歌词,大概是什么i also miss you英文歌,快节奏的 30

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2015-09-21 · 总有一首歌、一段话、一本书,触动你的内心深处!
采纳数:4620 获赞数:6826

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Heart by Heart - Demi Lovato
When your soul finds the soul it was waiting for

When someone walks into your heart through an open door

When your hand finds the hand it was meant to hold

Don't let go

Someone comes into your world

Suddenly your world has changed forever

No there's no one else's eyes

That could see into me

No one else's arms can lift

Lift me up so high

Your love lifts me out of time

And you know my heart by heart

When you're one with the one you were meant to be find
Everything falls in place, all the stars align

When you're touched by the cloud that has touched your soul

Don't let go

Someone comes into your life

It's like they've been in your life forever

No there's no one else's eyes

That could see into me

No one else's arms can lift

Lift me up so high

Your love lifts me out of time

And you know my heart by heart

So now we've found our way to find each other

So now I found my way, to you

No there's no one else's eyes

That could see into me

No there's no one else's eyes

That could see into me

No one else's arms can lift

Lift me up so high

Your love lifts me out of time
And you know my heart by heart

And you know my heart by heart

And you know my heart by heart

And you know my heart by heart
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