A Clearance Sale:
Jennifer: Hi, Wendy. I'm going to Isabel's. Are you coming?
Wendy: No. The things there are too expensive for me. I can't afford it.
Jennifer:That is no problem at all. Isabel's is having a clearance sale, and today is the last day. You
don't want to miss such a good chance, do you?
Wendy: Really? That's wonderful. Can you wait a second? I need to change.
Jennifer: All right, but hurry up. It always takes you hours to change.
Wendy: I will. Do you think we can still get dstt something really nice and cheap? I mean, since this is the
last day.
Jennifer: I think so. They don't sell shoddy clothes for one thing.
Wendy: Should we ask Cindy to come along? She saw an evening gown made of silk there last month which
she wanted to buy very much. She didn't buy it of course. It would cost her three months' salary.
Jennifer: She already bought that evening gown.
Wendy: When?
Jennifer: Yesterday. She wore dstti that gown last night, and showed off to everybody at Mr. Miles' party.
Wendy: Oh! That isn't like her.
Jennifer: Hurry up, will you? We'll have to go to a gas station first.
Wendy: All right, all right. I'm ready now. Let's go.
珍妮佛 :嗨,温蒂。我要到伊莎贝尔去。你要不要跟我一块儿去?
温蒂: 不了。那儿的东西太贵了。我买不起。
珍妮佛: 那不成问题。伊莎贝尔正在清仓大拍卖,今天是最后一天。你不会想错过这个好机会吧?
温蒂: 真的吗?那太好了。你等我一下好吗?找去换衣服。
温蒂 :我会的。你想我们还买得到又好又便宜的东西吗?我是说,既然今天已经是最后一天了。
珍妮佛: 我想可以吧。至少他们不卖粗制滥造的衣服。 ;
温蒂: 我们要不要约辛蒂一起去?她上个月在那裏看了一件绛质的晚礼服,她很想买。当然她后来没有买,那会花掉她
珍妮佛 : 她已经买了那件晚礼服了。
温蒂 : 什么时候买的?
珍妮佛 : 昨天。她昨天晚上就穿了,向每个参加麦乐斯先生宴会的人炫耀。
温蒂 : 哦!她平常不会那样的。
珍妮佛 : 快点,好吗?我们还得去加油站呢。
温蒂 : 好了啦。我准备好了。咱们走吧。
A Clearance Sale:
Jennifer: Hi, Wendy. I'm going to Isabel's. Are you coming?
Wendy: No. The things there are too expensive for me. I can't afford it.
Jennifer:That is no problem at all. Isabel's is having a clearance sale, and today is the last day. You
don't want to miss such a good chance, do you?
Wendy: Really? That's wonderful. Can you wait a second? I need to change.
Jennifer: All right, but hurry up. It always takes you hours to change.
Wendy: I will. Do you think we can still get dstt something really nice and cheap? I mean, since this is the
last day.
Jennifer: I think so. They don't sell shoddy clothes for one thing.
Wendy: Should we ask Cindy to come along? She saw an evening gown made of silk there last month which
she wanted to buy very much. She didn't buy it of course. It would cost her three months' salary.
Jennifer: She already bought that evening gown.
Wendy: When?
Jennifer: Yesterday. She wore dstti that gown last night, and showed off to everybody at Mr. Miles' party.
Wendy: Oh! That isn't like her.
Jennifer: Hurry up, will you? We'll have to go to a gas station first.
Wendy: All right, all right. I'm ready now. Let's go.
珍妮佛 :嗨,温蒂。我要到伊莎贝尔去。你要不要跟我一块儿去?
温蒂: 不了。那儿的东西太贵了。我买不起。
珍妮佛: 那不成问题。伊莎贝尔正在清仓大拍卖,今天是最后一天。你不会想错过这个好机会吧?
温蒂: 真的吗?那太好了。你等我一下好吗?找去换衣服。
温蒂 :我会的。你想我们还买得到又好又便宜的东西吗?我是说,既然今天已经是最后一天了。
珍妮佛: 我想可以吧。至少他们不卖粗制滥造的衣服。 ;
温蒂: 我们要不要约辛蒂一起去?她上个月在那裏看了一件绛质的晚礼服,她很想买。当然她后来没有买,那会花掉她
珍妮佛 : 她已经买了那件晚礼服了。
温蒂 : 什么时候买的?
珍妮佛 : 昨天。她昨天晚上就穿了,向每个参加麦乐斯先生宴会的人炫耀。
温蒂 : 哦!她平常不会那样的。
珍妮佛 : 快点,好吗?我们还得去加油站呢。
温蒂 : 好了啦。我准备好了。咱们走吧。