I. The Main Documents for Visa Application
1、签证申请表 Visa application's form
2、护照 Passport
3、在读证明 Studying certificate
4、学习计划 Study plan
5、个人陈述 Personal Statement
6、推荐信 Reference letter/ Recommendation letter
7、录取通知书 The offer letter/ I 20 form
8、毕业证书 Graduation diploma
9、学位证书 Bachelor's Degree
10、成绩单 Score list/ transcripts
11、雅思成绩单 IELTS list
12、英语四、六级证书 The certificate of CET4 and CET6
14、获奖证书 Honor certificates
15、GPA grade point average美国的GPA满分是4分,即A=4,B=3,C=2, D=1.
16、住校 Live on campus
17、订机票 Book the ticket
II. The Finance Supporting Documents
1、存款证明 The certificate of deposit
2、存单/存折Bank receipt/Bankbook
3、父/母亲收入证明 The working certificate of my father/mother
4、津贴/奖金 Subsidy/Bonus
5、年终奖金 Year-end bonus
6、年工资 Annual salary/Yearly salary
III. Other Supporting Documents
1、身份证及户口本 ID card and Household register (Family book)
2、股票证明和资金对帐单 Stock certificate& fund list
3、房产证明 The certificate of house property
4、签发签证 Issue the visa
5、签证官 Visa officer
1、签证申请表 Visa application's form
2、护照 Passport
3、在读证明 Studying certificate
4、学习计划 Study plan
5、个人陈述 Personal Statement
6、推荐信 Reference letter/ Recommendation letter
7、录取通知书 The offer letter/ I 20 form
8、毕业证书 Graduation diploma
9、学位证书 Bachelor's Degree
10、成绩单 Score list/ transcripts
11、雅思成绩单 IELTS list
12、英语四、六级证书 The certificate of CET4 and CET6
14、获奖证书 Honor certificates
15、GPA grade point average美国的GPA满分是4分,即A=4,B=3,C=2, D=1.
16、住校 Live on campus
17、订机票 Book the ticket
II. The Finance Supporting Documents
1、存款证明 The certificate of deposit
2、存单/存折Bank receipt/Bankbook
3、父/母亲收入证明 The working certificate of my father/mother
4、津贴/奖金 Subsidy/Bonus
5、年终奖金 Year-end bonus
6、年工资 Annual salary/Yearly salary
III. Other Supporting Documents
1、身份证及户口本 ID card and Household register (Family book)
2、股票证明和资金对帐单 Stock certificate& fund list
3、房产证明 The certificate of house property
4、签发签证 Issue the visa
5、签证官 Visa officer