求一篇英语小短文 内容涉及到九年级上前两个单元的语法知识

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第一单元 Kelsey is my good friend .Before,she had a bad lifestyle. for example,she hardly ever got up before seven o'clock in the morning .After supper,she always played computer games before doing her homework.she didn't like drinking milk and she ate a lot of junk food every day. then one day, she got very ill.she had to be in hospital for three weeks.it made her feel that she ,must look after her health well. Now Kelsey exercises every morning.Usually she runs before breakfast. she only plays computer games on weekends .she has good eating habits,too. she drinks milk every morning and afternoon. Although she likes junk food very much she only eats it once a week.A good lifestyle helps her keep in good healthy 第二单元 Many years before ,there lived a doctor in a small town.he was good and kind .everyone in the town liked him and people always went th him when there was something wrong on them . But later as the doctor became old ,he had a bad memory It made him do some foolish things sometimes.He can give us the wrong medicine, people though and they didn't go to the doctor's any more .the doctor's any more. the doctor no ticed that but he did not understand . So he asked "Why don't you come to me now? Nobody wanted to make him sad,so they said,"You make all of us keep in good health.NO one is ill now.the doctor was quite happy when he heard that. 第三单元 The weekend is coming Let's me tell you something about my friends' weekends plans.Mary is Visiting her uncle with her partents. Tom is going to a movie with his some friend .Simon and Bill are playing computer games at the Bill's house .Nancy having party at home 第四单元 Dear Rose , I'm very glad you are coming to visit me .Now I will tell you how to get to my hoouse .After you
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