ff缩写Fire Fighting消防、呋喃甲醛自由浮动量FF、自由时差FF、法国法郎FF、固定的手续费FF、双稳定态多谐振荡器,触发电路,触发器FF、福特基金会[美]FF、自由飞行FF
Fire Fighting消防
1.Responsible for firefighting, security and environment protection of all company.负责消防设备 、 安全设备及环境保护设备的管理。
2.Scope of application: work in oil field, mine, for firefighting and forest.适用范围: 油田 、 消防、林业 、 矿山等道路或非道路作业。
3.Firefighting is an inherently dangerous occupation.消防工作本身是一项危险的职业。
4.Force three to seven wind the the firefighting and the fire is still rampant.现场三到七级的大风给灭火带来困难,火势依然迅猛。
5.Here, Elvis the heavy - duty, - engine helitanker shows off its firefighting skills for the Oshkosh crowd.在这里, 猫王的重型双引擎直升机,空中加油机炫耀的奥什科什人群的消防技能。