2.按交付货运单据的条件不同,有付款交单 D/P(即期和远期)和承兑交单 D/A 之分。
5.托收(Collection) 是出口人在货物装运后,开具以进口方为付款人的汇票(随附或不“随附货运单据),委托出口地银行通过它在进口地的分行或代理行代出口人收取货款一种结算方式。属于商业信用,采用的是逆汇法。 展开
.. properties of commercial credit, bank in which only provide services does not provide credit. With the remittance
According to the delivery of shipping documents of different conditions, with the payment D/P (spot and forward) and D / a D/A branch.
On the import of enormous benefit. Because the importer does not need to advance funds, or only a short time capital cushion
Great for export risk, because the bank to collect payment can be received by the importer's credit. But because the goods have been shipped out first, as soon asdishonoured by non payment, is very passive.
Collection (Collection). After the shipment of the cargo is exported to the importer, issued a draft (with or without "enclose shipping documents),commissioned by the export import bank through it in the branch or correspondent bank generation exporters receive payment for a settlement.Belong to the commercial credit, using the inverse exchange method.
2. According to the conditions of the delivery of shipping documents, payment by D/P D/P (spot and forward), and D/A D/A.
3. Is highly advantageous to import. Because the importer does not need to advance money, or simply pad more money for a short period of time
4. For utilizing the risk is great, because entrust a bank to collect payment for goods can be received by the importer all the credit. And because the goods have been shipped first, once been dishonoured by non-payment, is very passive.
5. Collection (Collection) is the alteration in after shipment, issued by the importer for the order (attached or not "to accompany the shipping documents), entrust the exporter bank import branch or the buyer through its correspondent bank abroad generation utilizing the payment against a knot