cannot fathom, but I think, no matter what they had an idea, the wonders of nature, it is will give them with intense shock.
Near the end of the day, notably several sealing character god statue. Son tooth, Zhao Gongming, roller, and than do people. I wonder why the designer to put together, these characters because they had not a faction, but also is not one of the most famous characters in FengShenYanYi. But I am very fond of the tooth, and left a shadow in front of the squire as. Friends asked me why I choose him, I said, they say, son tooth here, baiwujinji. Put the son tooth in the end of the day, the Mediterranean, blue waves, the waves, in addition to bring people a boundless beauty, I'm afraid will bring people endless auspicious blessings. Son tooth in history to help zhou featuring cut up got the world, featuring the qi letter to him, the son tooth since then became the ancestor of the qi, at the end of the day, natural also belong to his territory. Son tooth as a military and political leader, nature won't sailed less than here. His old man's house is work life is satisfactory, but also good fortune as one wishes. The spell at the end of the day, also have no effect on him.
2013-09-07 · TA获得超过119个赞
The end of the day is a mysterious land, is also a full oflegend of the land. At the end of day, the most extensivelegend, the emperor East tour to the end of heaven, died later on the way back to Beijing; some famous politicians to pass the end result, back has to. So, the people hereas a sinister land, in people's subconscious, the end of the day brings people not only mysterious, and horror, it seems to be a magic power, is a kind of magic, is a kind of magic, is a kind of political figures of the end of theroad. (the original here is a piece of stone, engraved with the "end of days" three words. Later, in order todiscourage tourists visit the concerns, people in the dayat the end of the stone, to set up a piece of stone, will"end of heaven" to "no end of the day").
In the sea, we are overlooking the sea, the heart have some regrets. People often say that the end of the daythe wave momentum is extremely alarming, quite astoning from cloud, crack Jingtao shore weather. But we reached the end of the day, but found the sea seems tobe in smooth water. The waves just plays a microwave,seems to be the kind of smile; it also does not have whatthe brisk sea breeze, let a person feel the infinitetenderness, but not overwhelming murderous. Looked at the sea, I think the legend. I imagine their one's voice and expression, imagine they came here feel. I think, those big people came to the end of the day, looked at the vast expanse of the sea, watching the waves here, their moodis what kind of? Feeling the nature infinite power, feel small, or chest rumbles on, the desire and the world?Men's thoughts, that we cannot fathom, but I think,whether they had an idea what, the wonders of nature, itis to give them a strong shock.
At the end of the sky, attract sb.'s attention is severalgods statue of a man. Jiang Ziya, Zhao Gongming, et al.There is the sky goddess, dry. I'm surprised designers here why these people to put together, because they hadnot a camp, but also not Fengshen kingdoms in the most famous figure. But I really like Jiang Ziya, and in theshadow of Liu Taigong as before. Friend asked why I choose him, I said, as the saying goes, Jiang Ziya here,no restrictions of any kind. Put Jiang Ziya in the end of the day, the vast expanse of water, the tempestuous waves, in addition to bring people to the infinite beauty,the fear will bring people endless blessing. The history of Jiang Ziya to King Wu won the world, Wang put Qi letter to him, Jiang Ziya then became the ancestor, the dayend, nature also belongs to his territory. Jiang Ziya is a party political and military leader, natural not to paradeover here. His life is work fruit satisfactorily, is of good luck and happiness to you. Days at the end of the spell,he had no effect on the.
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2013-09-20 · 超过18用户采纳过TA的回答

Au bout de paradis est un pays plein de mystère, est rempli d'un bloc de terre de la légende de la terreur.Sur la fin du ciel, que les gens le plus large, l'empereur est tournée vers la fin du ciel, et bientôt mort dans le chemin de retour à Beijing; certains politiciens à passage fin, les résultats après successivement à démissionner.Alors, les gens d'ici comme une terre sinistre, dans leur subconscient, la fin du ciel amène les gens pas mais mystérieux, mais c'est horrible, il semble remplir un pouvoir magique, c'est un sort, c'est un miracle, c'est la fin de la route un caractère politique.(anciennement il y a une pierre, gravé "trois jours à la fin de mot.Enfin, pour abandonner l'appréhension de touristes à visiter, à côté de la pierre dans les jours de fin, de nouveau, la pierre, le "jour de l'extrémité" a été remplacé par "un jour sans fin").Près de la mer, nous avec vue sur la mer, et mon coeur un peu de regrets.On dit souvent que les vagues de la fin du ciel élan extrêmement alarmante, avec un mélange de nuage sur la lapidation, la météo.Mais nous sommes arrivés à la fin du ciel, mais que la journée de la mer semble calme.Les vagues ne joue à micro - ondes, semble sourire est le genre vieux; ce n'est pas la douce brise de mer, que quelqu'un me est infinie tendresse et meurtrière n'est pas terrible.Regarde la mer, je pense à quelqu'un qui le légendaire.J'imagine que leur voix, imaginé ressentir qu'ils viennent ici.Je voudrais, les principaux chiffres à jour fin, la mer regarde c'est immense, regarder ici de vagues, leur humeur est - ce que c'est?C'est le sentiment de la force de la nature infinie, sentir insignifiant, ou la poitrine - ycy, veut que le procès?Le coeur de quelqu'un, on ne peut pas deviner, mais je pense que, quelle que soit leur était une idée de ce que, les merveilles de la nature, est toujours de leur donner un grand choc.Au jour près de la fin, notamment plusieurs dieux figurines.Un fils de dent, Zhao Gong, Yunxiao Impératrice, et que d'autres.Mon décorateur bizarre ici pourquoi les caractères à placé conjointement, car elles avant sa mort n'est pas un camp, mais également dans des dieux et n'est pas la personne la plus célèbre.Mais j'aime le fils de dent, et à laisser l'ombre Gong comme avant.Un ami m'a demandé pourquoi j'ai choisi de lui, je l'ai dit, il y a un dicton, Jiang Ziya ici, tout va bien.Le fils de dent mis à jour à la fin de ces millions d'hectares, Bibo, cette terrible, sauf à amener les gens à l'infini de la beauté, la bénédiction de peur que les gens apportera également propice à l'infini.L'histoire à l'Empereur Wu Jiang Ziya gagné, Wang Qi lettre le lui donner, Jiang Ziya désormais pères, le jour de la fin de la vieille Qi, naturellement, appartient à son territoire.Fils de dent en tant que chef militaire de l'une des Parties, naturel n'est pas ici de croisière.Lui, c'est le fruit de la vie de travail satisfaisante, mais aussi de la chance.Le jour de fin, sur l'effet qu'il n'est pas.
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