Alabama Airlines has notified its pilots to stop topping off their fuel tanks. Alarmed, pilot Buck Rogers sent a copy of the memo to Time Magazine, which investigated the matter. It discovered that AA was reacting to a 50-percent increase in fuel prices in the last year alone. The memo warned pilots to put only the amount of fuel into the plane that was necessary to reach the destination.
The memo reminded pilots that their primary responsibility was to ensure that AA's profits increased every quarter. Topping off the tanks resulted in extra fueling time and extra weight. The extra time and weight were reducing company profits. The memo concluded with these instructions: turn off the engines when stuck in long lines on the runways; if there is a strong tailwind, turn off all the engines and glide; and, wherever it is available, use "economy" jet fuel.
Pilots immediately complained, saying that such a policy put their lives and the public’s lives at great risk. Yielding to their complaints, AA allowed pilots to put in an extra ten gallons of fuel.
Alabama Airlines has notified its pilots to stop topping off their fuel tanks. Alarmed, pilot Buck Rogers sent a copy of the memo to Time Magazine, which investigated the matter. It discovered that AA was reacting to a 50-percent increase in fuel prices in the last year alone. The memo warned pilots to put only the amount of fuel into the plane that was necessary to reach the destination.
The memo reminded pilots that their primary responsibility was to ensure that AA's profits increased every quarter. Topping off the tanks resulted in extra fueling time and extra weight. The extra time and weight were reducing company profits. The memo concluded with these instructions: turn off the engines when stuck in long lines on the runways; if there is a strong tailwind, turn off all the engines and glide; and, wherever it is available, use "economy" jet fuel.
Pilots immediately complained, saying that such a policy put their lives and the public’s lives at great risk. Yielding to their complaints, AA allowed pilots to put in an extra ten gallons of fuel.

2025-01-20 广告
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