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一个老师在自己的教学生涯中,要上许多公开课。上好公开课是每个老师的心愿。让课堂生活过程之旅常新,让课堂生活理论之树常绿,让课堂生活之路常直,是我们当老师的理想。那么英语教学的课堂又是如何的呢?如何激活学生的思维?如何将课堂气氛推向高潮?如何使创新的火花不时被点燃?如何让课堂教学的有效性得到很好的体现?笔者从事教学教研工作多年一、 教师要有扎实的教学基本功教师扎实的教学基本功是教师在三尺讲台“立住脚”、“站稳脚”、“站好脚”的前提,尤其是英语教师,在讲台上一开口,地道的英语,优美清晰的语音语调,到位的知识讲解对下面听课的学生和教师都会有强烈的吸引力,这时成功的课堂教学已迈出了第一步。二、教师要透彻理解教材教师对教材的正确的理解是上好公开课的前提,在此基础上,教师才会有明确的教学目标,并回绕这个教学目标展开各种教学活动,设计层次清晰的教学步骤,使教学过程有序而富有逻辑性,各环节之间的衔接能流畅而自然。三、教师要激活学生的思维成就课堂教学的精彩的关键是把学生的学习积极性调动起来,激活学生的思维。课堂的组织者和引导者,不仅要熟悉思维运动的几种形式,还要善于点拨、引导,才能使学生对学习的内容发生兴趣,从而进入积极思维的状态,为课堂教学的精彩作充分的准备。尤其是设计一个良好的导语(presentation)非常重要,因为一首乐章要有优美动人的序曲,一出戏剧要有钩人心魄的序幕,一篇文章要有引人入胜的开头。一堂课刚开始,学生的注意力往往比较集中,教师如能设计一个优秀的导语来吸引学生,拨动学生的心弦,激发学生的学习兴趣,课堂活动就能顺利进行,课堂气氛就会变得生动活泼、和谐轻松,那么这堂课已成功了一半。下面是一位教师在上《牛津英语》教材高中2A Unit2 Fashion时师生之间的一段精彩的对话:T: What is very popular both in school and outside school?S1: Sunglasses.S2:Special hairstyle.S3: Mp3.S4: Computer games.S5: Mahjong(麻将).T: What do you think about fashion?S6: Fashion is something that is popular.S7: Fashion is something that most people like.S8: Fashion is something that people like to do the same thing.S9: Fashion is something that keeps up pace with modern life.T: (补充)Language can also be fashionable. For example, now a lot of people like American English. So fashion is the way of dressing or behaving that is unusual or popular at a certain time.[Longman].教师对fashion一词作解释后继续讨论:T:Let’s talk about the fashion again. What can be fashionable?S10:Blue is very fashionable 40 years ago….S11: Now gene is very fashionable….从以上的教学片断可以看出,教师准确地把握了设疑的方向,通过学生感兴趣的问题的设置,把学生调动起来,使学生对这堂课要学的内容发生兴趣,并进入积极的思维状态。要调动学生,激活学生的思维,教师准确把握质疑的时机无疑也是非常重要的。再以上述这堂课为例,教师与学生一起分析教材的内容,学生学习感知并理解课文内容后,教师设置讨论题:T: What effects will fashion cause to students?学生分组回答:Group1: pay more attention to their appearance, clothing, lifestyle…Group2: pay more attention to modern science, eg. gene, clone, nanometer(纳米)….Group3: They want to keep pace with the modern life….教师继续设问:T:What is or are the most important thing or things in life?学生回答:love/knowledge/friendship/being happy/spirit….从以上的讨论可以看出,由于教师适时而精当的点拨、引导,才有学生思维活跃,主动探究的精彩。这样,既使课文得到了总结、拓展和探究,又锻炼了学生的思维能力。 当然,教师所提问题一定要适度。一是深度,即不能超越学生的知识基础;二是广度,即不能超出学生生活实践的范围。否则,无法激活学生思维。四、教师要讲究课堂组织、调控、启发的艺术教学提问是教师教学的重要手段和教学活动的有机组成部分。Bellack(1996)曾指出:“在所进行研究的课堂上,教学程序的核心是教师的提问,学生的回答,经常还有老师对学生的回答所做出的反应。”课堂提问在每天的教学中都是大量的,其有效性直接决定着教师教学的质量水平。在公开课上经常会发现教师的“逼供”式的提问,即教师通过不断的追问,甚至是一些没有实际思维含量的提问,如教师不停地问学生:Yes or no? Do you think so? 等,非要学生按自己的设计回答Yes; 一味地把学生往自己预设的“框子”里面“逼”;而学生则费尽心思地揣摩教师想得到的“供”,时下这已经成了公开课中出现的普遍现象。造成这种现象的主要原因是教师教学理念的滞后:只关注教学设计的有序实施,不注重教学过程的随机生成;只考虑自己准备的内容是不是讲完了,不考虑学生是不是接受了。五、教师要灵活处理教材,教学设计符合学生实际有人说“公开课与其说成是讲给学生听的,倒不如说是演给听课老师看到的。”这从一个方面说明了目前一些公开课上教学的不真实性,而在课堂上教师的情感虚饰则增加了公开课“作秀”的成分。新课标反复提倡的一个理念是积极倡导自由、合作、探究的学习方式,鼓励教师给学生创造探究平台。