
2013-10-14 · TA获得超过3760个赞
英语教研组 李志英 不可否认,在初中英语教学中,大部分教师都较偏重于听说,而轻于读写。而后者无论在学生应试中,还是在今后的英语学习过程中都起着至关重要的作用。在检测中,我们常常发现学生失分最多的往往就是在完形填空和阅读理解题型上,而这两种题型正是对学生语言运用综合能力的考查,有的的学生总是不能整体理解文章内容,或不能深度理解文章内涵,“东一鎯头,西一棒”,“只见树木,不见森林”,种种这些都说明学生阅读能力的欠缺,由此可见,在课堂教学中注重阅读课教学,提高阅读课教学的实效非常重要。 常常有教师问:阅读课究竟怎样上?以下是几种常见的教法。 教法1:逐词逐句翻译,重难点更是一个不落地解释、说明、训练。 教法2:学生的自行阅读并按要求完成任务,然后进行检查 教法3:教师下达任务,学生自行阅读并完成任务,检查后对文本中出现的难点进行分析、解说,或请学生对长句(如复合句)进行翻译,然后组织朗读。 教法4:学生自行阅读后,教师对文本情节中的一些关键词进行提炼,并作适当解说,然后请学生对关键词进行了串联叙述、复原文本。 以上教法不尽相同,但教法3、教法4都有可取之处。教师可视情况结合或穿插使用。 以下是我的一堂阅读课设计 文本内容:八年级(上)第九单元 section a 3a(课本设置是pairwork,但我将它作为reading来进行教学) step 1 leading--in boys and girls, people, especially the elder , always think we are still young and it’s impossible for young people like us to do things successfully. what’s your opinion? do you agree with them? why? / why not? ( get the students to give their own opinions ) in my opnion, i don’t agree with them. many people started doing things at their early age.they worked hard and got great achievements.in this class we are going to learn about some famous people and their achievements. step 2 presentation write the names and their professions on the blackboard. ask the class to match them. tiger woods composer shirly temple soccer player mozart golfer mei lanfang gymnast ronaldo movie star liu xuan performer step 3 task reading say to the class:all these famous people started doing things when they were very young.for example:mozert started writing music when he was only four years old.then what about the others?please read the article in 3a and find the anwsers.( students read the article and try to find the anwsers .) check anwsers. (ask students to say complete sentences when giving anwsers just like the model sentence.) step 4 analysing to help the class to understand the article better, analyse some important and difficult sentences. and ronaldo, the great brazilian soccer player, played for his national team when he was seventeen. and liu xuan, the chinese gymnast, won a gold medal at the world championships when she was seventeen. step 5 reading first have students read after the tape recorder, then practise reading aloud. step 6 summing up in this class, we have learned some information about several famous people.and every one of us comes to know that we are never too young to start doing things and we can do well if we go all out. we should remember: where there is a will, thera is a way. 附课后教学反思 这堂课学生们很投入,大部分同学都能够主动地参与到课堂活动中来,虽然是堂阅读课,但由于设计得较科学,学生们既没有感到枯燥乏味,且对文本内容掌握得较好。通过学习,学生们还明白了一个道理:we are never too young to start doing things. 总之,阅读课教学需要教师倾心而为,不可照本宣科,草草了事。教师在进行阅读课教学目标设计的时候要侧重对学生阅读能力的培养和阅读策略的指导,引导学生从整体上理解文本内容,而不纠结于个别词汇和语法知识点;如果遇到因词汇问题而引起的阅读障碍,教师应借此机会锻炼学生根据上下文本推测词义的能力,同时也为学生提供一个运用英语思考问题的机会;教师在面向全体的时候还需兼顾个体,帮助阅读能力欠缺的学生掌握一些阅读技巧和策略;教师还应重视文本内涵的延伸和升华,适时对学生进行情感教育。另外,阅读课教学同样应落实单元教学总体目标,使我们的教学更具连贯性和整体性。
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