各位好,今天要讲的是关于儿时陪伴我们学习英语的一点点回忆。大家是否还记得我们刚接触英语时书本上一直出现的几个人物吗?本来这些东西早已消失在我们的脑海中,但是几年前无意中听到一首歌名为李雷和韩梅梅,我瞬间就回忆起了小时候刚学习英语时书本上人物的形象和那些简短的对话:hi i`m lilei。hi my name is hanmeimei。以及露西 林涛和uncle王,想着想着,我不由自主的笑了起来,当初学习英语那傻傻的样子还依稀记得,我也喜欢那首歌中,歌手对于李雷和韩梅梅长大之后命运的道路的猜测,也引起了我的遐想,我经常想回到家找到儿时的书去看看他们,可是,幼时的东西都已经找不到了,这让我怅然若失,我不喜欢英语,但是这并不影响我对韩梅梅他们的喜爱,我想着这些陪伴我幼时的好伙伴么,却也感觉到了:人长大了,得到的是成熟,稳重。失去的却是童真,单纯,和那些简单的快乐。
Hello, everyone, today's lesson is about childhood with us to learn English a little bit of memories. Remember when we first contact with English books has been on a few people? Originally these things have already disappeared in our mind, but a few years ago overheard a song called li lei and han meimei, I recall when I was a child just learning English in an instant books up the image of the characters and the brief dialogue: hi I ` m lilei. Hi my name is hanmeimei. And Lucy and uncle wang Lin tao, thinking about thinking, I couldn't help laughing, when learning English that silly look vaguely remember, I also like the song, the singer for li lei and han meimei speculation of the fate of the road when I grow up, also caught my fancy, I often find childhood want to go back to my home to see them, but, as things are already can't find it, it makes me felt lost, I don't like English, but this does not affect my love for han meimei them, I think that my partner of childhood, but also feel: people grow up, get is mature, sedate. Lost is a childlike innocence, pure, and those simple happiness.
Today we are going to talk about a little bit of memories of learning English when we were still kids.
Do you all still remember the characters who have always been seen in the English book?
These things could have already forgotten from our minds,but i overhearded a song which name was called LILEI and HANMIHMEI several years ago,at that moment i recalled the characters' image and the short dialogue when we first began to learning English, Hi ,i'm LILEI,Hi my name is HANMEIMEI.inclueded LUCY,LITAO,and uncle Wang.
Thinking and thinking,i bursted into laughter in spite of myself,.vaguely remember that part of the silly look in first learning English.
I also love that song,the singer speculated about the path of destiny of LILEI and HANMEIMEI when they grew up that caught my fancy.i have often wanted to get home and found my childhood books to go and see them,however,the objects i used when yong i couldn't find anything.this got me feeling a sense of loss.
I didn't like english,but it didn't hurt that my affection to HANMEIMEI and her friend.
I thought about these good parners that accompanyed me when yong,meanwhile i felt when we grow up,we get mature,steady,at the same time,lost innocence,simple and the simple pleasures
Today we are going to talk about a little bit of memories of learning English when we were still kids.
Do you all still remember the characters who have always been seen in the English book?
These things could have already forgotten from our minds,but i overhearded a song which name was called LILEI and HANMIHMEI several years ago,at that moment i recalled the characters' image and the short dialogue when we first began to learning English, Hi ,i'm LILEI,Hi my name is HANMEIMEI.inclueded LUCY,LITAO,and uncle Wang.
Thinking and thinking,i bursted into laughter in spite of myself,.vaguely remember that part of the silly look in first learning English.
I also love that song,the singer speculated about the path of destiny of LILEI and HANMEIMEI when they grew up that caught my fancy.i have often wanted to get home and found my childhood books to go and see them,however,the objects i used when yong i couldn't find anything.this got me feeling a sense of loss.
I didn't like english,but it didn't hurt that my affection to HANMEIMEI and her friend.
I thought about these good parners that accompanyed me when yong,meanwhile i felt when we grow up,we get mature,steady,at the same time,lost innocence,simple and the simple pleasures
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