
明天外教就要考试了,内容是用下列单词造句。希望各位网友大力支持下,帮下忙。谢谢哈1.Declamation2.Monolog3.Extendcorneous4.Abacu... 明天外教就要考试了,内容是用下列单词造句。希望各位网友大力支持下,帮下忙。谢谢哈 1. Declamation2. Monolog3. Extend corneous4. Abacus5. Starch6. Nutritious7. Draw a carton8. Generation gap9. Automotive10. Resurrection11. Contribute12. Signify13. Recognition14. Siblings15. Caricature16. Exaggerate17. Poise18. Significance19. Casual essay20. Review21. Notorious22. Evolution23. Accusation24. Commemorative25. Expert26. Alert27. Focus28. Wine29. Download30. Encode31. Encrypt32. Secure33. Maintenance34. Express35. Reputable36. Infamous37. Terrific38. Included39. Replies40. Content41. Quality 展开
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造不出来那么多4I can use abacus skillfully. 我会熟练地打算盘。5Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach. 糖和淀粉在胃里被分解。6Offal is now thought to be very nutritious. 现在认为猪牛等的下水很有营养。8There is a generation gap between my parents and I. 我父母和我之间有代沟。9Now automotive engineers are catering to buyers who also want their big cars to start and stop on a dime. 目前汽车工程师正在想办法迎合买主。这些买主要他们的大车能在极短的距离内起步和停住。10He had a resurrection of hope. 他的希望复苏了。11Honesty and hard work contribute to success and happiness. 诚实加苦干有助于成功和幸福。12She signifies her disagreement. 她表示她不同意。13He was rewarded in recognition of his service. 他的贡献得到认可而受到嘉奖。14I have two brothers and a sister: three siblings in all. 我有两个哥哥和一个妹妹: 共有三个兄妹。15Caricature is the tribute that mediocrity pays to genius. 笨拙的模仿,是凡人对天才呈献的赞词。16He has an exaggerated idea of his own importance. 他自视过高。17We admired the graceful poise of the dancer. 我们很欣赏那位舞蹈演员的优美舞姿。18This new discovery of oil is of great significance to this area's economy. 这次新发现的石油对这个地区的经济有着重大的意义。20The play was very well reviewed. 这出戏得到很好的评价。21He is notorious for his goings-on. 他因行为不检点而声名狼藉。22Our political institutions are in continuous evolution. 我们的政治制度正在不断发展中。23He said that the people's accusation was unjust. 他说人们的指控是不公正的。24The new set of stamps will be issued as the commemorative. 这套新邮票将作为纪念物品发行。25She is a reputable expert. 她是个有声望的专家。26The alert leopard went up to a deer quietly. 警觉的豹子静悄悄地走近一只鹿。27All eyes were focused on him. 大家的眼光都注意着他。28He drank the wine slowly, savoring every drop. 他慢慢地喝着酒,细细品尝着每滴酒的滋味。31Pertaining to a signal or area which contains either encrypted classified or unclassified information. 用于修饰或说明包含加密的保密或不保密信息的信号或区域。32The little boy felt secure near his parents. 那小男孩在父母身边感到安心。33The machinery requires constant maintenance. 这些机器需要经常保养维修。34She is the express image of her mother. 她和她母亲长得一模一样。35She is a reputable expert. 她是个有声望的专家。36The king was infamous for his guilt of many infamies. 那个国王因罪恶多端而臭名昭著。37Their engagement created a terrific splash in the popular press. 他俩订婚的事在广受欢迎的新闻界极为轰动。38The tour included a visit to the Science Museum. 旅游项目中包括参观科学博物馆。39I had no reply to my letter. 我没收到回信。40He is quite content with his present fortune. 他对自己目前的境遇颇为得意。41We should improve what is called the quality of living. 我们应该改进所谓的生活品质。只有这些,希望能帮到你
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