怎么用英语翻译这段话,谢谢? 5
“夫象者,出意者也。言者,明象者也。尽意莫若象,尽象莫若言。言生于象,故可寻言以观象。象生于意,故可寻象以观意。意以象尽,象以言着。故言者所以明象,得象而忘言。象者所以存意,得意而忘象。犹蹄者所以在兔,得兔而忘蹄;筌者所以存鱼,得鱼而忘筌也。然则言者象之蹄也,象者意之筌。是故存言者,非得象也。存象者,非得意者也。象生于意而存象焉,则所存者乃非其象也。言生于象而存言焉,则所存者乃非其言也。然则忘象者乃得意者也,忘言者乃得象者也。得意在忘象,得象在忘言。故立象以尽意,而象可忘也。重画以尽情,而画可忘也 "Getting alike, even person who produces purpose. The spokesman, bright like person too. It try by Mo Ruo best like,last RuoYan Mo. The speech was born in alikely, so seek speeches with the view alikely. Like being born in purpose, so seek like with view purpose. Purpose in order to like to the limit, like in speech. So the reason why the spokesman is bright and alike, must be alike and forgetting speeches. The alike one store purpose, proud and forgetting alikely. Still the reason why the hoof person has rabbits and forgets the hoof in the rabbit; The reason why Quan person stores the fish, has the fish and forgets Quan. Hoof that spokesman like too, Quan of Italy of liking etc. then. So store spokesmans, must be like. Store the alike ones, non- proud too. Like being born in purpose and store it like here, the persons who stored were not it like. The speech was born in alikely and store speeches, the persons who stored were not its speech. It forgets getting alike to be getting proud to too, forget spokesman then like person too. Proud to forget alikely, must be like forgetting speeches. Set up alike to in order to try purpose best, can forget even while being alike. Draw it heartily again, and draw and can forget
参考资料: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/59870967.html
To the star, has its time, looks like person some people of own time to be the same. was similar to the book said that the majority of planets had return to the homing position revolution cycle. The human also has the certain cyclical - - 25,000,000 years. From now on, 25,000,000 years, will have experienced the matter which we experience now, will meet beforehand have met human.
星に、时间が、见える人のように同じがある自身の时间の何人かの人々ある。 惑星の大半に帰还の位置の回転周期へのリターンがあったと本に类似していたが言ったあった。 人间はまたある特定の循环的な- - 25,000,000年を过す。 今后は、25,000,000年は、私达が今経験する问题を、あらかじめ会う会った人间に経験してしまう。
별에, 그것의 시간을, 보인다 사람과 같이 동일인 자신의 시간의 어떤 사람들 있다. 행성의 대다수는 귀환 위치 혁명 주기에 반환이 있었다고 책과 유사했다 말했다. 인간은 또한 특정 순환적인 - - 25,000,000 년을 보낸다. 이제부터, 25,000,000 년은, 우리가 지금 경험하는 사정을, 미리 만날 것이다 만났다 인간을 경험할 것이다.
Zum Stern hat seine Zeit, aussieht wie Person einige Leute eigener Zeit, zu sein die selben. war dem Buch sagte ähnlich, dass die Mehrheit einen Planeten Rückkehr zum Zielpositionsrevolutionszyklus hatte. Der Mensch hat auch die bestimmten zyklischen - - 25.000.000 Jahre. Ab sofort haben 25.000.000 Jahre, die Angelegenheit, die wir jetzt erfahren, sich treffen vorher haben getroffen Menschen erfahren.
星に、时间が、见える人のように同じがある自身の时间の何人かの人々ある。 惑星の大半に帰还の位置の回転周期へのリターンがあったと本に类似していたが言ったあった。 人间はまたある特定の循环的な- - 25,000,000年を过す。 今后は、25,000,000年は、私达が今経験する问题を、あらかじめ会う会った人间に経験してしまう。
별에, 그것의 시간을, 보인다 사람과 같이 동일인 자신의 시간의 어떤 사람들 있다. 행성의 대다수는 귀환 위치 혁명 주기에 반환이 있었다고 책과 유사했다 말했다. 인간은 또한 특정 순환적인 - - 25,000,000 년을 보낸다. 이제부터, 25,000,000 년은, 우리가 지금 경험하는 사정을, 미리 만날 것이다 만났다 인간을 경험할 것이다.
