______weather!it's raining.Bad luck !we have to stay at home all day. A.what bad B.how bad 我来答 1个回答 #热议# 为什么有人显老,有人显年轻? 创作者GB3LC5HYqM 2020-06-06 · TA获得超过3.7万个赞 知道大有可为答主 回答量:1.5万 采纳率:25% 帮助的人:947万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 Aweather是不可数名词,感叹名词用what不明白可追问;如果对你有帮助,别忘了采纳和点赞哦!Thanks!Mayyoubehappyeverydayandmakegreatprogress! 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 推荐律师服务: 若未解决您的问题,请您详细描述您的问题,通过百度律临进行免费专业咨询 其他类似问题 2020-07-25 What bad weather it is today!这个句子对吗 应该是 How bad weather it is today! 吧 2013-03-17 what bad weather!It's raining again! Bad_______! A.lucky B.luck C.luckily D.unluckily 选择,请详解 1 2012-01-16 _____ bad weather ! We have to stay at home. A. How B. How a C. What D. what a 8 2016-08-31 ____ bad the weather is!A. What B. ... 2 2012-09-30 The bad weather has ____ their project. 2 2011-07-15 ( )weather it was that day! A.What a bad B.How bad C.How a bad D.What bad 3 2021-01-17 The weather today is(bad) it was yesterday 2 2011-04-25 () the bad weather,the swimming match had been put off. B.Thanks to C.With the help of D.For 我怎么 5 为你推荐: