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当所谓的幻想和梦消失了 就得必须面对残酷的现实

Body paragraph# 1

当幻想破灭时你会怎么样? 你的反应是如何? 你会愿意面对残酷的现实吗
音乐盒是小女孩的一种幻想寄托 当音乐盒消失不见时
作者使用了symbolism来叙述这个故事 作者把故事中的音乐盒代表小女孩的单纯和幻想
她的爸爸给她这个漂亮美丽的音乐盒 也给了她很美很美的幻想和梦
当所谓的幻想消失时 当然我们会有失落感 和无法接受和面对事实的情绪
给个例子 就像故事中的小女孩 一直不停追问她的母亲 她的音乐盒 而她的母亲告诉她 音乐盒破碎时
小女孩不愿意去接受事实 不愿意去面对她单纯的幻想已经破灭了的事实
第二个例子是当小女孩 在垃圾堆中找到音乐盒的碎片 可是她并埋有把音乐和捡起来 她抚摸了一下又放回去然後离开
这个想表达的意思是 小女孩愿意面对现实 而放弃她的幻想和梦了

Body paragraph# 2

当幻想破灭之后就不再抱有任何希望了 幻想会随著时间而消失不见
从故事一开始 这段''..... ''我们可以看出小女孩浪漫天真爱作梦的性格
也因为这样的性格 当她发现她的音乐盒破碎时 她是非常难过和伤心
伤心到 对她她母亲大吼 不相信她母亲所说的话

可是後来经过冷静的思考 时间稍微转移了她的注意力
她放弃了这个音乐盒 她对音乐盒的热爱已经被时间给冲淡了
也因为这样 就向故事所说的 後来这个家庭在也没提起过音乐盒的事情了

Body paragraph# 3

面对残酷现实 你的反应是什麼?
作者使用了description 更清楚的表达描述故事的细节
无论是主角之间的对话 和行为和情感 作者清楚地描述了细节给我们去想像故事的发展
这段段落则表现出小女孩的母亲强迫她 面对残酷现实
小女孩的母亲不断告诉她音乐盒碎掉的事实 她不想要小女孩一直沉醉在幻想和她的梦里
所以她打碎她的幻想 直接了断的告诉她事实的真相

这段段落表现出 小女孩受到打击的感情 和必须要面对残酷现实的反应
这段段落则表现出 这个家的屋顶可以代表这个家庭的精神支柱和精神状态,

作者总结了小女孩从刚开始无法接受的反应 一直到愿意接受和让她的幻想消失 的反应
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2014-04-26 · TA获得超过5.9万个赞
The author depicts the possible reactions of people when their fantasies vanish.
What is fantasy and what is real?
When the so-called fantasy and dream have disappeared, one must confront the harsh reality; this is what the author wishes to express.

Paragraph 1
What will you do when your fantasy is shattered ? How do you react? Are you willing to face the harsh reality?
The music box is the sustenance of her fantasy, and it disappears when the music box is lost.
The author uses symbolism to tell the story. He applies the music box to represent the girl’s naivety and fantasy; her father gives her a very beautiful fantasy with the gift of a pretty music box. When a fantasy vanishes, a sense of loss and feelings of unable to accept and face the reality are unavoidable.
For example, the girl keeps asking her mother the whereabouts of the music box, when she is told that it is broken, she is unwilling to accept and face the fact that her fantasy has been shattered.
Another example is that when the girl has found the fragments of the broken music box in the trash, she does not pick them up, but just caresses them and put them back and goes away. It shows that the girl has accepted the reality and given up her fantasy and dream.

Paragraph 2
When fantasy has gone, no more hope is held up, and the fantasy will vanish with the time. The author applies characterization to describe the protagonist’s personality. From this passage at the beginning of the story,”…………………….”, we can see that the girl has a naïve, romantic and dreamer character; that’s why she feels grieved and sad when she discovers the music box has been broken, so much so that she shouts at her mother and accepts nothing from what her mother has said. However, after sober contemplation and time has also shifted her focus, she gives up the music box; her love for it has been played down by time; this is why the family never again mentions this music box.

Paragraph 3
What’s your reaction when confronted with the harsh reality?
The author applies description to vividly tell the story details. He meticulously describes the dialogues, behaviors and emotions of the protagonists to allow us to imagine the development of the story.
For examples:
“…………………..”, This passage shows that the mother forces the girl to accept the harsh reality. Her mother keeps on telling her the fact of the broken music box; she does not want the girl to be indulged in her dream and fantasy, that’s why her mother tells her the truth straightforward.
“………………..”, This passage shows the girl’s reaction when her feelings suffer a big blow and has to face the harsh reality.
“………………….”. This passage shows that the rooftop of this house can represent the spiritual support and spiritual state of this family. Despite poverty-stricken, they still use a spiritual well-being to deceive themselves.

