背字典的时候,按开头字母(Z,Y,X,Q,J,K,U)(V,W,N,O,L)(FG,IT,HM,BDE,R)(C,P,S,A)的顺序背,其中C,P,S,A每个都要分三部分背。这样背有几个好处:(一)能增加成就感,提高兴趣。至于为什么,您翻翻字典就明白了。 (二)便于清楚地知道那些单词已经背过,那些还没背。(三)能先把最基本的词先掌握。三万单词里,分为三个等级:三千到四千,八千到一万,两万二到三万。也就是说,您得分别准备三本字典。这几个等级之间各自有非常不同的特性,所以需要分别用不同方法背。俺当时没有认识到这一点,所以在从一万到三万之间走了一段弯路,浪费了一些时间,不然或许能突破到五万吧。
第一个分支:瞎听!三千到四千这个等级,是非常常用的单词,而且几乎囊括了表达最基本思想所需要的一切词汇。每篇文章中百分之八十都是这些词汇,而且这些词都是最基本的语素(或称“词根” ,就是分割到最小无法再分割,互相之间也没什么类似之处的东西。对付这些词的最好方法,就是进行大量的,不间断的,简单的初级听力练习。因为阅读材料中,还有百分之二十其他词汇,所以光凭这个等级的词还看不懂那些阅读材料。但是听力练习都是最基本的对话,而且发音一般很标准,多听能够增加单词的重复率,而且可以为以后背八千到一万那个等级的词打下语音基础。
听的时候,要分精听和泛听两部分。精听当然是指每个词都要弄懂,俺着重讲一下泛听。泛听是最重要的,因为掌握语速和语调,以及总体印象都要靠泛听。而这些都是背八千到一万等级单词的基础?泛听能够让经常用到的词(也就是那些最必要掌握的词)把您的耳朵磨出茧子来,让您模模糊糊听到个音就能反应出它是什么意思。泛听中您听到的词,才是您真正应该记住的词,所以别害怕精听的时候什么都听不懂。到底什么是泛听呢?泛听,就是说您听的时候,精神要分散,要一边干着其他事(比如撮饭或和别人大声讨论撮饭),一边有一搭没一搭地听着。泛听一定要见缝插针,一有机会就听着,最好耳机不离耳朵。 而精听的意义就在于找出您没听清的那些词。啊哈,那就是您背过但还不熟悉的词了。 把这些词单独记在另外一个地方,别跟没背下来的词混了。泛听要听精听已经听过的内容。比如精听听到了第二盘磁带,那么泛听就听第一盘磁带,正好。提醒您一句,千万别拿英语广播当自己的听力教材!顺便跟您推荐一套听力教材:华东师范大学出的Step by Step.内容比较循序渐进,每一课开头的音乐也很好。How can this within three months, so many words back down? The most important point is: If you want more successful than others, they must be cutting corners. Do not expect your luck than others, and do not expect to be more intelligent than others or more diligent. From the intelligence said from the opportunity, said he and others are little different, and like almost over and its own people, they must take a shortcut, shortcuts, shortcuts! Shortcut back the first word is: Be sure to back each time in large numbers. Better than others because of his smart, so the word back end, people forget about one-fifth of its own will never forget that less than others. However, other people every day with 10 words, then he can be back 100, forget about one fifth of the remaining 80, is the most intelligent people ten times the state. Day 100 is the minimum. In fact, back later you will find this requirement is not high, a month later, you may naturally on the back to the 300 or 500. This 400 should be divided into four groups to back, 30 am, 10 noon, 30 pm at night 30. The next morning learned earlier words did not back down. Back when the head 10 to a word (note, is 10 and not more or less), do not conscientiously back, because there is no time for that serious. While watching the pronunciation of each word while reading, silent reading is also doubtful. After reading the memories again, remember do not look up. The purpose of the back left an impression about the next time to see to know the word, so back to the memories of most of them get up and become for the remaining single copy out the words. Word shortcut back the second, is this: back the dictionary! Why should the dictionary back then? Because the dictionary more comprehensive explanation of each word and letter at the beginning of the same words come together. Is not a dictionary can be brought back, and we must find only want to back words with their own dictionary. In addition, the best way to explain in English and sample sentences. Moreover, there must be phonetic! If it is for test TOFEL or GRE, pay attention to the subject of beauty Phonetic Dictionary. The back of the general vocabulary teaching texts for those who are serious about good students prepare lectures, and would like to take the fast track to do those things do not go back. Back when the dictionary, by the beginning of the letter (Z, Y, X, Q, J, K, U) (V, W, N, O, L) (FG, IT, HM, BDE, R) (C, P, S, A) the order back, in which C, P, S, A back of each should be divided into three sections. This back has several advantages: (a) to increase the sense of achievement, interest. As for why, you are looking through the dictionary to understand. (B) to facilitate well aware that words have been back before, those not yet back. (C) can should first master the basic words first. 30000 words, the divided into three levels: 3000-4000, 8000-10000, 22000-30000. In other words, you will have to prepare three separate dictionaries. Between these levels each have very different characteristics, so different approaches were used to need back. I did not realize this, so in between 10000-30000 walk from some detours and wasted some time, or else may be able to break through to 50000 bar. So, back word that this shortcut will have the following three branches. Word shortcut back the third, which is: and the word meet more often. A word can remember, and it depends on the frequency of meetings on various occasions, does not lie in the length of time each time and watched it (again the law is also suitable in the bubble MM). Generally want to remember a word, every week, on various occasions that it wants to see three to four times a side. I mentioned above, a large number of back, do not pull a single word to remember or not mean that. Because it does not matter whether it is love at first sight, and the key is to have more opportunities to meet different types. However, according to the word back at a different level to increase the opportunities for ways to meet different. The first branch: blind listening! 