用英语翻译一句话!!!!!
有两个大学二年级的长头发女生,一个穿红,一个穿绿,共同打一把洋伞,每人挎一个书包,肩并肩的朝图书馆正门走去。...
有两个大学二年级的长头发女生,一个穿红,一个穿绿,共同打一把洋伞,每人挎一个书包,肩并肩的朝图书馆正门走去。
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有两个大学二年级的长头发女生,一个穿红,一个穿绿,共同打一把洋伞,每人挎一个书包,肩并肩的朝图书馆正门走去。
There
are
two
sophomore
girls
with
long
hair,
one
in
red,
another
in
green,
together
they
share
a
n
umbrella.
Each
carrying
a
bag,
side
by
side
they
are
walking
towards
the
library
entrance
有两个大学二年级的长头发女生,一个穿红,一个穿绿,共同打一把洋伞,每人挎一个书包,肩并肩的朝图书馆正门走去。
There
are
two
sophomore
girls
with
long
hair,
one
in
red,
another
in
green,
together
they
share
a
n
umbrella.
Each
carrying
a
bag,
side
by
side
they
are
walking
towards
the
library
entrance
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