英语 英语

Ihadaveryspecialteacherinhighschoolmanyyearsagowhosehusbandunexpectedlydiedsuddlyofah... I had a very special teacher in high school many years ago whose husband unexpectedly died suddly of a heart attack. About a week after his _16_ she shared some of her insight with a classroom of students.
With a _17_ look of reflection on her face, she paused and said,"_18_ class is over,I would like to _19_ with all of you a thought that is _20_ to class,which I feel very important.Each of us is put here on earth to learn,share,appreciate and give of ourselves,and _21_ of us know when this fantastic experience will _22_. It can be taken away at any moment.Perhaps this is Gold's way of telling us that we must make the most of every _23_ day.”
Her eyes filled with tears, she went on,“so I would like you all to make me a _24_:Form now on,on your way to school,or on your way home,find something _25_to notice.It doesn't have to be something you _26_—It could be a scent—perhaps of _27_baked bread wafting out of someone's house,or it could be the _28_of the breeze slightly rustling the leaves in the trees.Pleas,look for these things,and _29_them .We must make it important to notice them,for at any time,they can all be _30_away.”
The class was completely _31_.We all picked up and filed away our books,and then went out of the room sliently.On my way home I tried to appreciate all of those things that sometimes we all _32_.
Take _33_of something special you see during your lunch time today.Go barefoot.Or walk on the beach at sunset._34_on the way home tonight to get an ice cream cone.For as we get older,it is not the things we _35_that we often regret,but the things we didn't do.
16.A illness B attack C accident D death
17.A curious B exciting C gentle D anxious
18.A after B before C for D until
19.A talk B discuss C spare D share
20.A unrelated B referred C linked D connected
21.A many B few C none D all
22.A happen B end C continue D appear
23.A single B other C important D busy
24.A story B report C survery D promise
25.A strange B regular C wonderful D important
26.A know B see C smell D taste
27.A freshly B immediately C readily D briefly
28.A picture B voice C sound D imagination
29.A examine B touch C watch D appreciate
30.A put B given C called D taken
31.A noisy B quiet C calm D puzzled
32.A neglect B enjoy C experience Dvaule
33.A care B advantage C notice D account
34.A Get off B Keep off C Turn off D Stop off
35.A cared B did C expected D thought
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