Zum Stern hat seine Zeit, aussieht wie Person einige Leute eigener Zeit, zu sein die selben. war dem Buch sagte ähnlich, dass die Mehrheit einen Planeten Rückkehr zum Zielpositionsrevolutionszyklus hatte. Der Mensch hat auch die bestimmten zyklischen - - 25.000.000 Jahre. Ab sofort haben 25.000.000 Jahre, die Angelegenheit, die wir jetzt erfahren, sich treffen vorher haben getroffen Menschen erfahren.
“夫象者,出意者也。言者,明象者也。尽意莫若象,尽象莫若言。言生于象,故可寻言以观象。象生于意,故可寻象以观意。意以象尽,象以言着。故言者所以明象,得象而忘言。象者所以存意,得意而忘象。犹蹄者所以在兔,得兔而忘蹄;筌者所以存鱼,得鱼而忘筌也。然则言者象之蹄也,象者意之筌。是故存言者,非得象也。存象者,非得意者也。象生于意而存象焉,则所存者乃非其象也。言生于象而存言焉,则所存者乃非其言也。然则忘象者乃得意者也,忘言者乃得象者也。得意在忘象,得象在忘言。故立象以尽意,而象可忘也。重画以尽情,而画可忘也“husband looking like, has Italy. Word, Ming Xiangzhe. Expresses feelings to be better the elephant, is better likely the word. The word was born in the elephant, therefore may seek the word to observe. Lifelike in Italy, therefore may seek likely by view Italy. Italy by, by is saying likely likely. Therefore word, therefore the bright elephant, must look like forgets the word. Likely, therefore saves Italy, self-satisfied forgets the elephant. Therefore still the hoof in the rabbit, results in the rabbit to forget the hoof; Therefore the bamboo fish trap saves the fish, results in the fish to forget the bamboo fish trap. Then word alike hoof also, likely bamboo fish trap of the Italian. Therefore saves the word, must likely. Saves likely, non-self-satisfacation. Lifelike Yu Yier saves likely, then saving is the non-its elephant. The word was born in saves the word likely, then saving is the non-its word. Also then forgets is likely the self-satisfacation, forgets the word is looking like. Is self-satisfied is forgetting the elephant, must look like is forgetting the word. Therefore the statue expresses feelings, but may forget likely. Replotting by heartily, but draws may forget
Getting alike, even person who produces purpose. The spokesman, bright like person too. It try purpose Mo Ruo best like,last RuoYan Mo to the limit. The speech was born in alikely, so seek speeches with the view alikely. Like being born in purpose, so seek like with view purpose. Purpose in order to like to the limit, like in speech. So the reason why the spokesman is bright and alike, must be alike and forgetting speeches. The alike one store purpose, proud and forgetting alikely. Still the reason why the hoof person has rabbits and forgets the hoof in the rabbit; The reason why Quan person deposits the fish, has the fish and forgets Quan. Hoof that spokesman like too, Quan of Italy of liking etc. then. So store spokesmans, must be like. Store getting alike, non- getting proud too. Like being born in purpose and store it like here, the persons who stored were not it like. The speech was born in alikely and store speeches, the persons who stored were not its speech. It forgets getting alike to be getting proud to too, forget spokesman then like person too. Proud to forget alikely, must be like forgetting speeches. Set up alike to in order to try purpose best, can forget even while being alike. Draw it heartily again, and draw and can forget
“husband looking like, has Italy. Word, Ming Xiangzhe. Expresses feelings to be better the elephant, is better likely the word. The word was born in the elephant, therefore may seek the word to observe. Lifelike in Italy, therefore may seek likely by view Italy. Italy by, by is saying likely likely. Therefore word, therefore the bright elephant, must look like forgets the word. Likely, therefore saves Italy, self-satisfied forgets the elephant. Therefore still the hoof in the rabbit, results in the rabbit to forget the hoof; Therefore the bamboo fish trap saves the fish, results in the fish to forget the bamboo fish trap. Then word alike hoof also, likely bamboo fish trap of the Italian. Therefore saves the word, must likely. Saves likely, non-self-satisfacation. Lifelike Yu Yier saves likely, then saving is the non-its elephant. The word was born in saves the word likely, then saving is the non-its word. Also then forgets is likely the self-satisfacation, forgets the word is looking like. Is self-satisfied is forgetting the elephant, must look like is forgetting the word. Therefore the statue expresses feelings, but may forget likely. Replotting by heartily, but draws may forget.
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