
这里有6个话题,用英语回答:一个好老师应该具有什么品质,为什么?人口老龄化变成我们国家的大问题,你如何看待这个问题?请讨论这个问题发生的原因和影响,并发表你对于这个问题的... 这里有6个话题,用英语回答:
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2013-12-26 · TA获得超过996个赞
第一个问题:First, the teacher should love life, love and know what kind of life, has been in love with life make unremitting struggle.
Secondly, the teacher should be good at thinking. Teachers in the education and teaching life, must have the spirit of doubt, criticism, construction attitude.
Thirdly, teachers should have a tolerant, kind heart. If not your heart to toleratetheir mistakes, not to face the failure of students, just a fraction; without a heart,how can love their students?
Finally, the spirit of self learning teachers should have never let. To do the teacher, you always keep myself as a student. A didn't love of learning, you canteach the students love learning? A person qualified in general, but with the spirit of learning also persevere can realize self value.
第二个问题:The aging pressure: cause to national endowment insurance fund balancepressure. The rapid growth of the elderly population increase basic old-age pensionpayment demand; on the aging of the population bearing capacity of our currenteconomy is weak, leading to the pension fund face enormous financial pressure.And with the basic endowment insurance fund collection, expand the coverage ofdifficulties and other reasons, China's basic old-age insurance fund income over expenditure situation will become more and more serious.
The aging of population in China is the objective reality that will exist for a long time,don't take it as a burden, but should and must do a great thing, we should all think,not for the elderly, the young generation, not the old hard work, that there is in today's society?!
The state, society and family should care for the elderly, care for the elderly, calledevery old man spent a happy old age.
第三个问题:Every man needs may never be the same, can have a common point, that is theneed to junior care (but not his junior had more money, more comfort can) elderly people are afraid of loneliness, if the old man lives alone requires you to have a look they will often, or call, in general the old general usually need to see themlive, work, family and all the best, it is very important to them, in general I think in general people do not necessarily need them how much money to spend on the old man, as long as the usual spare time I considerate, care, has the time words toaccompany the old man to talk, chat, no time then usual time calling up, have timeto see the old man is best not to, because although the elderly are not original to see do junior money, but also want to spend a little money, say something, such asbuy some supplements what, in short, to let the man know do junior heart old manknow about them is enough, of course this is general, if the elderly sick to go to the hospital or to spend the money
Why now divorced family children have psychological problems? Just because a child's psychological by environmental stimuli. People are changing, if a pair ofopen-minded parents, recognize people changed divorce is natural thing, so,divorce is husband and wife two people, has nothing to do with the children, there is no need to go to war, every child is still the same treatment, divorce will not bring the child psychological problems.
Some people say, I have two children, are treated equally, why children did not appear psychological allergy, and small but appeared? This is the character and environment relationship, this character in this kind of environment, but the kind ofcharacter in this kind of environment is not adapt to the. Therefore, the training process the child into, is to improve the process, perfect self cultivation.
第五个:You say you want to seriously study, examination for a good result. The child said,now the implementation of quality education, the only objective scores instead of learning; you're trying to concentrate on my studies, to find a good occupation.The child said that now promote comprehensive development ability, can read won't necessarily be able to find a good job; you say to the people to be honest and upright, examine oneself, feeling no shame. The child asked why the honest peoplealways suffer, more and more corrupt officials. Facing the reality of society,parents and we have many confused, because the experience is shallow, less experience, but also dare to say, so we view and the parents have the difference isvery normal. Making making
(翻译:你说要认真读书,考试争个好成绩。孩子说现在推行素质教育,分数不是学习的唯一目的;你说要专心学习,将来找个好职业。孩子说现在提倡全面发展能力,会读书不一定就能找到好工作;你说要为人要诚实正直,问心无愧。孩子问为什么老实人总是吃亏,贪官污吏越来越多。面对社会现实,父母和我们一样有许多的困惑不解,由于阅历浅,经验少,又敢想敢说,所以我们的看法和父母有差异是很正常的。 )
第六个问题:Parents don't say to the child as long as you concentrate on the book on the line,other don't ask, children don't what national issues. The children have a look the television news programs and some related social problems, take the time to read the newspaper, in some public welfare activities should be encouraged and supported, not afraid of children affected and not let him out of the house for thesociety.
So, generation gap in the primary responsibility for their children, because of the generation gap with the age increasing uncertainty, to parents to adapt and to eliminate it is inappropriate. Making
The classmates, we often say to keep pace with the times, in fact, truly this sentencenot only have we, and our parents! Just before they accept new ideas always aftera careful screening, but this not wrong!
(翻译: 父母不要再对我们说你只要专心读书就行了,别的不要过问,小孩子不要管什么国家大事。我们看看电视的新闻联播以及一些有关社会问题的节目、抽点时间读读报纸、参加一些公益活动都应该得到鼓励和支持,不要怕我们受到消极影响而不让他走出家门面向社会。
同学们,我们常说与时俱进,其实真正做到这句话的不仅有我们,还有我们的父母啊!只是他们在接受新观点之前总是要经过一番仔细的筛选,可这并没有错啊! )

2013-12-26 · TA获得超过296个赞
1.A good teacher should be owned a polite and positive attitude and patience,because he/her will faced numerous students each day,good patience will make teacher gentle answer the students questions . Be polite positive attitude will make teacher can rightly guiding the students came into a light and right road of life.

2.As the national statistics report that we knew ,current our country already came in the aging of population era.But why?My opinion is ,since the government declared implement the family planning policy ,Chinese couples already reduced the pregnancy rate .Another side ,with the rapid soared of housing and inflation ,people won't and can't raise a kid easier ,most of them are busying with the common life.Plus those so-called professors who working as civil servants serial are always bullshit for domestic price is too low to raise up ,enforced the life costs increased day by day ,the people only have time to care themselves life yet to think about the breeding..My solution is government gotta be control the inflation and cut off the family planning policy ,and cancel those civil servants invisible welfare,then people won't afford those highly so-called social raise fee blah blah blah..

3.To a old man ,the leisure life is the first important .With became older ,the human body also changed such as the descend of blood circulation and metabolism ,the old man will naturally move slowly.Also the minds ,the gray cells thinking also bring down the action,might be they will increasingly blind or deaf in one day .But the important feeling is their hearts feeling ,they want the children can spend more time to stay with them to release the depression with the age got older,they are fear lonely.Most cases shown us that a old man died not because their physic function yet the feeling of lonely.

4.A new infant born ,because they were protected by the mother's immunity system such as the womb ,their activities was limited in it,so when the labor incoming ,the infants actually born as a white paper.But we also knew ,people will changed in the different environment just like the natural evolution ,good family education from parents will make their children learn the positive attitude and active energy and vice versa .So when the new life appeared in your life ,you'd better shown him/her a positive vision ,people will learn!

5.The generation gap.Of course everybody will met it .As i was a child ,maybe i was 13 years old ,i like English ,but both my parents only want make me as a architect ,so they enforced me to concentrated on the mathmatics and geometry ,they pushed me tightest ,and i really really hate this major `only preferred English language.One day ,i told them ,you guys only like your favorite ,but have you ever considered what is my favorite?You didn't know me!And this is my first generation gap between me and my parents.(Its fiction ,my parents highly support me focus on the language)

6.The relationship between parent and child.
In my opinion ,the excellent relationship between the parent and child gotta be both side are very knowing each other ,including the advantages and defectives ,they should be often communicate with different suggestion .Definitely ,it should be called the views of every thing ,as least the parent must shown a good example to their children ,isn't it?
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what kind of quality should a good teachet be equiped with?
How do you think of the problem that aging of population has been a big trouble in China?Please discuss the reason and influence of it and then put up with a way to deal with it.
What do you think is the most important thing for an aged person?the comfort of the body or the mind? give your opinion as well as the reason.
The child is born to be a blank paper.It's the environment what decides his personnity.Please give your opinion .
There is usually a big generation gap between the parents and their children.Is there such things between your family? Tell us the story and then discuss the ideal realationship between them.
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