Basketball is a team sport involving two teams, each team played five players. Purpose of scoring the ball into the other basket, and prevent access to the ball or score each other. Can pass the ball in any direction, cast, shoot, roll, or movement, but limited by the rules. Basketball various forms, there are three of the most popular street basketball game, a three on three games, it has more individual skill. The highest level of world basketball league in the United States National Basketball Association (NBA). Basketball in 1904 included performances at the Olympic Games to the 1936 Berlin Olympics as the official project.
Women's Basketball to the 1976 Montreal Olympics, became a project.篮球是一个由两队参与的球类运动,每队出场5名队员。目的是将球进入对方球篮得分,并阻止对方获得球或得分。可将球向任何方向传、投、拍、滚或运,但要受规则的限制。篮球比赛的形式多种多样,也有最流行的街头三人篮球赛,是三对三的比赛,更讲究个人技术。当今世界篮球水平最高的联赛是美国的国家篮球协会(NBA)。篮球在1904年列入奥运会的表演项目,到1936年柏林奥运会成为正式项目。女子篮球到1976年蒙特利尔奥运会才成为项目。
Women's Basketball to the 1976 Montreal Olympics, became a project.篮球是一个由两队参与的球类运动,每队出场5名队员。目的是将球进入对方球篮得分,并阻止对方获得球或得分。可将球向任何方向传、投、拍、滚或运,但要受规则的限制。篮球比赛的形式多种多样,也有最流行的街头三人篮球赛,是三对三的比赛,更讲究个人技术。当今世界篮球水平最高的联赛是美国的国家篮球协会(NBA)。篮球在1904年列入奥运会的表演项目,到1936年柏林奥运会成为正式项目。女子篮球到1976年蒙特利尔奥运会才成为项目。