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2018-01-03 · 一起分享生活的点点滴滴
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书上告诉我们学习英语可以让我们有更多的交流空间;有更多的机会接触到世界。书上说的真好,可从我学习的几十年看来,自己并没有多一点交流的空间也没有多半点接触到世界的机会,反而因为这个东西浪费了自己好多的时间。 The book tells us to learn English can let us have more communication space; Have more opportunity to access to the world. The book says the true good, can learn from me decades, I didn't no more communication room most contacts to the opportunity of the world, instead, because it wasted a lot of your time. 在中国是个大学生就得学英语,我可说了是学英语而不是学一门外语。那么英语是不是外语呢!是一定是。可是在我看来这比学会自己的语言还要重要!你是个中国人可以讲一口不太标准的中文可能没有多少人会说一些什么也不会有什么因为中文的标准不是太容易被量化,可能是因为中文太难了吧!如果没有一口标准的英语呢?那就是被人看不起。为什么?教育就是这样定下来了,他们是如何定的可没有问过我。可能是因为学那个有什么好处吧!既然是有好处的,那么我们来看看它到底有什么样子的好处:世界的标准的通用语言是英语,不学不可能与别人有一个好的交流,不交流自己的文化文明不可能与别的文化文明有一个好的共识。这样世界就不可能了解我们,我们也不会让世界所了解。这条路是走不通的,要发展就要不断的有声音证明自己的存在。让每个人都证明自己的存在是个不错的主意。 A college student in China have to learn English, I can say is learning English instead of learning a foreign language. So English is a foreign language! Is must be. But it seems to me that more important than to learn their own language! You don't is a Chinese can speak standard Chinese may not many people can say some what also won't have any standard because Chinese is not too easy to quantify, probably because Chinese is too difficult!!!! If you don't have a standard English? That is being looked down upon. Why is that? Education this is settled, how they didn't asked me. Might be due to learn what's good about that! Now that is good, so let's see what it looks like the benefits of: standard of the world's common language is English, not learn can't be to have a good communication with others, not to communicate their own cultural civilization could not have a good agreement with other cultural civilization. This world is impossible to understand us, we won't let the world know it. This is the way to go, to develop a voice to prove their existence. Let everyone to prove their existence is a good idea. 可是并不是每个人都有机会证明自己的存在的,所以学完英语并不是每个人都会有机会来说给别人听。并不是所有的人都想到说英语的国家去,所以学一门英语可能不是对每个人都是必须的。中国开放了会有很多的外国人来到中国旅游或是工作或是学习什么的,所以要有可能和那些人交流的本事。但是并不是每个人都会有机会见到外国人。我在我们村生活了二十几年了一个金发碧眼的都没有见过,就按这个比例来算假如我可能活一百年,那我有可能还会有4/5机率见到过一个或是几个金发碧眼的人。但能不能与那些人说上一句话那又是另一回事了。就是为了这个几乎看不到希望的希望我就不得不准备二十几年的时间。这可比中奖来的还没有准!茫茫人海呀,谁会知道我下次会遇到谁呢?就算遇到一个外国人可是那个人会讲中文呢?那学了还会用的上英语吗?
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