3000-4000 at this level, it is very commonly used words, but the most basic ideas of expression covering almost all the necessary vocabulary. Each article is 80% of these terms, and these words are the most basic morpheme (or "root" is no longer divided into the smallest division, mutual similarities between the little things. To deal with The best way of these words is a lot of non-stop, simple primary listening exercises. because the reading materials, as well as 20% in other words, so this level alone can not read those words also read material. but listening exercises are very basic dialogue, and in general is the standard pronunciation, listening to the word of the repetition rate can increase, but also for the future back 8000-10000 voice that lay the foundation level of the word. When listening to sub-intensive and extensive listening to listen to two parts. Intensive listening of course, means every word must be understood, I focus on to talk about the extensive listening. Extensive listening is the most important as the mastery of pace and tone, and overall impression have to rely on extensive listening. These are the words back 8000-10000 grade basis? Extensive listening to the word so frequently used (that is, those most in need to master the word) to your ear grind cocoon the child to let you hear vague a tone will be able to reflect what it is meant. Extensive listening, you hear the word, is the word you really should keep in mind, so fine Do not be afraid to listen to what the time could not understand. What is extensive listening in the end it? Extensive listening, that you listen to when the spirit must be dispersed to the side do the other things (such as rice or summary of the discussion group of rice out loud with others), while there is a tie not a tie-listening. Extensive listening must be must attack first, one hears a chance, it is best not leave the ear headphones. The precise meaning of listening is to identify those words you did not catch. Aha, that is, you back off, but not a familiar word. Remember these words alone in another place, Do not talk to do not mix the words back down. Extensive listening to listen to listen to have heard the contents of the sperm. Such fine to the second tape to listen to, then the extensive listening hears first tape exactly. Remind you that one, never Do not take English listening materials broadcasting when its own! Way with the materials you recommend a hearing: East China Normal University, out of Step by Step. The content of relatively gradual, at the beginning of each lesson to listen to the music is also very good.
背字典的时候,按开头字母(Z,Y,X,Q,J,K,U)(V,W,N,O,L)(FG,IT,HM,BDE,R)(C,P,S,A)的顺序背,其中C,P,S,A每个都要分三部分背。这样背有几个好处:(一)能增加成就感,提高兴趣。至于为什么,您翻翻字典就明白了。 (二)便于清楚地知道那些单词已经背过,那些还没背。(三)能先把最基本的词先掌握。三万单词里,分为三个等级:三千到四千,八千到一万,两万二到三万。也就是说,您得分别准备三本字典。这几个等级之间各自有非常不同的特性,所以需要分别用不同方法背。俺当时没有认识到这一点,所以在从一万到三万之间走了一段弯路,浪费了一些时间,不然或许能突破到五万吧。
第一个分支:瞎听!三千到四千这个等级,是非常常用的单词,而且几乎囊括了表达最基本思想所需要的一切词汇。每篇文章中百分之八十都是这些词汇,而且这些词都是最基本的语素(或称“词根” ,就是分割到最小无法再分割,互相之间也没什么类似之处的东西。对付这些词的最好方法,就是进行大量的,不间断的,简单的初级听力练习。因为阅读材料中,还有百分之二十其他词汇,所以光凭这个等级的词还看不懂那些阅读材料。但是听力练习都是最基本的对话,而且发音一般很标准,多听能够增加单词的重复率,而且可以为以后背八千到一万那个等级的词打下语音基础。
听的时候,要分精听和泛听两部分。精听当然是指每个词都要弄懂,俺着重讲一下泛听。泛听是最重要的,因为掌握语速和语调,以及总体印象都要靠泛听。而这些都是背八千到一万等级单词的基础?泛听能够让经常用到的词(也就是那些最必要掌握的词)把您的耳朵磨出茧子来,让您模模糊糊听到个音就能反应出它是什么意思。泛听中您听到的词,才是您真正应该记住的词,所以别害怕精听的时候什么都听不懂。到底什么是泛听呢?泛听,就是说您听的时候,精神要分散,要一边干着其他事(比如撮饭或和别人大声讨论撮饭),一边有一搭没一搭地听着。泛听一定要见缝插针,一有机会就听着,最好耳机不离耳朵。 而精听的意义就在于找出您没听清的那些词。啊哈,那就是您背过但还不熟悉的词了。 把这些词单独记在另外一个地方,别跟没背下来的词混了。泛听要听精听已经听过的内容。比如精听听到了第二盘磁带,那么泛听就听第一盘磁带,正好。提醒您一句,千万别拿英语广播当自己的听力教材!顺便跟您推荐一套听力教材:华东师范大学出的Step by Step.内容比较循序渐进,每一课开头的音乐也很好。How can this within three months, so many words back down? The most important point is: If you want more successful than others, they must be cutting corners. Do not expect your luck than others, and do not expect to be more intelligent than others or more diligent. From the intelligence said from the opportunity, said he and others are little different, and like almost over and its own people, they must take a shortcut, shortcuts, shortcuts! Shortcut back the first word is: Be sure to back each time in large numbers. Better than others because of his smart, so the word back end, people forget about one-fifth of its own will never forget that less than others. However, other people every day with 10 words, then he can be back 100, forget about one fifth of the remaining 80, is the most intelligent people ten times the state. Day 100 is the minimum. In fact, back later you will find this requirement is not high, a month later, you may naturally on the back to the 300 or 500. This 400 should be divided into four groups to back, 30 am, 10 noon, 30 pm at night 30. The next morning learned earlier words did not back down. Back when the head 10 to a word (note, is 10 and not more or less), do not conscientiously back, because there is no time for that serious. While watching the pronunciation of each word while reading, silent reading is also doubtful. After reading the memories again, remember do not look up. The purpose of the back left an impression about the next time to see to know the word, so back to the memories of most of them