因此,凡公开课我们都可以见到诸如“讨论”、“探讨”之类的环节,它好像已经成了新课标旗帜性的标志,似乎谁不用谁就跟不上新课标精神一样。更重要的是冷场是公开课第一大敌,这个险好像谁都冒不起,而热热闹闹的讨论正好可以弥补这一缺憾。于是想办法让学生开口说话、让课堂热闹起来成了首要的事情,花里胡哨的东西越来越多。所以在公开课上大家经常看到教师用一些鼓励性的语言寻找发言者,哪怕是一句不着边际的话,也是“感恩”不尽,并赶快接过他的话头引导到自己所预设的轨道上来。不管学生的回答正不正确、有没有道理都说“You’re great!”, “You did a good job.”。教师的表扬是用来激发学生的发言欲望的,但是这种无限演绎的廉价的表扬又能起到多大的作用呢?为了热闹为了合作,为了更能体现新课标精神,老师们想着法儿变花样,有的甚至到了哗众取宠的地步,一看便是虚情假意。所以教师要创造性地使用教材,对教材进行适当的调整和取舍,教学设计必须符合学生的实际。六、教师要营造“亮点”,让课堂教学高潮迭起课堂教学的“亮点”是指教师的教学给学生留下最深刻鲜明的印象并得到学生最富于感情反应的时刻,这时师生双方的积极性达到最佳配合状态。有经验的教师进行教学时,总是牢牢地抓住学生的注意力,不失时机地精心制造教学的亮点,把课堂教学推向高潮,以使学生达到情绪高涨、智力振奋的积极状态。课堂亮点的出现使学生受到良性的强烈的刺激,使课堂教学的境界得到升华。那么,如何营造“亮点”呢?“亮点”可以是事先设计的,也可以是课堂随机生成的,营造亮点,一看你的意识强不强,二看你的能力硬不硬,三看你的机智高不高。七、教师要充满激情马卡连柯曾经指出:“做教师的决不能没有表情,不善于表情的人就不能做教师。”一个冷漠、毫无激情的教师,他的教学必定是枯燥无味的。公开课上教师饱满的热情、最佳的心境和高昂的教学激情必能感染学生,调动教学气氛,使学生在心理上产生共振,进入最佳的学习状态。做一个充满激情的英语教师,就需要教师在课堂上全身心地投入,真诚地对待学生,教师真诚的关注容易感染学生。英语教师要做到“让学生喜欢你的英语课,让学生喜欢英语学习,让学生有终身学习英语的意识”的境界有很多途径,而充满激情无疑是其中很重要的一条。八、教师要富有机智教学机智在当今课改新课堂中扮演的角色越来越重要。教师要自如地驾驭课堂这个复杂多变的动态系统,顺利地完成教学任务,就必须掌握教学机智。俄国教育家乌申斯基说:“不论教育者是怎样地研究教育理论,如果他没有教育机智,他不可能成为一个优秀的教育实践者。”教学机智并非可望而不可及,只要我们掌握它的一般规律,利用科学的方法,沿着有效的途径,就不难处理好课堂偶发情况,创造性地完成教学任务,从而不断地提高自己的教学机智水准。在公开课上课堂偶发情况的发生,无疑是对教师的一种严峻挑战。然而,挑战与机遇同在,偶发情况中,既有不利于正常教学的,也有利于正常教学的,即经过教师及时、巧妙、灵活地处理,能够对教学起到烘托、补充、增效的作用。(Simplified) Lesson Plan for Passage 63 of New Concept English (Book II)I. Teaching Aims and Demands(omitted)II. Teaching Procedure1: One-minute questions1.Who is the American president now?(George Bush)1. When is Mother’s Day celebrated?(The second Sunday of May)2. What are the three basic colors of light?(Red, yellow and green)3. What are the 5 senses of human beings?(The sense of sight/hearing/smell/taste/touch)4. In what city is the United Nations Headquarters located?(New York)5. What happened to the city about two weeks ago?(Two aeroplanes/Boeing 757 crashed into the World Trade Center and many people lost their lives…on Sept.11,2001)6. Are oranges acid/sour food or basic food?(Basic)7. Which one is better for old people to have more acid food or basic food?(basic)8. Can the elephant’s trunk drink water?(No)2: A word game3: News or storiesa. It’s our news/story time. Do you have any news/story interesting enough to share withyour classmates?b. Any comments upon what you’ve just heard?4: Text She was not amuseda. Presentationb. Listen to the tape and answer: Did Jenny enjoy her father’s sense of humor?c. Questions about the main idea of the passage:(1)Were the stories in her father’s speech very amusing?(2)Was her father an amusing person?(3)Why was Jenny not amused?(4)What were they laughing at?(5)Who were they laughing with?d. Questions for language points:(1)Does Jeremy have many friends?