He ________ to the airport to meet us, but he had to leave before we arrived. A.didgoB.didn'tgoC.wouldgoD.hadgone... A. did goB. didn't goC. would goD. had gone 展开 我来答 可选中1个或多个下面的关键词,搜索相关资料。也可直接点“搜索资料”搜索整个问题。 airport leave 搜索资料 1个回答 #热议# 什么是淋病?哪些行为会感染淋病? zyb_ylj 2013-09-10 · TA获得超过1856个赞 知道答主 回答量:3.1万 采纳率:100% 帮助的人:4522万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 答案A此句为“他的确去机场接我们了”,助动词does/do/did+动词原形,起加强语气的作用. 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 推荐律师服务: 若未解决您的问题,请您详细描述您的问题,通过百度律临进行免费专业咨询 其他类似问题 2023-04-12 When he arrived at the airport,Mr.Smith found that he________ his ticket in the office. 2022-08-12 ( )he came,he would bring us a lot of flowers.A Every times B At one time C Every time D Once 2022-01-02 before+she+got+to+the+airport,she(+)about+the+ear 2020-03-31 ___the airport they waved again and again to me. 2012-02-28 ____ his arrival___the airport, he saw a dog.A.On,at B.At,of C.On,of D.At,on 2 2011-07-18 I arrived at the airport ____ the plane had taken off. A.after B.while C.when D.before 2 2011-09-21 The flight was due to leave at 8:30 a.m.,so he had to be at the airport about 7:30 in the morning. 3 2010-09-13 He-----------to meet us at the station,but he didn't see us. 2 更多类似问题 > 为你推荐: