
很久很久以前,一名男生暗恋一名女生3年了,在这3年期间,这男生不断取悦她,希望这位女生每天都能过得开开心心,别老是不开心,但是却反而带给这位女生烦恼,令这位女生更加的尴尬... 很久很久以前,一名男生暗恋一名女生3年了,在这3年期间,这男生不断取悦她,希望这位女生每天都能过得开开心心,别老是不开心,但是却反而带给这位女生烦恼,令这位女生更加的尴尬.
3年过去了,男生只能做的就是让她觉得很烦,都是多余的。毕业了,2个人没有来往了,各走各路。男生得知她很喜欢玩微博,所以他搞了一个微博,男生不断的找她的微博,又怕给别人发现,(免得其他人以此当笑话,令到她更加尴尬)几经波折,终于在同学的粉丝中找到她了,但是又不敢直接加她的好友。害怕影响到她的生活,怕她会给自己吓到,更加害怕的是:她已经不记得这个男生了是谁了。一次偶然的机会,男生跟女生在微博聊了一下,(因为时间久了,双方都认为已经没有什么事了,男生也以为是这样的,把不该说的话,也说出来了)接着又一段时间的空白期,男生不断的刷新,不断的寻找,却还是没发现女生发的微博,男生好想了解 女生最近看什么电影,生活状态,每次看到女生换头像,或者发近况微博,都会仔细看一天。后来在qq签名,发现女生最近很烦恼。男生更加不敢打扰,女生因为自己的事情已经很烦恼了,不想在给她增添麻烦。只能默默的,默默的继续刷新她的动态,或许这已经是一个习惯了(男生觉得自己很没用,一次次的都是这样,不敢向前迈进一步,每次都想表白,但是却一次次的止步了,说到坎上了,却装模作样的逃避,逃避话题。“也许是怕吓到她,朋友都没得做。”也许也许,太多的也许了,也许得也让他望而止步了~)
经过 某次的聚会中 ,平时大大咧咧的男生 ,得知这位女生会去,兴奋得一晚都 睡不着觉啊,担心自己 太猥琐,担心自己穿得不好看,担心这,担心那。漫长的等待,终于到了 聚会那天,可是事情并不是像男生想的那么美好,得知那位女生已经拍拖了,仿佛身边景色都黑了似的,完全感觉不到丁点的快乐,极大的反差,令男生的表情都换不过来了。聚会接近尾声的时候,每当女生的电话响起,男生就更加不是滋味(电话里面肯定是她男朋友正在嘘寒问暖),但 还是要表现得跟什么事也没发生过一样,更加不能够让她的发现,估计人家也不当自己一回事。
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2013-09-23 · 超过15用户采纳过TA的回答
Long long ago, a boy loves a girl for 3 years, during these 3 years, the boys continue to please her, hope the girl every day to live happy, do not always happy, but instead to bring the girl trouble, the girls are more awkward. Over the past 3 years, boys can only do is to make her feel very vexed, is redundant. Graduate, 2 people have nothing to do, go their separate ways. The boys know that she likes to play micro-blog, so he got a micro-blog, boys continue to find her micro-blog, again afraid to others, (or other people to laugh, to make her more awkward) after many twists and turns, finally found her classmates in the fans, but not directly with her friends. Fear affects her life, afraid that she would be to scare myself, even more afraid of is: she doesn't remember the boy who was the. An accidental opportunity, the boys with the girls chatted in micro-blog, (because of the long time, both sides think nothing, boys are also thought so, do not say, say it) and then a period of interregnum, boys constantly refresh, constantly the finding, but still can't find the micro-blog girls, boys want to know the girl recently what movie, life, every time I see the girl in the head, or the development micro-blog, will see a day. Later in the QQ signature, found the girl very vexed recently. The boy more dare not to disturb, girls because of their things have been very upset, don't want to add trouble to her. Can only silently, silently to refresh her dynamic, perhaps this is a habit (boys feel useless, and again like this, did not dare to step forward, every time I want to express, but again and again to stop, when it comes to hum, but die for kind of escape topic, escape. "Perhaps afraid frighten her, friends did not have to do." Perhaps, perhaps too much, may also let him stop ~) after a party, usually the careless boy, that the girl would go, excited to get a night can't sleep sleep ah, worry about yourself too wretched, worried about their dress not good-looking, worrying about it, afraid that. The long wait, finally to the party that day, but it is not so beautiful as boys think, learned that the girls have been dating, like the side view are black like, not to feel a little happy, in great contrast, the boys look for but come. When the party came to an end, when the girl's phone rang, boys more than taste (the phone is definitely her boyfriend was ask people whether they feel hot), but to act like nothing happened, more can't let her find, estimate the family also not themselves one thing. Hard really, no reason to destroy others, he was shameless to easily find a woman dating, she is a "she" look like, to be continued......

Long, long ago, a boy has a crush on a girl for 3 years, during the three years, the boy please her constantly, hope the girls can have a happy every day, don't always not happy, but instead bring the girl's troubles, embarrassing the girls more. 3 years later, the boys have to do is to make her feel very vexed, were all for naught. Graduate, two people not going back and forth, each walk each. Boys know that she likes to play weibo, so he built a weibo, boys constantly looking for her weibo, again afraid to others found that (lest others when joke, make her more embarrassed) after several twists and turns, finally found her in the classmate's fans, but dare not direct with her friends. Afraid to affect her life, afraid she'll scare yourself, even more afraid of, she is no longer remember the boy who is. Accidental opportunity, talked to the boy and the girl in weibo, (because the time is long, both sides think has nothing, boy also think so, shouldn't say, also said it) and then blank period for a period of time, the boy constantly refresh, constantly looking for, but still not found female germinal weibo, boys want to know what kind of movies do girls recently, living conditions, every time I see the girl in picture, weibo or send status, will see one day. In the qq signature, later found the girl very vexed recently. Boys more dare not to bother, girls because of their own things already very annoyance, don't want to add trouble to her. Can only silently, quietly continue to refresh her dynamic, perhaps this is already a habit (boys feel oneself very useless, again and again is so afraid to step forward, every time want to do, but was stopped, said to the camp, but pretend to escape, escape. "perhaps afraid frighten her friends didn't have to do." perhaps, perhaps, too much maybe, maybe too let him hope and stopped the ~) by one party, the careless boy at ordinary times, learned that the girl will go to, excited to sleep a night, worry about yourself too trivial, worried that they wear not good-looking, worry about this, worry about that. Long wait, finally on the day of the party, but things are not so good, as boys want to know that the girl has been dating, like nearby scenery all dark, completely do not feel any happiness, great contrast, the boys expression for not coming. Party near the end of time, every time the phone rings of girls, boys are more than taste (the phone must be her boyfriend is be caring and attentive, but still want to act like nothing happened, more can't let her findings, estimate the somebody else also not his thing. Really very big blow, no reason to destroy others, men are shameless to grab a woman to date, treat her as a "she", to be continued...

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Long, long ago, a boy has a crush on a girl for 3 years, during the three years, the boy please her constantly, hope the girls can have a happy every day, don't always not happy, but instead bring the girl's troubles, embarrassing the girls more.
Three years later, the boy have to do is to make her feel very vexed, were all for naught. Graduate, two people not going back and forth, each walk each. Boys know that she likes to play weibo, so he built a weibo, boys constantly looking for her weibo, again afraid to others found that (lest others when joke, make her more embarrassed) after several twists and turns, finally found her in the classmate's fans, but dare not direct with her friends. Afraid to affect her ?
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