1. Consider the following Utility functions over goods X and Y for two individuals:
Joyce’s Utility function is UJ(x,y)=2x+6y.
Emily’s Utility function is UE(x,y)=6min(X,Y).
A. Do both girls like both goods? If no, explain.
B. For Joyce, draw her indifference curve map for two specific utility levels:Utility=6 and Utility=12. Indicate keyvalues of X and Y on the proper axes. Labelthe indifference curves U=6 and U=12.
C. For Emily, draw her indifference curve map (on a separate graph) for specific twoutility levels: Utility=6 and Utility=12. Indicate key values of X and Y onthe proper axes. Label theindifference curves U=6 and U=12.
D. Evaluate/Explainthe preferences these girls have over the two goods.
E. Whatis the MRSx,y for Joyce? For Emily?
F. Assume both girls have $2. Also assume Px=$1 and Py=$1. Solve fortheir optimal bundles. (Hint: Draw the Budget Line in the Graphs)
G. If Joyce instead had a utilityfunction of UJ(x,y)=6x+6y, then is it possible that the two girlswould have the same optimizing bundles with the same budget? Why or Why not?
因为要画图,可以求高手做完拍张照传给我 就是步骤写得清楚详细点, 十分感谢370282569@qq.com 展开
Joyce’s Utility function is UJ(x,y)=2x+6y.
Emily’s Utility function is UE(x,y)=6min(X,Y).
A. Do both girls like both goods? If no, explain.
B. For Joyce, draw her indifference curve map for two specific utility levels:Utility=6 and Utility=12. Indicate keyvalues of X and Y on the proper axes. Labelthe indifference curves U=6 and U=12.
C. For Emily, draw her indifference curve map (on a separate graph) for specific twoutility levels: Utility=6 and Utility=12. Indicate key values of X and Y onthe proper axes. Label theindifference curves U=6 and U=12.
D. Evaluate/Explainthe preferences these girls have over the two goods.
E. Whatis the MRSx,y for Joyce? For Emily?
F. Assume both girls have $2. Also assume Px=$1 and Py=$1. Solve fortheir optimal bundles. (Hint: Draw the Budget Line in the Graphs)
G. If Joyce instead had a utilityfunction of UJ(x,y)=6x+6y, then is it possible that the two girlswould have the same optimizing bundles with the same budget? Why or Why not?
因为要画图,可以求高手做完拍张照传给我 就是步骤写得清楚详细点, 十分感谢370282569@qq.com 展开
我有个地方有点困惑就是Emily这个我看着像完全互补品(perfect complements), 我看一些例题上说perfect conplements 的边际替代率MRS 是零,这是怎么回事啊