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2022-10-06 · 知道合伙人人力资源行家
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Although the computer to work and play in people's lives brings convenience but it also had a negative impact. For example: Many young people addicted to computer games lead to decreased learning. Some people go to Internet cafes to play computer or even to robbery. Computer typing is easy but many people have become accustomed to writing. The development of the computer while the dissemination of information for the poor provides a convenient. These negative information is harmful to minors.Sitting at the computer too long cause many people got sick. Not conducive to people's health.Out of the computer so that environmental contamination.





Out of the computer has vision harm: the use of computer, the eyes the mostvulnerable, especially easy to cause the juvenile myopia andciliary spasm. These are called "computer vision syndrome"disease is a kind of pressure type diseases, because eye long time staring at one place, blink and usually only 1/3, thus reducing the secretion of intraocular lubricant. So long, in addition to cause eye fatigue, heavy shadow, blurred vision, will cause other discomfort. In front of the screen should blink, in order to increase the lacrimal gland secretion, moisturizing eye.The most effective method is the proper rest, eat more foods containing vitamin A, rhodopsin supplement on the retina, such as carrots, cabbage, bean sprouts, tofu, red dates, oranges,milk, egg, animal liver, lean meat and other.





The advantages and disadvantages of young people play computer games
First of all, play computer games, takes time, if too much time to play computer games of words, then, we used to study the time will begreatly reduced, unless it is not learning will see the genius, we are ordinary people, the achievement is not drop it!
Secondly, play computer games, especially for a long time to play, very bad for our eyesight and health, when you indulge in computer games bring you happiness, your vision isimperceptibly decline day by day, so when you finally wake up, it was too late! May also take you had a healthy body.
Once again, play computer games, especially a waste of money, as our students, pocket money depends which, to our parents imagine,whose parents would willingly give money to enable us to play online games? So, in order to be able to enter Internet cafes to play computer games, we will rack one's brains for ingenious devices to our parents for, or put all sorts of things together, rack one's brains toget money, where's the mind to learn, some students even go to the crime of no return, this is how bitter?



Computer radiation hazards
Computers emit radiation waves are often ignored. International MPR Ⅱ according to radiation safety requirements: must be less than in the 50cm distance equal to 25V / m radiation exposure.
However, the amount of radiation you know the computer is? Computer, the amount of radiation: 1, keyboard 1000V/m2, mouse 450V/m3, screen 218V/m4, host 170V/m5, Notebook2500V / m
In addition, electromagnetic radiation on the human body has eight major injuries:
Degree from harm, without doubt, the biggest hazards of electromagnetic radiation. Domestic and foreign medical experts, research shows that long-term, excessive electromagnetic radiation harmful to human reproductive system, nervous system and immune system causing direct damage to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, mutation and cause a major incentive for pregnant women, abortion, infertility, abnormal fetal diseases such as inducing factors, may directly affect the minor's body tissues and bones, causing vision, memory loss and decreased liver hematopoietic function, can lead to serious retinal detachment. In addition, electromagnetic radiation also causes of information security risks, using a special signal reception equipment to receive can be cracked, resulting in leakage of information caused unnecessary losses. Excessive electromagnetic radiation would interfere with other electronic devices around, affecting the normal operation of electromagnetic compatibility occurs (EMC) issues.
Therefore, the electromagnetic radiation has been following the World Health Organization as water, air, noise, the fourth largest source of environmental pollution, a hazard to human health of the invisible "killer", electromagnetic radiation protection has become an urgent task.

