选自2013年6月3日“时代”周刊:Reading Literature Makes Us Smarter and Nicer (By Annie Murphy Paul)
56题选:B It should be preserved before it is too late.
解析:题干问到作者对”deep reading”(深度阅读)的看法,定位到文章第1段。第1句话说,“深度阅读”是一种濒危技能,我们应该保护起来。后文更是提到,这一实践如果消失的话会带来很大损失。其中”should”对应”ought to”, “before it is too late” 则是对“its disappearance would jeopardize…”的逆向改写。
57题选:A It helps promote readers’ intellectual and emotional growth.
58题选:B It enables the reader to be fully engaged.
解析:题干问纸张阅读与在线阅读的区别。定位到最后1段,第2句说二者在阅读体验和发展能力方面都有不同。第3句进一步补充,在线阅读 “less engaging”, 可以反推出来纸张阅读更令人投入。
59题选:D It renders reading less enjoyable.
解析:题干问,研究表明在线阅读如何。定位到最后1段第3句,作者认为在线阅读 “less satisfying”,对应选项D,render表示“使…变得…”, “less enjoyable”替换“less satisfying”。
60题选:A Onscreen readers may be less competent readers.
解析:题目问与英国“国家读写信托基金”(the National Literacy Trust)的调查相匹配的信息,定位到最后1段中间到最后。最后一句话说,研究还发现,比起结合纸张阅读和屏幕阅读的读者,只在屏幕上进行阅读的读者” less likely to be above-average readers”(不太可能成为中等偏上水平的读者)。选项中的”less competent”就是对”less likely to be above-average readers”的同义改写。
选自2013年6月4日Human Events:Abstract Immigrants (By Thomas Sowell)
61题选:C Their background may determine whether they benefit the American people.
解析:题干问作者对移民到美国的人的看法,由于第62题定位在第3段,因此反推61题应该定位在1、2段。作者认为,来自不同国家的移民之间的具体差异,将决定他们的到来对美国民众到底是好事还是坏事。选项中的 “background”对应” immigrants from different countries”, “whether they benefit the American people”对应”whether their coming here is good or bad for the American people.”
62题选:A It is hardly practical to find an ideal solution to America’s immigration problem.
63题选:C Unrestricted immigration will undermine the American welfare state.
解析:题干问,作者对美国移民政策的看法,根据细节词 “immigrant policy”定位到第6段最后一句作者提到移民政策必须考虑福利系统 “Anything we try to do as regards immigration laws has to be done in the context of a huge welfare state that is already a major, inescapable fact of life”,再结合上一句”we do not have choice between the welfare state and open borders”(要么保全福利,要么开放疆界,鱼与熊掌不可兼得),表明作者担忧不断涌入的移民会损害福利体系,选项中的unrestrained immigration对应open borders。
64题选:D To show that immigrants’ cultural incompatibility with the host country has consequences.
解析:题干问作者提到最近一次恐怖袭击的目的是什么,定位到倒数第2段。作者说整个西方世界逐渐发现,接受来自对立文化的移民会到来数不清的后果,随后就以波士顿和伦敦恐怖袭击作为例证。选项中immigrants’ cultural incompatibility 对应 people with incompatible cultures, with incalculable consequences对应 …has consequences.
65题选:B Negative.
解析:题目问作者对“移民政策全面改革”的态度,根据”comprehensive immigration reform”定位到最后1段。作者认为这一做法意味着草率行动(in a rush),还意味着一切行动都基于对抽象人群的抽象看法——这恰恰是他在前文中否定的做法。————来着长沙新东方
选自2013年6月3日“时代”周刊:Reading Literature Makes Us Smarter and Nicer (By Annie Murphy Paul)
56题选:B It should be preserved before it is too late.
解析:题干问到作者对”deep reading”(深度阅读)的看法,定位到文章第1段。第1句话说,“深度阅读”是一种濒危技能,我们应该保护起来。后文更是提到,这一实践如果消失的话会带来很大损失。其中”should”对应”ought to”, “before it is too late” 则是对“its disappearance would jeopardize…”的逆向改写。
57题选:A It helps promote readers’ intellectual and emotional growth.
58题选:B It enables the reader to be fully engaged.
解析:题干问纸张阅读与在线阅读的区别。定位到最后1段,第2句说二者在阅读体验和发展能力方面都有不同。第3句进一步补充,在线阅读 “less engaging”, 可以反推出来纸张阅读更令人投入。
59题选:D It renders reading less enjoyable.
解析:题干问,研究表明在线阅读如何。定位到最后1段第3句,作者认为在线阅读 “less satisfying”,对应选项D,render表示“使…变得…”, “less enjoyable”替换“less satisfying”。
60题选:A Onscreen readers may be less competent readers.
解析:题目问与英国“国家读写信托基金”(the National Literacy Trust)的调查相匹配的信息,定位到最后1段中间到最后。最后一句话说,研究还发现,比起结合纸张阅读和屏幕阅读的读者,只在屏幕上进行阅读的读者” less likely to be above-average readers”(不太可能成为中等偏上水平的读者)。选项中的”less competent”就是对”less likely to be above-average readers”的同义改写。
选自2013年6月4日Human Events:Abstract Immigrants (By Thomas Sowell)
61题选:C Their background may determine whether they benefit the American people.
解析:题干问作者对移民到美国的人的看法,由于第62题定位在第3段,因此反推61题应该定位在1、2段。作者认为,来自不同国家的移民之间的具体差异,将决定他们的到来对美国民众到底是好事还是坏事。选项中的 “background”对应” immigrants from different countries”, “whether they benefit the American people”对应”whether their coming here is good or bad for the American people.”
62题选:A It is hardly practical to find an ideal solution to America’s immigration problem.
63题选:C Unrestricted immigration will undermine the American welfare state.
解析:题干问,作者对美国移民政策的看法,根据细节词 “immigrant policy”定位到第6段最后一句作者提到移民政策必须考虑福利系统 “Anything we try to do as regards immigration laws has to be done in the context of a huge welfare state that is already a major, inescapable fact of life”,再结合上一句”we do not have choice between the welfare state and open borders”(要么保全福利,要么开放疆界,鱼与熊掌不可兼得),表明作者担忧不断涌入的移民会损害福利体系,选项中的unrestrained immigration对应open borders。
64题选:D To show that immigrants’ cultural incompatibility with the host country has consequences.
解析:题干问作者提到最近一次恐怖袭击的目的是什么,定位到倒数第2段。作者说整个西方世界逐渐发现,接受来自对立文化的移民会到来数不清的后果,随后就以波士顿和伦敦恐怖袭击作为例证。选项中immigrants’ cultural incompatibility 对应 people with incompatible cultures, with incalculable consequences对应 …has consequences.
65题选:B Negative.
解析:题目问作者对“移民政策全面改革”的态度,根据”comprehensive immigration reform”定位到最后1段。作者认为这一做法意味着草率行动(in a rush),还意味着一切行动都基于对抽象人群的抽象看法——这恰恰是他在前文中否定的做法。————来着长沙新东方