1.九阳神功 nine man's power
2.九阴真经 nine woman'story
3.九阴白骨爪 nine woman catch a white bone
4.神照经 God bless yu
5.胡家刀法 Dr.Hu'sword
6.两仪剑法 1/2 sword
7.一阳指 one finger just like a pen is
8.洗髓经 wash bone
9.苗家刀法 Miao's sword
10.易筋经 change YOur bone
11.龙象波若功 D and E ble togeter
12.梯云纵心法 elevator jump
13.轻功水上飘 flying skill
14.小无相功 a unseen power
16.胡青牛医书 buffulo Hu's medicine book(
17.五毒秘传 the experience of eat drink fUCK bet and *** oke(
18.药王神篇 king of drag
19.七伤拳 7 hurted an
20.天山六阳掌 6 men of mountain Sky's press
21.黯然销魂掌 Deepblue press
22.松风剑法 softwind sword
23.回风落雁剑法 eback sword
24.血刀经 blood strike
25.金刚伏魔圈 superman's cover
26.八荒唯我独尊功 my name is NO.1
27.含沙射影 shoot you with a machine gun
28.葵花宝典 sunflower Bible/from gentlenan to a lady
29.打狗棒法 guide of dog beating