Coup against the computer radiation

Use a computer, it is best before the display screen with better quality of radiation. Attention to appropriate eating some carrots, bean sprouts, tomatoes, lean meat, animal liver and other rich in vitamin A, C and protein foods, often drink green tea, etc..
For life is stressful and busy people who, against the computer radiation is the most simple way to drink every morning, 2 to 3 cups of green tea, eat an orange. Tea is rich in vitamin A former, it is absorbed by the body, it can be quickly converted into vitamin A. Not only synthetic vitamin A rhodopsin, but also light in the dark under the eyes to see things more clearly, therefore, green tea can not only eliminate the computer radiation hazards, but also to protect and enhance vision. If not used to drink green tea, chrysanthemum tea can also play against the computer radiation and regulate bodily function.
Computer radiation is unavoidable, but can be reduced. First of all, as far as possible to buy new computers, generally do not use old computers, old computers are generally more powerful radiation, at the same distance, under conditions of similar models, usually 1-2 times the new computer. Computer operation on the display when the best computer security a special color filter panels to reduce the radiation hazards, indoor metal objects should not be placed outsiders, so as to prevent re-emission of electromagnetic waves. Use the computer to adjust the brightness of the screen, in general, the larger the screen brightness, electromagnetic radiation is stronger, the smaller the contrary. However, it can not be stressed too dark, too small to avoid effects due to brightness, and easy to cause eye fatigue. Also note that to maintain an appropriate distance from the screen. Away from the screen, the closer, the greater the electromagnetic radiation received by the human body, so good is half a meter away from the screen.
Computer use, will face a lot of electromagnetic radiation absorption of particles, to promptly wash with water, so that would reduce the radiation suffered 70%.
In addition to bad cactus attack, there is an advantage of Oh! Said to put a cactus in the computer table, help to reduce radiation.
Common computer will feel eye irritation, decreased vision, easy feeling of fatigue. Commonly used in diet on the computer should note the following:
Eat some good food on the eye, such as eggs, fish, cod liver oil, carrots, spinach, sweet potato, pumpkin, wolfberry, chrysanthemum, sesame, radish, animal liver.
Eat foods with high calcium, such as soy products, bone soup, eggs, milk, lean meat, shrimps and prawns.
Note that the vitamin supplement: Vitamin eat fresh fruits, vegetables.
Note enhanced resistance: eat plenty of foods increase the body resistance to disease, such as mushrooms, honey, edible fungus, seaweed, citrus, jujube, etc..
Anti-radiation of some food to eat: the computer although little effect on human health, but should prevent. Tea can reduce the radiation hazards, tea has anti-radiation effect of lipopolysaccharide. Spirulina, sea buckthorn oil also has anti-radiation effect.
In addition, the used computer should wash your face, usually to be physically active.
Computer placement is very important. Do not let the screen as far as possible toward the back of someone's place, because the back of the computer radiation is strongest, followed by left and right sides of the front screen instead of the weakest radiation. To be able to see clearly the word prevail, at least 50 cm to 75 cm distance, thus reducing the harm of electromagnetic radiation.
Attention to indoor air: research confirmed that the computer screen to produce a brominated dibenzofuran known carcinogen. Therefore, the best place to install the computer room ventilation fans, if not, with particular attention to ventilation when the Internet.

The face of the computer a long time is not good, then how to do? In fact, four cups of tea a day can not only fight against the radiation, but also protect the eyes.
1. Morning cup of green tea:
Green tea contains potent antioxidants and vitamin C, not only can eliminate free radicals, but also secrete hormones against intense pressure. A small amount of caffeine contained in green tea can stimulate the central nervous system, boost morale. But the best drink in the day, so as not to affect sleep.
2. Afternoon cup of chrysanthemum tea:
Chrysanthemum have eyesight Qinggan role, some people will simply bubble with chrysanthemum with wolfberry drink, or add honey chrysanthemum tea, all of the Jieyu helpful.
3. Tired wolfberry tea cup:
Wolfberry is rich in β-carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin C, calcium, iron, with nourishing liver, kidney, and improve eyesight. Has its own sweet tea is also the same as for snacks like raisins, solving the "computer users" astringent eye, fatigue has effect.
4. Cassia evening cup of tea:
Cassia remove heat, improve eyesight, make up brain, liver town, beneficial role of bones, if constipation were also able to dinner after dinner drink, is very effective for the treatment of constipation.
Some of the most suitable for computer users also drink tea, or snacks, not only can help you fight against the radiation, but also protect your eyes, anti-irritability it.
Mung bean barley soup
Mung bean can Qingrejiedu, diuretic swelling, barley can Jianpizhixie, Qingshenjianfei Qi, the workers often need to stay up late or upset air calm, dry mouth, constipation, acne, in addition to eat fruits and vegetables and add water outside, the green bean barley soup as a snack food, very helpful for relieving heat and arrests restless.
Eucommia Tea
Eucommia is the role of blood and bones strong, who is often sedentary, lumbar back pain helpful though, men and women can drink, if a female friend can be the physical end of period taken together with the Si Wu Tang.
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