grow up什么意思
grow up的意思是长大。
grow up例句有如下:
1.You know, I didn't grow up in a real museum culture in Burbank.在伯班克长大的日子里,我没有接触过真正的博物馆文化。
2.I'm not going to let him grow up into a liar if I can help it.只要我能做到,我不会让他长大后成为一个骗子。
3.You may still be trying to figure out what you want to be when you grow up.你可能仍然处在摸索的过程,想弄明白到底什么才是你想要的。
4.rarely argue over toys and are easy to reason with, but suffer from a lack of shared interests as they grow up, the researchers claim.研究人员称,姐弟或兄妹很少会为玩具争吵,也比较听话,但是他们在成长过程中缺少共同的兴趣爱好。