get up and become for the remaining single copy out the words. Word shortcut back the second, is this: back the dictionary! Why should the dictionary back then? Because the dictionary more comprehensive explanation of each word and letter at the beginning of the same words come together. Is not a dictionary can be brought back, and we must find only want to back words with their own dictionary. In addition, the best way to explain in English and sample sentences. Moreover, there must be phonetic! If it is for test TOFEL or GRE, pay attention to the subject of beauty Phonetic Dictionary. The back of the general vocabulary teaching texts for those who are serious about good students prepare lectures, and would like to take the fast track to do those things do not go back. Back when the dictionary, by the beginning of the letter (Z, Y, X, Q, J, K, U) (V, W, N, O, L) (FG, IT, HM, BDE, R) (C, P, S, A) the order back, in which C, P, S, A back of each should be divided into three sections. This back has several advantages: (a) to increase the sense of achievement, interest. As for why, you are looking through the dictionary to understand. (B) to facilitate well aware that words have been back before, those not yet back. (C) can should first master the basic words first. 30000 words, the divided into three levels: 3000-4000, 8000-10000, 22000-30000. In other words, you will have to prepare three separate dictionaries. Between these levels each have very different characteristics, so different approaches were used to need back. I did not realize this, so in between 10000-30000 walk from some detours and wasted some time, or else may be able to break through to 50000 bar. So, back word that this shortcut will have the following three branches. Word shortcut back the third, which is: and the word meet more often. A word can remember, and it depends on the frequency of meetings on various occasions, does not lie in the length of time each time and watched it (again the law is also suitable in the bubble MM). Generally want to remember a word, every week, on various occasions that it wants to see three to four times a side. I mentioned above, a large number of back, do not pull a single word to remember or not mean that. Because it does not matter whether it is love at first sight, and the key is to have more opportunities to meet different types. However, according to the word back at a different level to increase the opportunities for ways to meet different. The first branch: blind listening! 3000-4000 at this level, it is very commonly used words, but the most basic ideas of expression covering almost all the necessary vocabulary. Each article is 80% of these terms, and these words are the most basic morpheme (or "root" is no longer divided into the smallest division, mutual similarities between the little things. To deal with The best way of these words is a lot of non-stop, simple primary listening exercises. because the reading materials, as well as 20% in other words, so this level alone can not read those words also read material. but listening exercises are very basic dialogue, and in general is the standard pronunciation, listening to the word of the repetition rate can increase, but also for the future back 8000-10000 voice that lay the foundation level of the word. When listening to sub-intensive and extensive listening to listen to two parts. Intensive listening of course, means every word must be understood, I focus on to talk about the extensive listening. Extensive listening is the most important as the mastery of pace and tone, and overall impression have to rely on extensive listening. These are the words back 8000-10000 grade basis? Extensive listening to the word so frequently used (that is, those most in need to master the word) to your ear grind cocoon the child to let you hear vague a tone will be able to reflect what it is meant. Extensive listening, you hear the word, is the word you really should keep in mind, so fine Do not be afraid to listen to what the time could not understand. What is extensive listening in the end it? Extensive listening, that you listen to when the spirit must be dispersed to the side do the other things (such as rice or summary of the discussion group of rice out loud with others), while there is a tie not a tie-listening. Extensive listening must be must attack first, one hears a chance, it is best not leave the ear headphones. The precise meaning of listening is to identify those words you did not catch. Aha, that is, you back off, but not a familiar word. Remember these words alone in another place, Do not talk to do not mix the words back down. Extensive listening to listen to listen to have heard the contents of the sperm. Such fine to the second tape to listen to, then the extensive listening hears first tape exactly. Remind you that one, never Do not take English listening materials broadcasting when its own! Way with the materials you recommend a hearing: East China Normal University, out of Step by Step. The content of relatively gradual, at the beginning of each lesson to listen to the music is also very good.