
NO.描述不符合改善行动负责部门1每年质量目标一致没有与客户相一致的质量协议.他们只证明L'Assomption目标,不良率少于1%.目前没有此协议,需业务再沟通国贸部2... NO. 描述 不符合 改善行动 负责部门
1 每年质量目标一致 没有与客户相一致的质量协议.他们只证明L'Assomption目标,不良率少于1%. 目前没有此协议,需业务再沟通 国贸部
2 对抗趋向目标 没有实现的质量目标没有正确的改善行动 有持续在改善,需制定短期目标 "加工生产部"
3 质量系统费用 质量费用控制程序已经建立(BR-Q-63),并且费用由财政部门监督.质量费用占了总销售的M%,这个比较高是因为在春节期间员工不稳定. 由财务部每月负责统计,并提供品保部门分析原因 "财务 品保部"
4 客户管理规定 客户工厂发来的DPPM要求和月份DPPM报告没有被查看,并且对相关功能进行沟通. 希望国贸及时提供给工厂 国贸部
5 FMEAs用了正确的投入 整个部分只有一个FMEA,在FEMA-071108-07,对于喷涂过程,要求对湿珐琅厚度进行100%的全检,实际上他们只做样品检验. 更改文件 品保部
6 来自FEMA的C.A和更新 对于客户FMEA-071108-07中支撑杆位置变动的正确行动应该更新. 此项内容不太清楚,需与客户沟通
7 供应商规律性的选择和评估 在铸铁厂,没有特定的报告说明供应商定期被评估,并且质量好的供应商表的时间是2004.09.18.一些供应商没有包括在内, 重新对铸造厂进行审核,并补充资料 生管中心
8 不间断的供应商表现监督 供应商表现的跟踪监督按季节进行,但是脚垫供应商2007年第四季度的表现记录应该可以找到. 重新整理供应商的相关记录 资材
9 供应商C.A程序 只有不合格的部分才会通知到供应商 此项内容不太清楚,需与客户沟通
10 批准/部分有效/程序 供应商没有明确的证据用于批准/部分有效,并且他们解释大部分这样的功能都由台湾R&D完成. 重新整理供应商的首件确认相关记录 资材
11 改变到/从供应商 没有证据证明从供应商接收和改变到的工程管理在系统的进行. 重新整理和供应商的收发和修改确认的相关记录 资材
12 控制计划规定要求 一些工作指导很难实行,例如:在粘脚垫的过程,他们规定胶水注射值是0.09+/-0.02,但是却没有什么行动来控制这个值. 更改标准 包装
13 没有工人按照文件规定进行操作 在珐琅厚度检验过程说明中,要求检验者应该对36个点进行检验,实际上,检验者只检验了7个点. 对员工进行教育培训 生产部
14 工作环境 工作环境没有很好的规划.例如:铸铁工厂,珐琅工厂的仓库,珐琅工厂的研磨室. 重新整理现场环境 各部门
15 与控制计划相一致的统计方法. 在控制计划318361501中没有提到明确的控制方法. 从品控计划中加入SPC控制 品保部
16 相关参数Cpk>1.33? CPK数据不稳定,一些少于1.0,一些大于2.0.例如珐琅厚度喷涂过程CPK是0.86. 膜厚为人工操作,CPK只在适用 品保部
17 控制表要优先维护和检查 没有珐琅厚度低CPK的维护 补充分析改善报告 品保部
18 变化特殊原因的调查和行动 结果高于3.01 此项内容不太清楚,需与客户沟通
19 达到客户跟踪程序的要求 PPM高,很多来自伊莱克斯L'Assomption(LAS-182,LAS-102,LAS-186,LAS-218,LAS-238,LAS-272,LAS-322,LAS-330,LAS-345),一些来自伊莱克斯Springfield. 有对客诉产品进行改善 品保部
20 包装过程遵从规定 对于颜色不同问题(SCAR345),改变包装到包装一套是比较好的.需要与L'assomption进行沟通.(见正确的SCAR345行为) 已有请国贸部与客户沟通 品保部
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2008-07-18 · TA获得超过2477个赞
1 each year the quality of unity of purpose not consistent with the quality of customer agreements. They only prove that L'Assomption objective, non-performing rate of less than 1%. There is no agreement, the business need to communicate the Ministry of International Trade
2 confrontation tend not to achieve the goal of quality improvement goals without a proper action continued to improve, the need for short-term goal "of the production process"
3 quality system for quality control procedures have been established for (BR-Q-63), and costs from the financial sector supervision. Quality of the total cost of sales of M%, this is relatively high because of instability in staff during the Spring Festival. From the Ministry of Finance Responsible for the monthly statistics, and provide goods-sector analysis of the reasons for "the Department of Finance Commodities"
4, 2007, the factory management regulations to the requirements and the DPPM DPPM in the report had not been read, and the related functions of communication. Traders hope that the timely provision of factories to the Ministry of International Trade
5 FMEAs with the correct input there is only one part of the whole FMEA, the FEMA-071108-07, the spraying process, called for wet enamel thickness of 100% of the entire seizure, in fact they only sample testing. Change the document for the Department
6 from the CA FEMA and update customers FMEA-071108-07 in the supporting bar to the correct location change operations should be updated. The content is not very clear, the need to communicate with customers
7 supplier selection and assessment of the nature of laws in iron foundries, there is no specific report on suppliers regularly assessed and good quality suppliers is the time table 2004.09.18. Some suppliers not included, to the foundry To review and additional information of the Health Centre
8 uninterrupted supply of performance monitoring to track the performance of suppliers to supervise the season, but Ottomans providers in 2007 fourth-quarter performance records should be able to find. Refresh supplier of materials related records
9 providers CA procedures only failed to notice only some of the content providers is not very clear, the need to communicate with customers
10 approved / part of effective / provider there is no clear evidence for approval / part of an effective, and they explained that most of the functions of Taiwan's R & D are completed. Refresh supplier of the first pieces of relevant records to confirm materials
11 changes to / from suppliers there is no evidence that the providers receive and to change the system of project management in the conduct. Refreshes and suppliers of the transceiver and revision of relevant records to confirm the materials
12 control plan required some guidance to implement, such as: Nien Ottomans in the process, they provided glue injection value is 0.09 + / -0.02, but no action to control this value. Change the packaging standards
13 workers did not operate in accordance with the provisions of documents in the enamel thickness inspection process in the note, the test should request the 36 point test, in fact, the test only tested seven points. The production staff of the Ministry of Education and Training
14 working environment not a very good working environment planning. For example: cast iron plant, enamel factory warehouse, enamel factory grinding room. Refreshes the scene of the environment sector
15 and control plan in line with statistical methods. 318361501 in the control plan was not mentioned in clear control method for controlling from the SPC plans to add control for the Department
16 parameters Cpk> 1.33? CPK data instability, some less than 1.0, some larger than 2.0. Such as enamel thickness spraying process CPK is 0.86. Thickness for the manual, CPK only in the application of the Department of goods
17 control table to give priority to maintain and inspect no enamel thickness low CPK added analysis to improve the maintenance of the report for the Department
