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The decline of traditional religion in the West has not removed the need for men and women to find a deeper meaning behind existence. Why is the world the way it is and how do we, as conscious individuals, fit into the great scheme?
There is a growing feeling that science, especially what is known as the new physics, can provide answers where religion remains vague and faltering. Many people in search of a meaning to their lives are finding enlightenment in the revolutionary developments at the frontiers of science. Much to the bewilderment of professional scientists, quasi-religious cults are being formed around such unlikely topics as quantum physics, space-time relativity, black holes and big bang.
How can physics, with its reputation for cold precision and objective materialism, provide such fertile soil for the mystical? The truth is that the spirit of scientific inquiry has undergone a remarkable transformation over the past 50 years. The twin revolutions of the theory of relativity, with its shadowy and unsubstantial nature of atoms, have demolished the classical image of a clockwork universe slavishly unfolding along a predetermined pathway. Replacing this sterile mechanism is a world full of shifting indeterminism and subtle interactions which have no counterpart in daily experience.
To study the new physics is to embark on a journey of wonderment and paradox, to glimpse the universe in a novel perspective, in which subject and object, mind and matter, force and field, become intertwined. Even the creation of the universe itself has fallen within the province of scientific inquiry.
The new cosmology provides, for the first time, a consistent picture of how all physical structures, including space and time, came to exist out of nothing. We are moving towards an understanding in which matter, force, order and creation are unified into a single descriptive theme.
Many of us who in fundamental physics are deeply impressed by the harmony and order which pervades the physical world. To me the laws of the universe, from quarks to quasars, dovetail together so felicitously that the impression there is something behind it all seems overwhelming. The laws of physics are so remarkably clever they can surely only be a manifestation of genius.
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There is a growing feeling that science, especially what is known as the new physics, can provide answers where religion remains vague and faltering. Many people in search of a meaning to their lives are finding enlightenment in the revolutionary developments at the frontiers of science. Much to the bewilderment of professional scientists, quasi-religious cults are being formed around such unlikely topics as quantum physics, space-time relativity, black holes and big bang.
How can physics, with its reputation for cold precision and objective materialism, provide such fertile soil for the mystical? The truth is that the spirit of scientific inquiry has undergone a remarkable transformation over the past 50 years. The twin revolutions of the theory of relativity, with its shadowy and unsubstantial nature of atoms, have demolished the classical image of a clockwork universe slavishly unfolding along a predetermined pathway. Replacing this sterile mechanism is a world full of shifting indeterminism and subtle interactions which have no counterpart in daily experience.
To study the new physics is to embark on a journey of wonderment and paradox, to glimpse the universe in a novel perspective, in which subject and object, mind and matter, force and field, become intertwined. Even the creation of the universe itself has fallen within the province of scientific inquiry.
The new cosmology provides, for the first time, a consistent picture of how all physical structures, including space and time, came to exist out of nothing. We are moving towards an understanding in which matter, force, order and creation are unified into a single descriptive theme.
Many of us who in fundamental physics are deeply impressed by the harmony and order which pervades the physical world. To me the laws of the universe, from quarks to quasars, dovetail together so felicitously that the impression there is something behind it all seems overwhelming. The laws of physics are so remarkably clever they can surely only be a manifestation of genius.
谢谢~~~~~~~~~ 展开
—— 魔导师 十一级 4-12 22:28
The decline of traditional religion in the West has not removed the need for men and women to find a deeper meaning behind existence.Why is the world the way it is and how do we, as conscious individuals, fit into the great scheme?
谁告诉你men and women能翻译成信男信女?无神论者就不能关心一下存在的意义?完全是自由心证。scheme在哪?别告诉我你理解不出这是世界的运行规律的意思来。
quasi-religious cults是准邪教?
The twin revolutions of the theory of relativity翻译成“双革命的相对论”?!你难道看不出来量子物理学、时空相对性、黑洞和大爆炸理论是相对论的twin revolutions吗?!
"To study the new physics is to embark on a journey of wonderment and paradox, to glimpse the universe in a novel perspective, in which subject and object, mind and matter, force and field, become intertwined. Even the creation of the universe itself has fallen within the province of scientific inquiry. "以下是你的翻译:“新研究使物理学走上了神奇之旅和和矛盾的世界,看到宇宙的观点新颖,其中主题和对象,并认真考虑此事,并付出力量,使这建立联系. 即使未能创造自己的宇宙科学的调查. ”
—— 魔导师 十一级 4-12 22:28
The decline of traditional religion in the West has not removed the need for men and women to find a deeper meaning behind existence.Why is the world the way it is and how do we, as conscious individuals, fit into the great scheme?
谁告诉你men and women能翻译成信男信女?无神论者就不能关心一下存在的意义?完全是自由心证。scheme在哪?别告诉我你理解不出这是世界的运行规律的意思来。
quasi-religious cults是准邪教?
The twin revolutions of the theory of relativity翻译成“双革命的相对论”?!你难道看不出来量子物理学、时空相对性、黑洞和大爆炸理论是相对论的twin revolutions吗?!
"To study the new physics is to embark on a journey of wonderment and paradox, to glimpse the universe in a novel perspective, in which subject and object, mind and matter, force and field, become intertwined. Even the creation of the universe itself has fallen within the province of scientific inquiry. "以下是你的翻译:“新研究使物理学走上了神奇之旅和和矛盾的世界,看到宇宙的观点新颖,其中主题和对象,并认真考虑此事,并付出力量,使这建立联系. 即使未能创造自己的宇宙科学的调查. ”