
ANSWERSHEET.1.Icouldn’tfindmywallet,I___itathome.AshouldleaveBmustleaveCmusthaveleftD... ANSWER SHEET .
1. I couldn’t find my wallet, I ___it at home .
A should leave B must leave C must have left D could have left
2. It is obvious that hero in the film was ________
A image B imaginary C imaginative D false
3 He was out of_______ after running and jumping
A air B breathe C breath D speech
4 It _____ the post office time if people address letters properly.
A earns B wins C gains D saves
5 The shop assistant lost her ________ with a difficult customer
A calm B emotion C temper D mood
6 I can’t afford a new car, so I’m looking for a good _______ one
A timely B original C used D ancient
7 The child’s ______ behavior puzzled the doctor
A normal B abnormal C bad D frightening
8 China is trying to keep her population _____ down
A birth B increase C size D growth
9 The teacher told his pupils to ____ their work
A get onto B get on C get on for D get on with
10 I am going to ____ my old bicycle and buy a new one
A get away with B get rid of C get out of D clear out
11 I’ll never forget ___ my mother singing cradle-songs when I was a baby
A to hear B hearing C heard D having been heard
12 The firemen acted quickly because lives were ___
A at stake B in despair C out the danger D out the condition
13 The most urgent tasks are to make sure that the people ____by the flood can survive the winter
A discovered B displaced C destroyed D dispatched
14 Can you ___ you absence form the class last Thursday ?
A excuse B examine C expand D account for
15 She wants to be a nurse, but her parents ____ of her intention
A disapprove B approve C agree D disagree
Directions: Find the best choice for each of underlined word or phrase in the following sentences and write your answer in the ANAWER SHEET
16 The dentist has decided to extract her bad tooth
A take out B repair C pull D dig
17 The teacher is a decent people
A rich B handsome C honest D high—ranking
18 I expect that the poem will be able to cater for your interests.
A meet B reach C provide D fill
19 Peter lost control of his car and collided with a tree
A came across B ran into C met D knocked\
20 The drinking water is contaminated with impurities
A blackened B darkened C polluted D mixed
21 A beautiful woman attended to me in that store yesterday
A waited on B talked to C inquired D stayed with
22 In 1861 it seemed inevitable that the southern states would break away from the Union
A strange B certain C proper D inconsistent
23 I can no longer tolerate his actions ]
A accept B take C put up with D suffer from
24 The workers finally called off the strike
A put off B ended C cancelled D participated in
25 Engineers may help produce guided missiles , industrial robots , or artificial limbs for the physically handicapped
A superior B advantaged C manual D disabled
 我来答
2006-04-14 · TA获得超过1426个赞
1. 我无法找我的皮夹, 我 ___它在家。
一应该离开 B 必须离开 C 一定曾经被留下 D 可能留下
2. 是明显的是,在电影的英雄是 ________
图像 B 想像的 C 想像的 D 错误的
3 他在跑而且跳跃之后外出 of_______
空气 B 呼吸 C 呼吸 D 演讲
4 它 _____ 如果人住址适当地写上,邮局计时。
一赚得 B 赢得 C 得到 D 救援
5 商店助手遗失了她 ________ 和一个困难的客户
平静的 B 情绪 C 锻炼 D 心情
6 我不能负担一辆新的汽车,因此,我正在找寻一好 _______ 一
及时的 B 最初的 C 用了 D 远古的
7 孩子的 ______ 行为困惑了医生
正常的 B 不正常的 C 坏的 D 惊吓
8 中国正在尝试保存她的人口 _____??落
出生 B 增加 C 按规定尺寸制作 D 生长
9 老师说他的学生 ____ 他们的工作
一在 B 之上拿上 C 上车因为 D 继续
10 我正在去到 ____ 我的旧脚踏车而且买一个新的
一在外以 B 逃离免除 C 离开 D 清楚
11 我将不再忘记 ___ 我的母亲唱摇篮-歌当我是一个宝贝的时候
一听到被听到有被听到的 D 的 B 听证会 C
12 因为生命是,所以消防员行动了得很快 ___
一在赌注 B 在绝望 C 方面出自危险 D 出自情况
13 最紧急的工作将确定人 ____藉着洪水能平安渡过冬天
一个被发现的 B 移置 C 破坏了被派遣的 D
14 你能 ___ 你缺席上星期四形成班级 ?
藉口 B 调查 C 伸展 D 解释
15 她想要当一位护士, 但是她的父母 ____ 她的意图
一不赞成 B 赞同 C 同意 D 不同意
方向: 为每一个在字下面划线的找最好的选择或者在下列的句子中的片语而且在 ANAWER 张中写你的答案
16 牙科医生已经决定吸取她的坏牙齿
一拿出 B 修理 C 拉 D 挖
17 老师是一个相当好的人
富有的 B 英俊的 C 诚实的 D 高阶的
18 我期待诗将会能够迎合你的兴趣。
一个适宜的 B 延伸 C 提供 D 填充
19 彼得以一棵树遗失了他的汽车的控制而且碰撞了
一偶然发现 B 陷入 C 遇见了 D 敲击\
20 饮用水被杂质污染
一个被 B 变黑的弄暗了被污染 D 的 C 混合的
21 一个美丽的女人在那一间商店昨天中注意我
一等候 B 和 C说话询问 D 停留由于
22 在 1861 年它似乎不可避免州南部会从联盟脱离
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