房租的英文如下:〈名〉 house rent; room charge; rental
短语搭配如下:付房租pay the rent、降低/提高房租lower/raise the rent、拒交房withhold the rent、欠两个月的房租owe sb two months’rent、收房租collect the rent、拖欠房租fall/get behind with the rent、房租高/低high/low rental、房租补贴rent subsidies、每月/每年房租monthly/yearly rental
1、他们把房子租给了一位年轻人,每月房租为2,000元。They have let the house to a young man at (a rent of) 2,000yuana month.
2、她收入的40%都交房租了。Forty per cent of her income goes on/to rent.
3、长期的低租金福利性住房制度。the long-existing low-rent welfare housing system.
4、对现有的租户,租金仍然是被管制的,而且续租的租金水平必须要比得上当地那些相似的住房。For existing tenancies, rents are still regulated, and renewals must stay at a level comparable with those for similar dwellings in the locality.
5、完善住房公积金制度,加大以经济适用住房为重点的住房建设力度,建立廉租房供应保障体系。The housing fund system will be completed. Efforts will be intensified to build housing with focus on economic affordable housing, and the system to ensure the supply of low-rent housing will be established.