The author makes the story more complete by summing up the girl’s initial unacceptable reaction to her final receptive reaction which allows her fantasy to go away.
2014-04-26 · TA获得超过1414个赞
What is fantasy? What is real then? The author depicted the response of a person who had his/her own fantasy broke to bring out the intented message ---After this so called dreams and fantasies had vanished, one must face the cruel reality.

How would you act when your dream or fantasy broke? Are you willing to confront the naked truth? The music box is the representation of the dream. When it broke, the hopes and fantasies that are carried would be vanished as well.
The author applied symbolism techniques in storytelling. The music box is the symbol of naive, pure fantasy of the young girl. Her father gifted her a delicate music box, and at the same time granted her a beautiful "fantasy". When this so called "dream" was gone, we felt lost, we found the truth unacceptable and kept rejecting it. Take the stories of the young girl as an example, she kept asking her mother for the lost music box. But when her mother told her the truth that it was smashed, the girl refused to accept this fact and unwilling to believe that her percious dream had gone. The second example is the scene where the girl finally found the pieces of her music box. She gently touch the pieces and put them back to the dump. This reaction was a symbol for her to give up her fantasy and dream, and start facing the truth.

Hopes were no more after the dream had faded. But this broken dream would be washed away by time. The writer employed characterization to give us a clear picture of a character's trait and personality. In the beginning of the story, it wrote"....". From this paragraph, we can tell that the girl is full of romance, innocence, and fantasy in her character. And thus, reasonably explained her reactions towards the lost music box. After she had calmed herself, after time had distracted her focus, her love to the music box was extinct. She had completely given it up. And therefore, this family no longer mention a single word about the music box afterwards.

How to confront the cruel, cold truths? How would you response to it?
The author made good use of description to clearly describe the details in the story. Either the conversations between characters, their behaviors and emotions, the author gave the reader rich details and rooms for imagination to further develope the plot. Here are the examples. ".......". This paragraph portrayed how her mother was forcing her daugther to face the bloody truth. She wanted to save her daughter from drowning in the fantasy, in the broken dream. Hence, she directly tell the truth of the smashed music box after her daughter's endless questioning. The paragraph "...." showed how the girl was shocked and responded when she must face the cruel reality. Moreover, this description "....." also finely displayed the spiritual support and status of the house roof, a self-deception---we may be poor but we have beautiful minds.

The author progressively tell the story of the young girl. From how she was in denial, to finally accept the truth, to the fully vanishment of her fantasy. This plot developement gave us a story with high integrity(completness).

1. 下次翻译请说明程度...小学和中学的简单相差甚远....这边中学程度应该都看得懂了吧?
2. 残酷真相出现次数很多,这里分别用了naked truth, fact, cruel reality, 及bloody truth...其实还有ugly fact...可以用

吐槽: 时间都去哪儿了?早上就给了LZ....
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2014-04-26 · TA获得超过183个赞

Theauthor portrayed the reaction of human being when the illusions disappeared
What is illusion? What is reality anyway?
When the fantasy imagination and illusory dream disappear,one must face the curial of reality.
The author is trying to reveal this idea.

Bodyparagraph# 1

what will you be when your illusion collapse? Whatwill your reaction be? Will you be willing to face the cruel reality?
The little girl places her dream upon the musicbox, and when the music box disappears
Her sustenance of dream also disappears.
The author portrayed the story through the literarytechniques of symbolism, in which the author portrays the music box as the girl’sinnocence and fantasy.
Her father gives her a beautiful music box, as wellas offering her a fantasy of dream.
When the dream disappears, consequently we mightfeel a sense of alienation as well as the emotion of escaping from reality.
For example when the girl in the story continuouslyasks her mother about her music box, so did her mother tells her the music boxhas been broken.
The girl is refusing to accept truth, not willingto accept the reality of her dream of innocence has been destroyed.
Another example would be that when the girl findsher broken pieces of music; instead of picking the pieces up, she gently touchesit and leave them where they were the left.
The meaning here is to indicate the girl is willing toface the reality and give up her dream and fantasy
从结构和你写的部分来看这比较像读书后要求写的作文,而且应该是在美国或者是美式学校;包括里面的analytical statics 和 literary techniques。我现在就在美国留学所以你可以相信我的翻译。
不过 我只翻译了intro 和 body 1,如果你觉得可以的话采纳我之后我再把剩下的部分给你
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