完形填空My wife and I were walking through the par

MywifeandIwerewalkingthroughtheparkinglotatthesupermarkettheotherday.Wenoticedahugetr... My wife and I were walking through the parking lot at the supermarket the otherday. We noticed a huge truck _16_ about a foot into the next parking space. There wasplenty of room in its own space _17_ the driver had chosen to park very poorly andmade sure that _18_ could use the space next to his. My first _19_ was “Why do people act like such idiots 白痴” “What a _20_ that people have to do things like that.” My wife said. I stopped and looked around at the rest of the parking lot. There were a good fivehundred _21_ and 99 of them were parked well. Their drivers had shown the _22_necessary to park in a way that still _23_ other people to park. “Think about it” I said. “Only one _24_ parks poorly and we start using ‘people’ todescribe the driver.” The _25_ of the matter is that we forget about the thousands ofpeople who _26_ themselves when we see one person doing something rude. I’ve been _27_ for many years and the percentage of good drivers is always _28_than the percentage of poor drivers. “People” don’t necessarily drive poorly butindividuals do. My wife and I almost didn’t _29_ the many cars that were parked well because thecar that was parked poorly caught our _30_. It is true that we’re far less _31_ to see thepositive side of things if we keep _32_ on the negative. Once we fall into this trap howmany of the wonderful things in the world will we _33_ Our lives are ours to live and the _34_ we see our world is up to us. Remember:the rude person truly is an _35_ and not 展开
 我来答
2013-09-10 · TA获得超过1.8万个赞

没有选择嘛? 那我只能猜了啊 @_@

  • parked

  • but

  • no one 或者 no body

  • response 或者 thought

  • shame

  • cars

  • politeness 或者 respect

  • let 或者 allowed

  • person 或者 individual 

  • truth

  • behave

  • driving

  • greater 或者 larger

  • realize 或者 notice

  • attention 或者 sight

  • likely

  • noticing 或者 focusing

  • miss

  • way

  • exception

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