(a large circle of friends)(2)When you have a large circle of friends, does it mean you and your friends often stand in a circle talking together? Why? (common interest/friendship/bring you together)(3)Do you like to have a large circle of friends? Why?(Everything has two sides.)(4)Why is Jeremy very popular at parties?his sense of humoran amusing person…(5)What does well-done homework depend on? (a high sense of duty/responsibility)(6)Who do you think needs a good sense of direction especially?(a driver)(7)If I go to a new place, I get lost easily. Do you know why? (a poor sense of direction)(8)Where did Jeremy go to show his sense of humor?(at a wedding reception)(9)What is done first at a wedding reception in western countries?(It’s a custom that someone(usually chosen by the bridegroom himself) will make a speech at the reception. And this person usually has a very close relation with the bridegroom(maybe his best friend or one of his relatives). The speech will be followed by a dance. The bride and bridegroom who newly wed, dance first and then everyone joins in.)e. Questions for further comprehension of the passage:(1)How did Jeremy feel about the invitation?(This is the sort of thing he loves. eg. When I was asked to give this open lesson, Ihesitated as this is the sort of thing that I fear. sort = kind)(2)Was his speech a good success? Why?(3)What did people do after his speech?(laughed, clapped their hands…)(4)Who laughed the best? Who didn’t enjoy his speech? Why?(5)How was Jeremy feeling when he was asked to go home?(very much disappointed as his daughter’s remark was like a wet blanket---His daughterpoured cold water upon him.)(6)Is he a good father? Why? (He did as his daughter asked/just at the moment he was the very center of the attention of the reception when Jenny wanted him to go home.)(7)Is she a good daughter? Why?f. Questions for the implied meaning:Let’s find out in what way she could have been amused:(1)if she had been older and could understand her father’s humor of sense;(2)if her father had told her a bit earlier that the more people laughed, the more successful his speech would be;(3)if she had known there is a big difference between “laugh at” and “laugh with”;if she had known that people were not laughing at her father, but laughing with her father at stories;g. Read aloud(if time permits)h. Questions for imagination:1.Suppose you were Jenny, please give us some deion about that day you had.2.Suppose you were one of Jeremy’s friends at the reception, describe the scene from your own observation.3.Discuss the title/Read it with different emphasis:a. ’She Was Not Amused (while the others were amused)b. She Was ’Not Amused (on the contrary, she was rather upset)4.Are you amused after learning the story? Why?5.Have you got any questions to ask Jeremy as a newsman?
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