等等高科技产品也在不知不觉中为人类带来了一系列负面影响,手机听多了对耳朵不好,空调吹多了对身体不好,对环境不好,电脑用多了对眼睛不好,对身心不好.因此,本人认为,这是一个很有价值的问题,而去选择,去研究. 引 言在一个科技领导世界的时代,手机已不是有权有势人的"私有财产".记得90年代初,见到的是"大哥大",跟大砖头一样,能用上它的人身份肯定不一般.谁又能想到,十多年后,手机已是"旧时富人手中机,飞入寻常学生中".大街小巷,甚至在校园内,中学生打手机早成为一道"亮丽"的风景线,几乎随处可见.走进今天的中学校园,我们会发现很多中学生都拥有自己的手机.从某种意义上说,手机,已经成为他们生活中极为重要的组成部分.拥有手机的中学生人数也日渐增多,手机的档次也大有水涨船高之势.从最便宜的到价格不菲的能拍照的,各种品牌,各种款式的手机都能在校园里找到它们的拥趸. 手机的普及,确实带来了不少好处.但唯物辩证法告诉我们,事物都有两面性.我们在分析问题时要分清主流和支流.如目前许多教育界的学者和专家就十分关注中学生流行自己带手机的问题.中学生究竟应不应该自己带手机,也成为我们青少年应深入思考的问题.
High-tech products are also unconsciously bring to mankind a series of negative impact on the phone to listen more to the ears well, the more air-conditioning blowing in poor health, bad for the environment, computer use more eyes on the poor , The physical and psychological well. Therefore, I think that this is an issue of great value, choice left to study.
In a world leading technology of the times, the phone is not powerful people "of private property." Remember the early 1990s, see the "Big Brother", with the largest bricks and mortar, it can be used on the identity certainly not General. Who can think of, more than 10 years, the phone is "old hands of the rich, flying into unusual students." Streets and alleys, and even in school, secondary school students as early as a cell phone into a "beautiful" landscape, almost Can be seen everywhere. Entering today's secondary school campus, we will find that many students have their own mobile phones. In a sense, mobile phones, has become extremely important in their lives an integral part of the phone with the increasing number of middle school students , The phone has great grades rising trend. From the cheapest to expensive to take photographs of the various brands, all models of mobile phones on campus can find their fans.
The popularity of mobile phones, and indeed brought many benefits. But the materialist dialectics tells us that things have two sides. We must distinguish the issue of the mainstream and tributaries.'s Education sector as at present many scholars and experts on the pandemic is very concerned about secondary school students to bring their own Phone problems. What should be secondary school students should not bring their own mobile phones, have also become our young people should be in-depth thought.
High-tech products are also unconsciously bring to mankind a series of negative impact on the phone to listen more to the ears well, the more air-conditioning blowing in poor health, bad for the environment, computer use more eyes on the poor , The physical and psychological well. Therefore, I think that this is an issue of great value, choice left to study.
In a world leading technology of the times, the phone is not powerful people "of private property." Remember the early 1990s, see the "Big Brother", with the largest bricks and mortar, it can be used on the identity certainly not General. Who can think of, more than 10 years, the phone is "old hands of the rich, flying into unusual students." Streets and alleys, and even in school, secondary school students as early as a cell phone into a "beautiful" landscape, almost Can be seen everywhere. Entering today's secondary school campus, we will find that many students have their own mobile phones. In a sense, mobile phones, has become extremely important in their lives an integral part of the phone with the increasing number of middle school students , The phone has great grades rising trend. From the cheapest to expensive to take photographs of the various brands, all models of mobile phones on campus can find their fans.
The popularity of mobile phones, and indeed brought many benefits. But the materialist dialectics tells us that things have two sides. We must distinguish the issue of the mainstream and tributaries.'s Education sector as at present many scholars and experts on the pandemic is very concerned about secondary school students to bring their own Phone problems. What should be secondary school students should not bring their own mobile phones, have also become our young people should be in-depth thought.
the essential issue that whether senior students can carry mobile phones to school has debated fircely currently.some states that it is proper to do so,yet others think divergently.
in terms of my opinion,i stick to the former viewpoint.sutdents may encounter some emergencies,such as meeting robbers,heavy rains,or forgetting to bring something.then they need the phone to contact with their parents or somebody else.forbidding them carrying mobiles will increase some potential dangers.
and that is the merits of allowing to do so.i urge those who stand diversely think twice and then they will have a brandnew view.
the essential issue that whether senior students can carry mobile phones to school has debated fircely currently.some states that it is proper to do so,yet others think divergently.
in terms of my opinion,i stick to the former viewpoint.sutdents may encounter some emergencies,such as meeting robbers,heavy rains,or forgetting to bring something.then they need the phone to contact with their parents or somebody else.forbidding them carrying mobiles will increase some potential dangers.
and that is the merits of allowing to do so.i urge those who stand diversely think twice and then they will have a brandnew view.