例句:I can type 50 words a minute.我每分钟能打50个单词。词组:take a minute用一小会儿时间。wait a minute且慢。a minute or two一两分钟
Each minute of simple , instant messaging-style chatting costs one credit .每分钟即时通讯聊天需要一个积分。
Employees were often not compensated for overtime when it came in less than 30 minute intervals.员工加班不超过30分钟一般没有加班费。
And it only takes a minute !而这只需要一分钟!I ain 't got a minute .你连一分钟都没有。Installation takes less than a minute .安装过程不到一分钟。
Why the 2 minute restriction ?为什么要有两分钟这个限制?Now , she says she loves every minute .她说她享受现在的分分秒秒。
Happiness can be felt every minute , every hour and every single day .快乐在每一分,每一时,每一天都可以被感受。
Minute by minute , evenings and weekends came the random responses to customer messages .不分日夜、无论工作日还是休息日,他每分每秒随时都会回复客户的信息。
His message was clear to everyone in the room : understanding the minute details of chemistry matters .他向在座各位传达的信息很明确:要理解化学现象中分分秒秒的细节。
2023-07-11 广告