moon halo歌词如下:
Some deserts on this planet were oceans once.这颗星球上的一些沙漠曾是海洋。
Somewhere shrouded by the night, the sun will shine.被黑夜笼罩的地方,也会迎来光明。
Sometimes I see a dying bird fall to the ground.偶尔也会见到濒死的鸟跌落地面。
But it used to fly so high.但它也曾展翅高飞。
I thought I were no more than a bystander till I felt a touch so real.我本以为我不过是个旁观者 直到我感觉到如此真实的触觉。
I will no longer be a transient when I see smiles with tears.当我看到人们含泪的微笑 我便不再是个匆匆过客。
If I have never known the sore of farewell and pain of sacrifices.如果不曾知晓生离死别的伤痛。
What else should I engrave on my mind.我又该将什么铭记于心。
Frozen into icy rocks, that's how it starts.冰冻成石一般的开端。
Crumbled like the sands of time, that's how it ends.沙漏崩落一般的终结。
Every page of tragedy is thrown away burned out in the flame.悲剧的每一页已被焚烧殆尽。
A shoulder for the past.给过往一个肩膀。
Let out the cries imprisoned for so long.让久被禁锢的哭泣得以放声。
A pair of wings for me at this moment.给此刻的自己一双翅膀。
To soar above this world.翱翔于世界之上。
Turn into a shooting star that briefly shines but warms up every heart.化为一颗流星,给每个心灵一瞬的希望。
May all the beauty be blessed.愿所有的美好都能得到祝福。
May all the beauty be blessed.愿所有的美好都能得到祝福。
I will never go.我不会离开。
There's a way back home.这就是我们的归途。
Brighter than tomorrow and yesterday.比过往与未来都要更加闪耀着。
May all the beauty be blessed.愿所有的美好都能得到祝福。
Wave good-bye to the past when hope and faith have grown so strong and sound.当希望和信念羽翼丰满,就向昨日告别吧。
Unfold this pair of wings for me again.再一次为我张开这双羽翼。
To soar above this world.翱翔于世界之上。Turned into a moon that always tells the
warmth and brightness of the sun.化为月亮长久地传达着太阳的光耀。
May all the beauty blessed.愿所有的美好都能得到祝福。
May all the beauty be blessed.所有的美好都能得到祝福。