
21检验和测试过程的文件程序在检验珐琅厚度的过程中,文件要求他们应该测试36点对于伊莱克斯L'assomption,实际上检验者,只检验了7个点.对员工进行教育培训生产部... 21 检验和测试过程的文件程序 在检验珐琅厚度的过程中,文件要求他们应该测试36点对于伊莱克斯L'assomption,实际上检验者,只检验了7个点. 对员工进行教育培训 生产部
22 最后检验和测试的文件程序 在最后检验程序宽度的尺寸并没有得到很好的控制,并且有宽度通过或未通过的标准,但是检验者却忽略了.见(BR-Electrolux-076) 对员工进行教育培训 品保部
23 生命周期循环安排 可靠性检验只针对一个架子上的一件产品,检验的频率和数量应该根据客户的高投诉数量而增加. 目前没有此方面客诉,暂不考虑此频率 品保部
24 C.A的最后产品检验的修订 没有证据显示产品检验的信息为了不断的提高而进行再查看. 更改作业方式,不断检查改善的效果 各部门
25 检验和测试结果的可追踪性 在产品3182791中,一些不一致部门并没有在最后检验部分得到确认.这些不一致涉及到平坦度和表面应该被确认. 根据控制的需求,重新订定项目 品保部
26 产品召回程序 返工/召回程序和说明没有很好地实行. 重新检查此作业程序 生产部
27 不一致材料伊莱克斯地授权程序 他们根据AQL地标准进行最后检验并且不良比例不是0.所以一些不良品在没有客户授权的情况下出货. 重新审核验货报告 品保部
28 产品坚定/所有步骤的成分 检验和测试结果鉴定并没有保存全面的信息.例如,珐琅工厂的鉴定只包括款号,日期和状态. 重新审核各项报告 品保部
29 可追踪系统 在铸造厂和珐琅厂没有很好的建立可追踪系统.鉴定没有全面的信息. 有相关的作业指导书 品保部
30 特殊工作的合格雇员 珐琅厚度和最后检验的检验者并不专业. 对作业员进行培训 "生产部 品保部"
31 产能提高维护报告评价 缺少在维护行动后的过程能力提高再回顾. 增加设备维修后的效果确认报告 保养
32 省略部分的可利用性 主要设备的替代部分没有被确定和列出. 重新整理关键设备零件的明细,并备好库存件 保养
33 维护系统包括可预见性的方法 还在考虑之内. 还在考虑之内.
34 MSA指导控制计划中的所有工具 没有MSA的使用标准尺寸和未使用标准尺寸分析,例如:伊莱克斯长度和宽度的标尺. 补充此项分析 品保部
35 超出口径尺寸时的恰当行动 有一些卡尺没有相关的分析和跟踪 增加此项记录 品保部
36 工程操作/程序变动文件 一些工程变动没有再回顾(例如:珐琅厚度已经由650um改变到600um) 有相关的更改记录 品保部
37 记录保留时间 珐琅厚度的记录只保持三个月,时间太短当不一致发生时却不能进行跟踪. 更改为一年 品保部
38 Stat表格分析和c.a或者能力学习 控制表和CPK没有明确的问题鉴定分析和行动 补充此方面的资料 品保部
39 适当改正行动 不能找到SCAR322的产生根源,并且他们怀疑与伊莱克斯其他的供应商的不一致. 工厂内部已经改善预防 品保部
40 受过训练的解决办法 改正行动计划缺少有效的改正程序. 补充此方面的改善报告 品保部
41 解决客户的投诉和报告 L'A的SCAR345并没有有效的解决,并且改善措施是增强检验,但是他们建议的每部分分开包装并没有实行. 已经与国贸部沟通 品保部
42 改正措施修改的效率 在改善报告中没有有效的改正方法,并且在SCAR322/330/345中也没有找到合适的改善方法. 已经重新考核改善 品保部
43 不一致报告用于预防行动 没有证据证明不一致报告用于发展预防行动. 补充此方面的报告 品保部
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2008-07-18 · TA获得超过721个赞
21 inspection and testing procedures in the process of document examination enamel thickness in the process of documentation requirements they should test for 36 points Electrolux L'assomption, in fact test, the test only seven points. The production staff of the Ministry of Education and Training
22 final inspection and testing procedures in the final document of the testing procedures and the size of the width has not been very good control, and a width or passed through the standards, but tests were neglected. See (BR-Electrolux-076) for staff The Department for Education and Training
23 life cycle for only a reliability test of a product on a shelf, the frequency of testing should be based on the number of customers and the high number of complaints increased. There is no passenger appeal in this regard, not to consider the frequency of the Department of goods
24 CA of the final product testing there is no evidence that the revised test the product in order to continuously improve the information and re-read. To change practices, and continuously improve the effectiveness of inspection departments
25 test and the test results in the traceability of products 3182791, a number of different departments and not part of the final test is confirmed. These inconsistencies related to flatness and surface should be confirmed. Under the control of demand and re-set the project for the Department
26 product recall procedures rework / recall procedures and that has not been implemented. A re-examination of the operating procedures of the production
27 inconsistent material Electrolux authorized procedures, according to AQL criteria for final inspection and non-performing ratio is not 0. So some bad goods in the absence of customers under the authorization of shipments. A re-examination of inspection reports for the Department
28 products firm / all the steps and testing the composition of the test results identify and does not keep comprehensive information, such as enamel factory, the only identification number, date and status. To re-examine the reports of the Department of goods
29 traceability system in the foundry and enamel factory no good to establish traceability system. Identification does not have comprehensive information is related to operating instructions for the Department
30 special work of qualified employees enamel thickness of the test and final test were not professional. The operator training, "the Department of production parts"
31-evaluation report can improve maintenance in the maintenance of the lack of action after the review process to improve the capacity. Increased equipment maintenance reports to confirm the result of maintenance
32 omitted part of the availability of major equipment replacement parts have not been identified and listed. Refresh Details of key equipment parts and maintenance of inventory ready
33 maintenance system, including the predictability of the method is still under consideration. Is still under consideration in the review.
34 MSA plans in the direction and control of all the tools of the MSA did not use the standard size and not the use of standard-size analysis, for example: Electrolux length and width of the ruler. Supplement the analysis for the Department
35-caliber size exceeded the appropriate action when there are no relevant caliper analysis and tracking of the increase recorded for the Department
36 operational projects / procedural changes document changes in some projects did not recall (for example: enamel thickness has been changed from 650 um to 600 um) is related to changes in the Department of goods
37 record retention time enamel thickness of only keep records for three months, when the time is too short can not occur when track. Changes for the Department for one year
38 Stat forms of learning and the ability to control or ca table and CPK no clear identification of the problem analysis and action to add information in this regard for the Department
39 appropriate corrective action can not find a root cause of the SCAR322 and their connection with the Electrolux other providers of inconsistency. Factory goods has improved the prevention of the Department of
40 trained solution to the lack of an effective corrective action plan to correct the procedures. Supplementary report in this regard to improve the Department of goods
41 resolve customer complaints and reports of L'A SCAR345 not an effective solution, and improvement measures to strengthen the inspection, but they are separated from each part of the proposed package and is not enforced. ITC has been with the Department of the Ministry of communication materials
42 corrective measures to improve the efficiency of Laws in the report there is no effective ways to correct them, and in SCAR322/330/345 also did not find a suitable improvement measures. Has been re-evaluation for the Department to improve
43 inconsistent report for preventive action there is no evidence that inconsistent report for the development of preventive action. Supplementary report in this regard for the Department
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