48 To Go
The Fray
From Denver to California
By way of Mexico
We're lost and we're finding each other
And we may never see the west coast
We may never see the west coast
We're taking it slow
But for now, we're two down
And forty eight to go
Missed an exit in Albuquerque
We don't seem to mind at all
We pull over, the sun is burning
And we lay down to feel the rain fall
We're taking it slow
But for now, we're two down
And forty eight to go
The desert wind blowing your hair back
Window down, town after town
Where will we be in half a century?
Two down and forty eight to go
The sun rises in Bernardino
Some time after six A.M.
You take twenty seven up old canyon road
Sometimes you win before you run
Sometimes you win before
We got forty eight, forty eight to go
forty eight to go
forty eight forty eight
Come on baby
Come on darling,
forty eight to go
The Fray
From Denver to California
By way of Mexico
We're lost and we're finding each other
And we may never see the west coast
We may never see the west coast
We're taking it slow
But for now, we're two down
And forty eight to go
Missed an exit in Albuquerque
We don't seem to mind at all
We pull over, the sun is burning
And we lay down to feel the rain fall
We're taking it slow
But for now, we're two down
And forty eight to go
The desert wind blowing your hair back
Window down, town after town
Where will we be in half a century?
Two down and forty eight to go
The sun rises in Bernardino
Some time after six A.M.
You take twenty seven up old canyon road
Sometimes you win before you run
Sometimes you win before
We got forty eight, forty eight to go
forty eight to go
forty eight forty eight
Come on baby
Come on darling,
forty eight to go
不是,高潮前面有come on baby come on 什么
come on pat 1 试试这首
It Takes Time To Be A Man
Running Up That Hill - Placebo
Save Our Love by Eternal 这两首呢?
let it roll 动感单车的
Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. 珍惜人生路上的点点滴滴,悲喜都是自己的,生活的苦与甜,累与不累都得自己受,脚下的路,没人替你决定方向,心中的伤,没人替你擦去泪光,也有失马时的焉知非福,人生的精彩就是这样,在你看过了人生的种种风景,得与失,成功与失败,开心与伤心,相拥与别离,人生的精彩便尽在眼底。小两口吵架,吵得很厉害。谁也不服软。同事:“和你商量个事好么?”我:“你说吧。”同事:“我最近手头比较紧,所以……”