求教 写一篇英语作文!!!80词左右!

假如你是Richard,你的朋友Robin整日沉迷于电脑游戏。为此你感到很担心,于是你决定给他写一封电子邮件,帮助他改掉这个坏习惯。词数:80左右。提示:①说明玩电脑游戏... 假如你是Richard,你的朋友Robin整日沉迷于电脑游戏。为此你感到很担心,于是你决定给他写一封电子邮件,帮助他改掉这个坏习惯。词数:80左右。
参考词汇:be addicted to 沉溺于。。。。。。
influence 影响
 我来答
2013-10-16 · TA获得超过545个赞
In the information society is not completely out of the network is also unrealistic, so quit addiction to the Internet to promote the green. Leopard change his spots, in fact, addiction is particularly hard to quit, as long as, perseverance, and slowly work is to change the character, played down the addiction to a happy harvest! Start with small things, from the details of the start. First, restore confidence and re-inspire the passion of life! You can take the following recommendations: 1, do you like to do things, do things they are good at and find the joy of success, get back the lost confidence, find the forward momentum and direction; 2, the heart was tired, people worry to rest break, making my mind to travel, you can go hiking, watching the sea, feel the magnificent scenery, embrace nature, with nature; 3, you can do like some of the movement of vent, recommended running, walking and basketball. Running for exercise, exercise, and improve the human will and endurance; people can walk for relaxation; basketball that people can learn, to augment the concept of team spirit and collective; 4, you can find close friends get-together, a drink , talk to friends, let your heart warm friendship break the boredom, depression and loneliness; 5, multi-family and chat, or call, strengthen communication, enhance feelings, told his family that I love them;6, looking for intimate lovers, so that sublimate your feelings of love, embellishment of your life and illuminate your soul; 7, is not convenient if you have any trouble with family and friends said, you can chat with strangers online, pour about, you can also find new friends;8 , online diary, write down the bits of life9, can Sanwuzhiji shopping, maybe have an unexpected or accidental food bargains waiting for you, where you can reap unexpected surprise; 10, learn find the joy of learning, progress, improve their academic performance, combined with their own interests to look at the books, planning their own path of professional and employment, planning their own path in life;11, can watch their favorite family appropriate drama, family members can also chat, promote feelings; 12, interested can read their own books, to broaden their horizons, increase knowledge, knowledge, learning and work to lay a good foundation; 13, you can practice your calligraphy, painting painting, piano or other musical instruments, strive to increase the temperament; 14, to promote green Internet, look at the news, play games properly, but not obsessed, so to pass the time; 15, appropriate chores at home, both to maintain the health, there can be family members praise the joys of life can be.这篇文章的中文意思是在是信息社会,完全脱离网络也是不好是,也是不现实的,所以戒网瘾要提倡绿色上网.江山易改本性难移,其实网瘾也特别难戒,只要,坚持不懈,慢慢努力是改变性格,淡化网瘾了,从而收获快乐的!从小事情做起,从细节入手。首先恢复信心,重新激发生活的热情!你可以采取以下建议:1,做自己喜欢做的事情,做自己擅长的事情,找回成功的喜悦,找回失去的信心,找到前进动力和方向;2,心累了,人烦恼了就歇歇,让心灵去旅行,可以去爬山,看海,感受壮丽风光,拥抱自然,融入自然;3,可以做喜欢的运动发泄一些,推荐跑步,散步和篮球。跑步可以锻炼身体,锻炼和提高人的意志和忍耐力;散步可以让人休闲,放松;篮球可以让人学会配合,增强团队意识和集体观念;4,可以找知心朋友小聚,小酌几杯,向朋友倾诉,让温馨的友情驱散你内心的无聊,苦闷和孤独;5,多和家人聊天,或者打电话,加强沟通,增进感情,告诉家人,我爱他们;6,寻找知心恋人,让爱情升华你的情感,点缀你的生活,照亮你的灵魂;7,如果有什么烦恼不方便和朋友,家人说的,可以上网于陌生人聊天,倾吐一下,也可以找到新的朋友;8,在网上写日记,记下生活的点滴;9,可以和三五知己逛街购物,说不定有意外的便宜货或者意外的美食在等着你,从中你可以收获意外的惊喜;10,好好学习,找到学习的乐趣,不断进步,提高自己的学习成绩,结合自己的兴趣多看有关书籍,规划好自己的专业和就业道路,规划好自己的人生道路;11,可以和家人适当地观看自己喜爱的电视剧,同时又可以和家人聊聊天,增进感情;12,可以阅读自己感兴趣的书籍,开拓视野,增长见闻,丰富知识,为学习和工作打下良好的基础;13,可以练练书法,画画,钢琴或者其它乐器,陶冶情操,增加气质;14,提倡绿色上网,看看新闻,适当玩玩游戏,但是不是沉迷,这样可以打发时间;15,适当地在家里做家务,这样既可以保持卫生,有可以得到家人的赞扬,可以得到生活的乐趣. 您可以选择适当减少些,希望您能采纳
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