中华之魂:华南虎 英名:Chinese Tiger 学名:Panthera tigris amoyensis 华南虎的英文为“中国虎”,是我国特有的亚种,原为中国分布最广、数量最多、体型较小,但资格最老的一个虎种。全球的虎仅有一种,均产于亚洲,上个世纪尚有8个亚种:孟加拉虎、东北虎、爪哇虎、华南虎、里海虎、巴厘虎、苏门达腊虎,但后三个亚种相继灭绝,中国的新疆虎(尚未搞清属于哪个亚种)是在20世纪初灭绝的。 华南虎雄性约重149—225千克,雌性约重90—120千克,个头虽然不是最大,但对华夏民族文化的影响可谓渊远流长,人们谈虎色变、畏虎、敬虎,认为“老虎吃人”的心理根深蒂固。但结果是,老虎几乎被人类吃光了。华南虎正处于垂危状态,野外数量约20只,呈孤岛分布,且捕食对象稀缺。人工饲养下的50只呈严重近亲,退化现象十分明显。 我们连作为具有民族精神“虎虎有生气”“龙腾虎跃”象征的这种大猫都保护不了,还能保护好我们自己吗?虎的消失,将预示人类灵魂的失落。 虎有几种奇异色形,如产于印度中央邦雷瓦的白虎、产于中国河北省东陵的黑虎(已于19世纪末灭绝)及产于中国福建的蓝虎(灭绝)。华南虎被国际自然保护联盟IUCN红皮书列为“濒危”级别,中国一级保护动物。
Wild animals are in danger
Soul of China: South China illustrious name: Chinese Tiger scientific name: Panthera tigris amoyensis South China Tiger in English as "China Tiger" is a unique subspecies of China, China was the most widely distributed, the largest number of relatively small size, but the oldest A tiger species. Only a tiger around the world are produced in Asia, the last century there are 8 subspecies: Bengal tiger, the Siberian tiger, the Javan tiger, the South China tiger, the Caspian tiger, Bali tiger, Sumatra, tiger, but after three One after another sub-species extinction, China's Xinjiang tiger (not yet clear which belong to the subspecies) in the early 20th century extinction. Male South China tiger, weighing about 149-225 kg, females weighing 90-120 kg, although the head is not the biggest, but the impact on the culture of the Chinese yuan is a long, people turn pale at the mention, fear the tiger, Tiger King, saying that "man-eating tiger "The deep-rooted psychological. The result was that he was almost finished a human. South China Tiger is in a critical state, the number of the wild, about 20, was an island distribution, and the scarcity of feed on target.
中华之魂:华南虎 英名:Chinese Tiger 学名:Panthera tigris amoyensis 华南虎的英文为“中国虎”,是我国特有的亚种,原为中国分布最广、数量最多、体型较小,但资格最老的一个虎种。全球的虎仅有一种,均产于亚洲,上个世纪尚有8个亚种:孟加拉虎、东北虎、爪哇虎、华南虎、里海虎、巴厘虎、苏门达腊虎,但后三个亚种相继灭绝,中国的新疆虎(尚未搞清属于哪个亚种)是在20世纪初灭绝的。 华南虎雄性约重149—225千克,雌性约重90—120千克,个头虽然不是最大,但对华夏民族文化的影响可谓渊远流长,人们谈虎色变、畏虎、敬虎,认为“老虎吃人”的心理根深蒂固。但结果是,老虎几乎被人类吃光了。华南虎正处于垂危状态,野外数量约20只,呈孤岛分布,且捕食对象稀缺。人工饲养下的50只呈严重近亲,退化现象十分明显。 我们连作为具有民族精神“虎虎有生气”“龙腾虎跃”象征的这种大猫都保护不了,还能保护好我们自己吗?虎的消失,将预示人类灵魂的失落。 虎有几种奇异色形,如产于印度中央邦雷瓦的白虎、产于中国河北省东陵的黑虎(已于19世纪末灭绝)及产于中国福建的蓝虎(灭绝)。华南虎被国际自然保护联盟IUCN红皮书列为“濒危”级别,中国一级保护动物。
Wild animals are in danger
Soul of China: South China illustrious name: Chinese Tiger scientific name: Panthera tigris amoyensis South China Tiger in English as "China Tiger" is a unique subspecies of China, China was the most widely distributed, the largest number of relatively small size, but the oldest A tiger species. Only a tiger around the world are produced in Asia, the last century there are 8 subspecies: Bengal tiger, the Siberian tiger, the Javan tiger, the South China tiger, the Caspian tiger, Bali tiger, Sumatra, tiger, but after three One after another sub-species extinction, China's Xinjiang tiger (not yet clear which belong to the subspecies) in the early 20th century extinction. Male South China tiger, weighing about 149-225 kg, females weighing 90-120 kg, although the head is not the biggest, but the impact on the culture of the Chinese yuan is a long, people turn pale at the mention, fear the tiger, Tiger King, saying that "man-eating tiger "The deep-rooted psychological. The result was that he was almost finished a human. South China Tiger is in a critical state, the number of the wild, about 20, was an island distribution, and the scarcity of feed on target.
Animals are people's friends.But many wild animals are facing the danger of dying outbecause the environment has changed greatly.Their living areas are becoming smaller and amaller because of pollution and the development of cities.They have no room to live in except in the zoo.And many of the wild animals now can't find enough food to eat.At the same time,man is killing off animals just to get their fur,skin,teeth and meat.
people should realize how serious the situation is and something should be done to protect the animals.We are supposed to set up some nature reserves,so that animals can live freely.Besides,people should not be allowed to kill endangered animals or eat their meat.We should also do something to make our world cleaner.Fresh air,clean water,and grass are all important for animals because they need them for living.the death of the endangered animals will bring a disaster to human beings.
people should realize how serious the situation is and something should be done to protect the animals.We are supposed to set up some nature reserves,so that animals can live freely.Besides,people should not be allowed to kill endangered animals or eat their meat.We should also do something to make our world cleaner.Fresh air,clean water,and grass are all important for animals because they need them for living.the death of the endangered animals will bring a disaster to human beings.
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