18 investigation into the cause of changes in special operations and results of the content higher than 3.01 is not very clear, the need to communicate with customers
19 customer-tracking procedures to achieve the requirements of PPM, many from Electrolux L'Assomption (LAS-182, LAS-102, LAS-186, LAS-218, LAS-238, LAS-272, LAS-322, LAS - 330, LAS-345), some from Electrolux Springfield. V. passengers have to improve products for the Department20 packaging process to comply with the provisions of color different issues (SCAR345), to change the packaging is a relatively good packaging. Need to communicate with L'assomption (see right SCAR345 acts) has requested the Ministry of International Trade and customer communications for security Department
2008-07-31 · TA获得超过510个赞
1 each year the quality of unity of purpose not consistent with the quality of customer agreements. They only prove that L'Assomption objective, non-performing rate of less than 1%. There is no agreement, the business need to communicate the Ministry of International Trade
2 confrontation tend not to achieve the goal of quality improvement goals without a proper action continued to improve, the need for short-term goal "of the production process"
3 quality system for quality control procedures have been established for (BR-Q-63), and costs from the financial sector supervision. Quality of the total cost of sales of M%, this is relatively high because of instability in staff during the Spring Festival. From the Ministry of Finance Responsible for the monthly statistics, and provide goods-sector analysis of the reasons for "the Department of Finance Commodities"
4, 2007, the factory management regulations to the requirements and the DPPM DPPM in the report had not been read, and the related functions of communication. Traders hope that the timely provision of factories to the Ministry of International Trade
5 FMEAs with the correct input there is only one part of the whole FMEA, the FEMA-071108-07, the spraying process, called for wet enamel thickness of 100% of the entire seizure, in fact they only sample testing. Change the document for the Department
6 from the CA FEMA and update customers FMEA-071108-07 in the supporting bar to the correct location change operations should be updated. The content is not very clear, the need to communicate with customers
7 supplier selection and assessment of the nature of laws in iron foundries, there is no specific report on suppliers regularly assessed and good quality suppliers is the time table 2004.09.18. Some suppliers not included, to the foundry To review and additional information of the Health Centre
8 uninterrupted supply of performance monitoring to track the performance of suppliers to supervise the season, but Ottomans providers in 2007 fourth-quarter performance records should be able to find. Refresh supplier of materials related records
9 providers CA procedures only failed to notice only some of the content providers is not very clear, the need to communicate with customers
10 approved / part of effective / provider there is no clear evidence for approval / part of an effective, and they explained that most of the functions of Taiwan's R & D are completed. Refresh supplier of the first pieces of relevant records to confirm materials
11 changes to / from suppliers there is no evidence that the providers receive and to change the system of project management in the conduct. Refreshes and suppliers of the transceiver and revision of relevant records to confirm the materials
12 control plan required some guidance to implement, such as: Nien Ottomans in the process, they provided glue injection value is 0.09 + / -0.02, but no action to control this value. Change the packaging standards
13 workers did not operate in accordance with the provisions of documents in the enamel thickness inspection process in the note, the test should request the 36 point test, in fact, the test only tested seven points. The production staff of the Ministry of Education and Training
14 working environment not a very good working environment planning. For example: cast iron plant, enamel factory warehouse, enamel factory grinding room. Refreshes the scene of the environment sector
15 and control plan in line with statistical methods. 318361501 in the control plan was not mentioned in clear control method for controlling from the SPC plans to add control for the Department
16 parameters Cpk> 1.33? CPK data instability, some less than 1.0, some larger than 2.0. Such as enamel thickness spraying process CPK is 0.86. Thickness for the manual, CPK only in the application of the Department of goods
17 control table to give priority to maintain and inspect no enamel thickness low CPK added analysis to improve the maintenance of the report for the Department
18 investigation into the cause of changes in special operations and results of the content higher than 3.01 is not very clear, the need to communicate with customers
19 customer-tracking procedures to achieve the requirements of PPM, many from Electrolux L'Assomption (LAS-182, LAS-102, LAS-186, LAS-218, LAS-238, LAS-272, LAS-322, LAS - 330, LAS-345), some from Electrolux Springfield. V. passengers have to improve products for the Department20 packaging process to comply with the provisions of color different issues (SCAR345), to change the packaging is a relatively good packaging. Need to communicate with L'assomption (see right SCAR345 acts) has requested the Ministry of International Trade and customer communications for security Department
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