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阅读理解Thereisasaying"Beautyisintheeyesofthebeholder."Whatoneindividualthinksbeautifulma... 阅读理解 There is a saying "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder." What one individual thinks beautiful may not be beautiful to another. When we talk about beauty in people, we often refer to their physical attractiveness. Of course, a beautiful or handsome face is pleasant to look at. But to me, beauty is not only something that pleases the eyes, but also pleases the other senses and the mind. I think true beauty makes you see beyond the lovely sight. It will give you insight or realization of something interesting beyond just the outward appearance. The most memorable "beautiful people" are those who have attractive personalities behind the pretty faces. In one of my previous classes, there were two beautiful girls, Sue and Lin. Both had almost perfect faces and slender figures. But Lin was used to getting her way. She felt that her looks could help her get anything she wanted, especially among the boys. Sue, on the other hand, treated her beauty as a matter-of-fact way and she was nice to everyone. She was also a member of the debating team. Her personality was mostly accepted by others and it made her a more outstanding beauty than Lin. Inner beauty is another kind of beauty that attracts people greatly. People who have this kind of beauty have attained inner peace. They care about their fellow-man, and try to right the injustices in this world. Two well known personalities who exemplify this are Nelson Mandela and Mother Theresa. Mandela is willing to sacrifice his life and freedom to obtain equal right for the blacks in South Africa. Mother Theresa's mission is to help the poorest of the world's poor. This inner look makes the world a better place. 1. When talking about beauty in people, we often refer to _________. A. "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" B. their physical attractiveness C. something beyond the lovely sight D. the good senses 2. In the author's opinion, true beauty is____________. A. to make you see beyond the lovely sight B. the outward appearance C. something that pleases the eyes D. a beautiful or handsome face 3. According to the passage, why did the author think Lin less beautiful than Sue? A. Because Sue had perfect face. B. Because Sue had slender figures. C. Because Sue was nice to everyone. D. Because Lin treated her beauty in a matter-of-fact way. 4. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? A. Beauty is not a perfect face. B. Inner beauty also attracts people. C. Beauty is not an attractive personality behind the pretty face. D. Beauty is not something pleasing the eyes. 展开
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