I was awakened by footsteps late at night. It was dark all around. Through the place under the door of my apartment, I saw a beam of light that should be emitted by a flashlight. Suddenly I heard a noise. Although I didn't fully understand it, at least I heard the words "isolation and blockade" and "zone B". I was anxious and hid under the bed. After a few seconds, the sound and light disappeared. Until I went to sleep, I concentrated on listening to what was happening at the door. The next morning, I was awakened by the cold wind. Inevitably, after tossing and turning all night, the fire went out, and I was shivering with cold. It doesn't sound convincing to cancel the morning bath every day due to the cold water and the sub freezing temperature in the room. My plan for this day is to visit my grandparents to see if they are well or if they are still well. These make me feel anxious, and I'm so upset. I have to take risks and go to unknown places to find some food, water and warm clothes.
I was awakened by footsteps late at night. It was dark all around. Through the place under the door of my apartment, I saw a beam of light that should be emitted by a flashlight. Suddenly I heard a noise. Although I didn't fully understand it, at least I heard the words "isolation and blockade" and "zone B". I was anxious and hid under the bed. After a few seconds, the sound and light disappeared. Until I went to sleep, I concentrated on listening to what was happening at the door. The next morning, I was awakened by the cold wind. Inevitably, after tossing and turning all night, the fire went out, and I was shivering with cold. It doesn't sound convincing to cancel the morning bath every day due to the cold water and the sub freezing temperature in the room. My plan for this day is to visit my grandparents to see if they are well or if they are still well. These make me feel anxious, and I'm so upset. I have to take risks and go to unknown places to find some food, water and warm clothes.
深夜我被脚步声吵醒了。四周漆黑一片,透过我公寓门边下的地方,看到一束应该是手电筒发出的光。突然间我听到有声音。虽然没完全听懂,但至少我听到了隔离封锁和“B区”的字眼。我焦虑不安,躲到床底下。几秒后,声音和光线消失了。直到入睡前,我都集中精神倾听着门口处的动静。次日早晨,我被吹进来的冷风吹醒。必然的,折腾经过了一整晚,炉火熄灭了,我冷得直发抖。由于冰冷的水和室内零下的冰点温度而取消了每天的晨浴,这听起来没有说服力。这一天的计划是去探望我的祖父母,看他们是否安好,或者是否他们还安在。这些让我内心焦虑以致耿耿于心。我必须要冒险,去未知的地方寻找到一些食物、水和温暖的衣物。 望采纳